Use "in this context" in a sentence


2. It doesn't really work in this context.

3. Consider in this context President Harold B.

4. Word ‘Accompanimental’, which is equally important in this context

5. Note that grievous in this context means extremely disturbing.

6. In this context the report shall take into account

7. In this context, access means any access at all.

8. In this context, Bohemians can be wanderers, adventurers, or vagabonds

9. Webster’s Dictionary defines “decent” in this context as “adequate, satisfactory.”

10. In this context, he mentioned the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code.

11. In this context, the word Abracadabra has no literal meaning

12. 5 In this context, you raise the issue of Kashmir.

13. In this context, Autocorrelation can help people better understand repeating events

14. Ice classification must also be taken into account in this context.

15. It is in this context that we can understand Isaiah 53:10.

16. In this context, “Israel” refers to the two-tribe kingdom of Judah.

17. Training activities undertaken in this context have already involved national and regional hospitals.

18. In this context, they should have access to assistance from more advanced countries.

19. Concave and Convex maintain their status as adjectives when used in this context

20. In this context it might be useful to add “in particular” before circuits.

21. In this context, the word “modest” means being aware of one’s own limitations.

22. In this context, soil degradation exists but, taken as a whole, is unimportant.

23. In this context, let me underline that India is willing to contribute its share.

24. In this context, language learning is absolutely essential to understanding, and then communicating, Europe.

25. In this context, we agreed to encourage enhanced economic engagement between our business communities.

26. The appended table gives an overall view of the actions undertaken in this context.

27. In this context, Canada and Saudi Arabia have completed their bilateral market access agreement.


29. In this context, Decree-Law 65/99/M provides for the corresponding relief measures.

30. Autocratization, in this context, means a regime change from a democratic to an autocratic one

31. Most directly relevant in this context, however, were Spemann's experiments with two-cell salamander embryos.

32. In this context, both sides have agreed to enhance cooperation in the field of agriculture.

33. In this context, employing the rod of discipline does not necessarily mean spanking a child.

34. In this context, our company is expanding rapidly and we are hiring an additional merchandiser.

35. In this context, Benedictions embody a call to unity, faith, and joy among the brethren

36. Dynamic perioperative pathophysiological alterations beyond normal stress response are not yet considered in this context.

37. The significance of our diverse links with compatriots abroad increases even more in this context.

38. But in this context I'm just going to read an abridged version of those texts.

39. 8 In this context the Vulcan would be perhaps less relevant than in recent years.

40. In this context, the Prime Minister emphasized on value addition in horticulture and cash crops.

41. ( ' Accommodation ' in this context does not include staircases , storage areas , corridors and means of access )

42. In this context, access to Iceland is more restricted than to most other European countries

43. Comprehensiveness In this context, Comprehensiveness refers to the breadth of a jurisdiction’s local housing strategy

44. In this context, burden of proof serves to allocate risk as between the two parties.

45. (c) The possibility for migrant workers to access legal and judicial assistance in this context;

46. In this context, notions from denotational semantics, such as full abstraction, help to satisfy security concerns.

47. Freedom of navigation and respect for international law, notably UNCLOS is therefore imperative in this context.

48. In this context, coercive behaviors include behaviors that are ordinarily punishing (e.g., whining, yelling, hitting, etc.).

49. In this context, the mixing of the races was not just an early equal opportunity program.

50. In this context, due account was taken of the impact study carried out by the Commission

51. In this context, then, Paul was not speaking of goodness in general, or simply kind deeds.

52. In this context, the speaker is going to do something with someone together/Adjointly/as one

53. In this context, they agreed to work together in tackling piracy in the Gulf of Aden.

54. In this context, both Parties intend to terminate quantitative restrictions once Ukraine becomes a WTO member

55. Though often considered an adhesive, it is actually functioning as a welding agent in this context.

56. In this context, a draft bill for the establishment of a Turkish space agency was prepared in

57. In this context, the rod of discipline represents a means of correction, whatever form it may take.

58. Our participation in ADMM+, the EAS, ARF, MGC, ACD, IORA are to be seen in this context.

59. The proposal for an integrated action programme for lifelong learning should also be seen in this context

60. Gibbons essentially use this system, although "monogamy" in this context does not necessarily mean absolute sexual fidelity.

61. In this context, the opinion of the European Data Protection Supervisor (8) has been taken into account.

62. In this context, European businesses must not be excluded from participating in or accessing such a network.

63. In this context, member countries could consider accessing more financial resources from national and international financial markets.

64. Yet despite their ubiquity remarkably few non ? engineers have heard the word " embedded " used in this context.

65. Cartoonist Although cartoons have critical potential, Cartoonists were unable to develop fully these resources in this context

66. In this context, the leading insurance undertaking should assess claims and fix the amount of technical provisions.

67. In this context, scientists generated mice that incorporated several selected genetic alterations recurrently found in human DLBCL.

68. In this context, the Commission, noted that the fire, although extensive, was limited to a single facility.

69. In this context, Member States are particularly interested in access to customs data or car registration information.

70. In this context the Commission also strongly condemns continued systematic kidnapping, especially abhorrent when directed at children.

71. In this context, both sides identified concrete steps to further develop economic relations in priority areas of cooperation.

72. In this context, he mentioned neem coating of urea, Ujjwala Yojana, Jan Dhan Accounts, and RuPay debit cards.

73. In this context, the interests of both countries are best advanced through the values mirrored in their societies.

74. In this context, the particular pre-accession needs of Bulgaria and Romania should be fully taken into account.

75. The Council of Europe is willing to provide its assistance in this context, alongside the OSCE. THE PRESIDENT.

76. In this context, in my opinion, motherhood is an absolutely fundamental right for the purposes of social stability.

77. In this context, he called upon India to engage more proactively with the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership initiative.

78. In this context, the opening up of Community programmes is an important element of the pre-accession strategy.

79. In this context, we underlined the need for ADB to work closely with governments of BIMSTEC member countries.

80. In this context, acceding countries, particularly LDCs, before and in the post-accession period, could need technical assistance.