Use "in so far as" in a sentence

1. In so far as her mind could construe, she acknowledged benefits received.

2. - price cuts only in so far as absolutely required by the market,

3. The arguments are totally unconvincing, in so far as we have actually heard any.

4. The Acceptation of these words are presented in so far as a dictionary: 6

5. But in so far as she is keeping up as one of the Fair Sex.

6. In so far as you are a student, you are free to use the library.

7. Mode of action (including time delay) in so far as not covered by Annex II, Section 5.4

8. Death, in so far as it was possible in a face with no movable features, looked surprised.

9. 64 In those circumstances, the action must also be declared inadmissible in so far as ADL is concerned.

10. - slot-allocation and airport scheduling in so far as they concern air services between airports in the Community.

11. In so far as freedom of speech is concerned, as I mentioned earlier, there is absolutely no issue.

12. Soullessness, in so far as it is relevant to the question at all, is an argument against vivisection .

13. Parliamentary sovereignty is still intact in so far as Parliament can still repeal the act committing us to entry.

14. Such fears, however, should not be dismissed lightly in so far as genetic engineering is still in its infancy.

15. But they minimize the difference in so far as they propound a thoroughgoing assimilation of male and female desires.

16. People stand out likewise, in so far as their work marks an epoch or sums up an historical episode.

17. And in so far as we can use gender imagery for these things the Logos is a masculine principle ....

18. Patois was a success for the group in so far as they used it succinctly to communicate rejection of authority.

19. The judgment under appeal is therefore vitiated by an error in law in so far as it holds the application admissible.

20. By the early seventeenth century, therefore, foreign offices, in so far as they existed, were still for the most part embryonic.

21. Such information may be abbreviated in so far as the abbreviation makes it possible to identify that person and his address

22. Such information may be abbreviated in so far as the abbreviation makes it possible to identify that person and his address.

23. Yet, in so far as it constituted his baptism as a politician, it is crucial to an understanding of his political career.

24. Without wishing to tempt providence in any way, we appear to have got away lighting in so far as Winter is concerned.

25. Definitions are useful only in so far as they encapsulate a particular conception or theory of the phenomena one wishes to study.


27. A CHRISTIAN DIRECTORY BAXTER RICHARD Affecting this Act, except in so far as it is declared to be Alterable by the Irish Legislature

28. And if Freud contrasts the reality principle with the pleasure principle, it is precisely in so far as reality is defined as desexualized.

29. 6 He was correct in so far as our forebears were piteously shattered but quite wrong in thinking that they could be subjugated.

30. The United Kingdom Parliament repealed Buggery laws for England and Wales in 1967 (in so far as they related to consensual homosexual acts in …

31. Genetics and biology have little to tell us that is relevant, except in so far as these sciences throw light on human nature in general.

32. A doctrine of creation could give coherence to scientific endeavor in so far as it implied a dependable order behind the flux of nature.

33. It follows that the action is also well founded in so far as it concerns the award of a public contract by SA HLM Logirel.

34. 61 It follows that the action is also well founded in so far as it concerns the award of a public contract by SA HLM Logirel.

35. So in so far as freedom of speech is concerned, there is absolutely not an iota of doubt in terms of our commitment and our belief in that.

36. Scientific, nautical, surveying and electrical instruments and instruments in so far as not including in other classes, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing instruments, measuring instruments, measuring and alignment equipment

37. By separation, the subject finds, one might say, the weak point of the primal dyad of the signifying articulation, in so far as it is alienating in essence.

38. At least some form of post-admission protection of foreign direct investment is therefore covered by the common commercial policy in so far as it encompasses trade in services.

39. The Kingdom of the Netherlands challenged the admissibility of the action in so far as, by using the adverbial phrase ‘in particular’, it may apply to animals other than horses.

40. The aptitude test shall only cover the statutory auditor's adequate knowledge of the laws and regulations of the Member State concerned in so far as relevant for the statutory audit.

