Use "inanimate" in a sentence

1. Azoology the study of inanimate nature

2. How can people idolize inanimate things?

3. Everything animate and inanimate followed him.

4. A stone is an inanimate object.

5. A rock is an inanimate object.

6. Inanimate vs Abiological - what is the difference

7. It is that of the inanimate disposable object.

8. Abiology: The study of inanimate, inorganic, or lifeless things

9. Alive definition is - having life : not dead or inanimate

10. He thought of the baby almost as an inanimate object.

11. It forces them to tease out information from inanimate objects.

12. As a rule, the locative postposition only modifies inanimate nouns.

13. N Appetence In inanimate things, material or chemical attraction or

14. He looks at me as if I'm an inanimate object.

15. So does all inanimate matter, made up of trillions of atoms.

16. So quantum mechanics says that inanimate objects feel the same way.

17. She was naked(, and inanimate textiles lapped her skin.

18. Inanimate metaphor, were the least hyperbole were the Abstractionistic metaphor, and

19. Apologues are fables, especially having animals or inanimate objects as characters

20. Frankly, I never used to feel guilty about disappointing inanimate objects.

21. And yes, the baby is just your standard inanimate stage bundle.

22. Clearly, both inanimate and animate things can be designed and engineered!

23. Only the inanimate objects in view were registered on the plates.

24. Let us now see the effect of acid rain on inanimate objects .

25. For, instance, inanimate objects are typically easier to identify than animate objects.

26. Well, the wind is inanimate; the dangerous predator is an intentional agent.

27. How can you get angry with a car? It's an inanimate object!

28. Consciousness rather than inanimate matter is the quintessence of his natural world.

29. Abstractionistic metaphor, inanimate metaphor, and personification while litote, synecdoche, and frozen metaphors common

30. 9 Consciousness rather than inanimate matter is the quintessence of his natural world.

31. 21 I was not inattentive to inanimate nature, nor unmindful of the past.

32. The whole Universe animate and inanimate, past, present and future is within me.

33. Animism means all things, whether animate or inanimate, contain a spirit or soul

34. A 3D Animator's job is to bring inanimate objects to life through movement

35. It may have been around long enough for inanimate matter to come alive.

36. The challenge is to make inanimate objects shimmer and glow vibrancy and life.

37. Bouncy Ball (formerly named Rubber Ball) is a female contestant in Animated Inanimate Battle

38. Adenoviruses can live for many hours on toys, countertops, doorknobs, and other inanimate objects.

39. It takes an inanimate object as in the example I am Awaiting your email

40. (Isaiah 33:22) He has set the physical laws governing animate and inanimate creation.

41. At this age, children are still unable to distinguish between animate and inanimate objects.

42. Chattel An item of Personal Property that is movable; it may be animate or inanimate

43. Definition: An active condition that distinguishes plants, animals, humans, and spirit beings from inanimate objects.

44. Archery, sport involving shooting arrows with a bow, either at an inanimate target or in hunting

45. Whereas human personality is present in bodies, divine personality is present in what is inanimate also.

46. This makes the study of human beings different from that of animals and of inanimate objects.

47. Anthropomorphous definition: suggesting human characteristics for animals or inanimate things synonyms: humanlike, anthropomorphic, human antonyms: nonhuman

48. Anorganic world is considered to be inanimate but with the perfect sound we bringing alive everything

49. What does Apologue mean? A moral fable, especially one having animals or inanimate objects as characters

50. Animism is the idea that all things—animate and inanimate—possess a spirit or an essence

51. The fall back to the beast and beyond even that-to mere inanimate existence-is complete.

52. Anthropomorphic definition: suggesting human characteristics for animals or inanimate things synonyms: humanlike, anthropomorphous, human antonyms: nonhuman

53. Some languages categorise not only living things as masculine or feminine, but inanimate objects as well.

54. Moreover, Job did not engage in idolatry by giving devotion to inanimate things, such as the moon.

55. If either of these inanimate objects knows you are going to dump it, it will turn on you.

56. A few infections arise from inanimate sources: for example, pathogens that cause tetanus are harboured in the soil.

57. They seek life's meaning in possessions, and use inanimate objects to tell other Earthlets who they are.

58. We are taught that it is actually a crime to vandalize buildings, cars, and other inanimate objects.

59. Suggesting human characteristics for animals or inanimate things Familiarity information: Anthropomorphous used as an adjective is very rare.

60. Abiogenesis is the theory that life stems from inorganic or inanimate matter — forms that do not have life

61. Thus, inanimate, or group-denoting nouns are marginal as antecedents of Anaphors, even though they are third-person

62. Anthropomorphism Anthropomorphism is the expression of human feelings and motivations to non-humans, including animals, and inanimate objects

63. Here, we propose a minimalist approach to construct millirobots by coating inanimate objects with a composited Agglutinate magnetic spray

64. Perhaps this represented a human victory over inanimate forces, or perhaps man merely judged it to be so.

65. Some people, for example, take on the persona of an animal or a monster or an inanimate object.

66. Although unable to take on human form again, they often possess humans, animals and inanimate things such as fetishes.

67. Curses are most stable while possessing an item, and some Curses can possess inanimate objects to become cursed corpses.

68. If we are imaginative enough we can project ourselves inside plants and inanimate objects as well as other animals.

69. How does inanimate creation declare God’s glory, and how does that differ from the way in which humans praise him?

70. Animation, the art of making inanimate objects appear to move.Animation is an artistic impulse that long predates the movies

71. For here lay no more than a piece of meat, oblivious, inanimate, an object to be examined without reverence.

72. The distinction applies to nouns which refer to animate beings as well as those which refer to inanimate objects.

73. All living and inanimate matter is made up of Chemicals and virtually every manufactured product involves the use of Chemicals

74. Chiaroscuro: A Dialectical Approach to Aesthetics explores how an artist can animate the inanimate, delight with light, sooth with shadows

75. Antonyms for thing: sur-mises, theorization, clearheadedness, judgment call, re-cognition, close-ups, inanimate, Apprehendings, in citation, naughts, re flections

76. The Bible often uses a figure of speech called personification —that is, speaking of something inanimate as if it were alive.

77. The Bible as holy literature, the oracles of the Logos, has become for them an inanimate object of scientific investigation.

78. Many Atheists are inclined to believe in abiogenesis which is the theory that living organisms can arise spontaneously from inanimate matter.

79. After his stroke, he was able to name inanimate objects like saws and shovels, but unable to name most living things.

80. Anthropomorphic: 1 adj suggesting human characteristics for animals or inanimate things Synonyms: anthropomorphous , humanlike human having human form or attributes as …