Use "in so far as" in a sentence

1. So far as I know/As far as I can see, that is highly unlikely.

2. So far in Rajasthan, I had not so much as nodded to another female.

3. Denmark went so far as to Cull 17 million minks in …

4. We didn't go so far as the others.

5. In so far as her mind could construe, she acknowledged benefits received.

6. They went so far as to rip off banks in broad daylight.

7. In June 1998 he went so far as to offer his resignation.

8. The nickname Confessedly arose, so far as France was concerned, first in

9. - price cuts only in so far as absolutely required by the market,

10. So far adverse effects have been graded as marginal.

11. But in so far as she is keeping up as one of the Fair Sex.

12. So far as I could judge, events, were now moving in my favour.

13. So close, you so far.

14. He is, so far as I know, a good guy.

15. The enemy went so far as to use poison gas.

16. The arguments are totally unconvincing, in so far as we have actually heard any.

17. The Acceptation of these words are presented in so far as a dictionary: 6

18. The cat was so famous that his obituary ran in papers as far away as Hartford, Connecticut.

19. Moon-music, so silvery, so far, so noble.

20. Our duty so far as possible was to aid the Greeks.

21. The book, so far as I can judge, is remarkably accurate.

22. This arrangement is quite satisfactory, so far as I am concerned.

23. He's completely void of charm so far as I can see.

24. Our ambiguous, so far.

25. Successful so far, Trix.

26. So far 13 cameras.

27. So far, no success.

28. In so far as freedom of speech is concerned, as I mentioned earlier, there is absolutely no issue.

29. You are as good as man and wife, so far prejudice and friendship go.

30. Blacklegging in 2020 – The Best year so far

31. Bereft of hope So far so realistic.

32. I've survived so far.

33. Death, in so far as it was possible in a face with no movable features, looked surprised.

34. The government went so far as to try to arrest opposition leaders.

35. In so far as you are a student, you are free to use the library.

36. But so far as natural substances go we are all gazing countrymen.

37. Besully 5852452649 Travel far away so it usually priced as in good will? Flint black met

38. Conran has gone so far as ending catwalk exhibitions totally in favour of presentation by video.

39. So far, there is a concept trailer for Bubbleheads as well as a full script

40. So, as far as the police on the scene believe, whoever attacked them was invisible.

41. 64 In those circumstances, the action must also be declared inadmissible in so far as ADL is concerned.

42. - slot-allocation and airport scheduling in so far as they concern air services between airports in the Community.

43. Your earnings accrued so far.

44. How's it going so far?

45. 5 Our ambiguous, so far.

46. %s: Percentage of EFF commitments so far in scrapping;

47. Vaughn's been smart so far.

48. It looks deserted so far.

49. More than Rs 131 crore has also been availed as overdraft so far.

50. Mode of action (including time delay) in so far as not covered by Annex II, Section 5.4

51. The following years saw a decline in local music production so far as commercial recording was concerned.

52. Ken Parish sees the disclosures so far as both counter-productive and unjustifiable:

53. 23 As we have observed so far, Job was enduring his various trials.

54. So far , none has as yet threatened the preeminence of the US prototype.

55. So, as far as I can see, it is going very well on the economic side.

56. As my Facebook friends know, so far this year I Backstroked 50+ miles

57. So far as I am concerned, wet-weather ferreting isn't worth the effort.

58. So, as far as the Americans are concern, you're a rogue assassin, a target of opportunity.

59. So , as far as our day to day life is concerned, what's the hoopla all about?

60. Such fears, however, should not be dismissed lightly in so far as genetic engineering is still in its infancy.

61. (b) if so, the details thereof and the benefits accrued as a result of such initiatives so far;

62. It’s weird as hell so please, if you do this, stay far far away from me or I’ll shoot u Cutely

63. They fly in the typical V-formation and take advantage of thermals so that they can glide as far as possible.

64. They must be far enough in so they won't be-

65. Little headway has been made so far in the negotiations.

66. Moreover, so far, validation of Anatomically

67. Research has so far proved inconclusive.

68. So far he has evaded capture .

69. We have been lucky so far.

70. You've been very quiet so far.

71. She was a devout Catholic and, so far as I am aware, morally unassailable.

72. So try to maintain normal meals at normal mealtimes, and normal sleeping patterns as far as possible.

73. An Apodictic proof only, so far as it is intuitive, can be called demonstration

74. He's so far in the Closet, he can see Narnia

75. The church can only go so far in secular matters.

76. Rafter has served fifteen aces in the match so far.

77. I wouldn't go so far as to say that we agreed on the subject.

78. As far as dinner is Concerned, it's been pushed to 8:00, so no need to rush

79. (Acts 8:3) He “went so far as to persecuting them even in outside cities.” —Acts 26:11.

80. So far, we have not received.