41. In the 13th century, Thomas Aquinas explained that “wars are licit and just in so far as they protect the poor and the whole commonweal[th] from an enemy’[s] treachery.”

42. Finally, it should be noted that in so far as liability arises as a result of negotiations which have been broken off, this is based on actions which constitute a tort.

43. Country code: The Community's alphabetical codes for countries and territories are based on the current ISO alpha 2 (a2) in so far as they are compatible with the requirements of Community law.

44. In these documents the natural divine filiation of Jesus even as man is strongly asserted, and His adoptive filiation , at least in so far as it excludes the natural, is rejected as heretical.

45. ‘Rather an action, or set of actions, is Corruptive of an institution in so far as the action, or actions, have a negative moral effect on the institution.’ Word of the day play-play

46. The word is inapt, however, in so far as it might suggest that it is in some way concerned with the relations between states (it is even more inapt if it suggests 'nations' rather than states).

47. ( 15 ) And the products thereof, in so far as the process that they have undergone is not likely to increase the level of allergenicity assessed by the Authority for the relevant product from which they originated.

48. Accordingly, for women of migrant origin, the primacy of the personal status laws of their country of origin is in no way justified and will need to be discarded in so far as its application infringes fundamental human rights.

49. (xxii) Considering that developing and strengthening the EDITB in the initial stages implies affirmation of the principle of seeking European national or cooperative solutions, in so far as is possible without prejudicing cooperation with third country allies and partners;

50. Constituted of ten sounds (the missing two are absolutely excluded in so far as a modulation has not reintroduced them), it gives the composer writing atonal music all the structural, rhetoric and symbolic possibilities that the tonal language offers.

51. Except in so far as it creates equivalent or greater rights for the Parties involved, this Agreement shall not affect rights contained in existing Agreements binding one or more Member States, on the one hand, and South Africa, on the other.

52. 47 For the reasons set out in paragraphs 41 to 45 of the present judgment, the fourth question is inadmissible in so far as it is founded on the premiss of acquittal of the defendants because there was no, or insufficient, evidence.

53. Actuality is formal in so far as, being primary Actuality, it is only immediate, unreflected Actuality, and hence is only in this form-determination but not as the totality of form.As such it is nothing more than a being or Existence in general.

54. A comparison of tax and expenditure Buoyancies in Table 5 shows that during the years from 1971-72 to 1982-83 revenue productivity was not a major problem in Pakistan in so far as the expenditure Buoyancies have been lower than revenue Buoyancies.

55. 44 The Commission adds that, in so far as it excludes from the environmental impact assessment procedure all installations carrying out waste recovery operations which are granted an authorisation under the simplified procedure, the DPCM infringes the obligations which stem from Directive 85/337.

56. 12 In support of his action the applicant put forward two types of claim seeking the annulment of the two abovementioned decisions of the European Parliament in so far as they refused him entitlement both to the tax abatement and to the dependent child allowance .

57. In so far as known or Conjecturable, the birth years of his children have been given as follows: 1675 ; 1676 ; 1678 ; 1679 ; 1681 ; 1683 ; 1696 ; 1698 ; 1700 ; Now, it is not quite natural to suppose that no children were born in the long gap between 1683 and 1696.

58. Annuls Commission Decision C(2008) 6017 final of 21 October 2008, State aid No 512/2007 — Germany, Abalon Hardwood Hessen GmbH in so far as it concluded that the State guarantees granted by the Land Hessen do not constitute State aid within the meaning of Article 87(1) EC;

59. (a) in the event of irregular tenders in response to an open or restricted procedure or in the event of tenders which are unacceptable under national provisions that are in accordance with the provisions of Title IV, in so far as the original terms of the contract are not substantially altered.

60. 1° heathland, moorland, marshland, mobile dunes, dune fields, salt meadows, tidal gullies, salt marshes, alluvial land, mud flats, ‘green’ beaches, reed beds, scrub, thickets, swamps, bogs, ponds, brooks, small rivers, pools, closed river channels, creeks, springs and water sources, in so far as they cannot be used as agricultural land;

61. ‘Does Article [21 TFEU] preclude legislation pursuant to which the competent authorities of a Member State refuse to recognise the surname of an (adult) adoptee, determined in another Member State, in so far as it contains a title of nobility which is not permissible under the (constitutional) law of the former Member State?’

62. Such self-knowledge will come only in so far as Europe explores afresh the roots of her identity, roots which reach deep into the classical Hellenistic patrimony and into the Christian heritage which brought to birth a humanism based upon the vision of every human person as created in the image and likeness of God.

63. - declare, in accordance with Article 184 of the EC Treaty (now Article 241 EC), that Directive 96/22/EC, in so far as it prohibited the placing on the market of veterinary medicinal products containing beta-agonists for administration for therapeutic purposes to farm animals, was illegal and therefore could not serve to justify the restrictions contained in Regulation No 1312/96;

64. Confirmation of the principles described above can be found in Mostaza Claro (57) and, recently, Pannon, (58) the latter containing a further clarification in so far as, in that judgment, the Court held that it is for the national court to assess the unfairness of a contractual term in the light of the abstract findings given by the Court of Justice in its judgment.

65. However, according to Paragraph 5(1) of the RettDG 1991, the competent authority may assign the operation of the public ambulance service to recognised medical aid organisations (hereinafter the medical aid organisations), which are non-profit-making, whilst exercising supervision, by giving directions and bearing the costs, if and in so far as those organisations are able and willing to ensure constant provision of the public ambulance service.

66. 51 To allow an employer to dismiss a female worker in circumstances such as those in the main proceedings would, moreover, be contrary to the objective of protection which Article 2(3) of Directive 76/207 pursues, in so far as, admittedly, the dismissal is essentially based on the fact of the in vitro fertilisation treatment and, in particular, on the specific procedures, outlined in the previous paragraph, which such treatment involves.

67. (4)‘Fishery resources’ means all fish, molluscs and crustaceans within the Convention Area excluding: (i) sedentary species over which coastal States may exercise sovereign rights consistent with Article 77 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea; and (ii) in so far as they are managed under other international treaties, anadromous and catadromous stocks and highly migratory species listed in Annex I of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea;

68. The Commission found that commercial ABA remail, by preventing the receiving public postal operator from recovering its costs of delivering the mail in so far as terminal dues are not based on the real costs of providing the service, amounted to a circumvention of the statutory postal monopoly of the public postal operators and decided that interception of this type of remail, in the specific circumstances, could not be described as constituting an abuse within the meaning of Article 86 of the Treaty.

69. 61 As to the remainder, in so far as the arguments set out in paragraphs 50 to 52 of the present judgment allege an error of law with regard to the assessment of the question whether MasterCard is an association of undertakings, it should be noted that, contrary to the Commission’s contention, the appellants are not, in essence, merely challenging the assessment of the facts made at first instance, but are relying, for the main part, on questions of law which are admissible at the appeal stage.

70. 66 None the less, in so far as those statements from ABB are disputed by other undertakings which are also alleged to have agreed upon the common understanding, they must be supported by other evidence in order to constitute adequate proof of the existence and the scope of the common understanding (see, to that effect, Case T‐337/94 Enso‐Gutzeit v Commission [1998] ECR II‐1571, paragraph 91, and Case T‐38/02 Groupe Danone v Commission [2005] ECR II‐4407, paragraph 285).

71. Even though a move in that direction appears attractive, in so far as it would be beneficial to the victim, it must be observed that, within the general scheme of the Convention, the concern to preclude the forum actoris and consequently - since it is so easy to change one' s domicile - "forum shopping" is much further to the fore than the idea of favouring the victim . ( 55 ) Moreover, the judgment in Mines de potasse d' Alsace is based essentially on the requirements of the sound administration of justice .

72. 44 As the Court has already pointed out in paragraph 18 of this judgment, under Article 168a of the Treaty and Article 51 of the Statute of the Court of Justice (EC), an appeal may rely only on grounds relating to infringement of rules of law, to the exclusion of any appraisal of facts, and is therefore admissible only in so far as the decision of the Court of First Instance is claimed to be incompatible with rules of law the observance of which it had to ensure.

73. conclusions adopted in respect of each of those two Member States, entitled ‘Council conclusions on assessing the actions taken by [the French Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany respectively] in response to recommendations of the Council according to Article 104(7) of the Treaty establishing the European Community and considering further measures for deficit reduction in order to remedy the situation of excessive deficit’, in so far as those conclusions involve holding the excessive deficit procedure in abeyance, recourse to an instrument not envisaged by the Treaty and modification of the recommendations decided on by the Council under Article 104(7) EC,

74. Annuls the decision of the Fifth Board of Appeal of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) of 12 May 2016 (Case R 1206/2015-5) in so far as it refused registration of the word sign Windfinder for the goods and services at issue, with the exception of anemometers in Class 9 of the Nice Agreement concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks of 15 June 1957, and of meteorological information, meteorological forecast, meteorological information services and the supply of meteorological information in Class 42 of the Nice Agreement;

75. In so far as the jurisdiction of the Irish labour courts is regarded as compulsory in respect of the period from 14 July 2003, the fact that employees such as the complainants are in a worse position is apparent also from the fact that – as already mentioned in another context (38) – they would in practice be forced to pursue two parallel sets of proceedings in order to obtain the protection to which they are entitled under Community law: the first before the ordinary courts in respect of the period prior to the transposition of Directive 1999/70, and the second before the labour courts in respect of the period afterwards.

76. Does Directive 2000/29/EC, as subsequently supplemented and amended, in particular Article 16(1) thereof, preclude, by use of the phrase ‘necessary measures to eradicate, or if that is impossible, inhibit the spread of the harmful organisms concerned’, the application of Article 6(2) of European Commission Decision 2015/789/EU, as implemented in the Italian legal order by Article 8(2) of the Decree of the Ministero delle politiche agricole alimentari e forestali, in so far as it provides for the immediate removal of host plants, regardless of their health status, within a radius of 100 metres around the plants which have been tested and found to be infected?

77. 89 It follows that, in so far as the Community institutions did not fail completely in the duty of care and proper administration which they owed to the applicant but simply failed properly to appreciate the extent of their obligations under that principle, the breach of the principle of care cannot in this case be regarded as a sufficiently serious breach or a manifest and grave breach, as defined in the case-law of the Court of Justice (see the judgments in HNL, cited above, Joined Cases 116/77 and 124/77 Amylum and Tunnel Refineries v Council and Commission [1979] ECR 3497, and in Case 143/77 Koninklijke Scholten-Honig v Council and Commission [1979] ECR 3583).

78. 29 So far as concerns the seventh plea, alleging disregard of the parliamentary traditions common to the Member States, the Court of First Instance considered, in paragraph 240 of the contested judgment, that even if the case-law according to which the Community judicature, in ensuring that fundamental rights are safeguarded, is obliged to draw inspiration from the constitutional traditions common to the Member States applies by analogy to the parliamentary traditions common to the latter, the contested act, in so far as it bans the formation of groups whose members abjure, as in the present case, any political affinity, could not be adjudged contrary to a parliamentary tradition common to the Member States.

79. The decision of the respondent referred to in the application under section 28 of the Federal Court Act by which these proceedings were instituted is set aside; and it is hereby directed that the hearing of the appeals of the applicants against the appointments of P.H. Thomas and D.S. Pansloo as Auditor 2's be reopened for the purpose only of an inquiry into the incident involving statements alleged to have been made by Mr. John Freke concerning the ultimate appointments before he became a member of the Rating Board for Public Service Competition 71-DSS-CC-7, and that the respondent reconsider her decision on the appeals in so far as it may be affected by that further inquiry.