Use "in mid air" in a sentence

1. Some mid-air stalls?

2. The hawk poised in mid-air ready to swoop.

3. A lighted taper appeared in mid-air, right beside him.

4. Is it a halfroll or an inside loop in mid air ?

5. Missile fire simply dissipates; arrows fade into nothingness in mid-air.

6. Then I would suggest a mid-air transfer.

7. 20 If I were a snowflake, Dancing in mid - air in the cool.

8. You stopped a Chinese throwing star in mid-air with a look.

9. A great bellow of inhuman rage froze his hand in mid air.

10. The eagle poised in mid-air ready to swoop on its prey.

11. And it's better than that, it -- just in the slide -- maneuvers in mid-air.

12. 23 A great bellow of inhuman rage froze his hand in mid air.

13. 26 The eagle poised in mid-air ready to swoop on its prey.

14. After two dozen monitoring missions, it was lost in a mid-air collision in 1997.

15. Our rooms are in the mid of greenery and flowers, with showers and air-conditioning.

16. A valance of stones appeared in mid-air and fell, knocking oar blades and oarsmen.

17. A wreck made from a hollowed-out car rear floating in mid-air hangs in the Oberlichtsaal.

18. She returned to Iwo Jima in mid-March for radar picket and air-sea rescue duty.

19. A fiery ball shot up over the rooftops, where it disappeared in mid - air -- a dud.

20. 2007 – Adam Air Flight 574 breaks apart in mid-air and crashes near the Makassar Strait, Indonesia killing all 102 people on board.

21. Seventy tourists 'Abseiled' 250ft to safety after two cable cars on Mount Teide in Tenerife stopped in mid-air

22. " Never mind knives, " said his visitor, and a cutlet hung in mid- air, with a sound of gnawing.

23. And I find myself standing on an island floating in mid-air, on the edge of the void.

24. 8 The pilot had to take evasive action to avoid a mid-air collision.

25. A caterpillar dangled in front of me, hanging in mid-air by a silver thread attached to an oak tree twig.

26. To escape Manslaughter and Bloodshed, Rigby activatesPops' car's flying mode, sending them into mid-air

27. Accelerated inharmonical cryal Antheroid wapper rejustification thrombocytopenia jibhead OTM commissionate SDF three-clause mid-air

28. Through outstanding situational awareness and timely action, Captain Ellestad prevented a potential mid-air collision.

29. 12 A caterpillar dangled in front of me, hanging in mid-air by a silver thread attached to an oak tree twig.

30. In the Northern Hemisphere, it occurs between mid-August and mid-October.

31. But by the mid-1970’s, air-conditioned theaters were luring millions indoors to escape the heat.

32. 18 Clinging to it and looking at the projecting ledge above him, Bigelow felt as if he were suspended in mid-air.

33. His hand froze in mid-gesture.

34. It was 10 AM, and there was still a Briskness to the mid-morning air as the sun was climbing in the clear blue sky

35. Advances in instruction-level parallelism dominated computer architecture from the mid-1980s until the mid-1990s.

36. Antigua's climate is tropical with temperatures ranging from the mid-70s in winter to the mid-80s in summer

37. In the mid-1980s, URW digitized Algerian

38. Mid year?

39. Mid-century Modern dream in the Altadena …

40. Alcotate gynecology sackcloth self-confidence Academy project Umbral retrovert countries Haliotis SU seiurus Maite mainstreetism Stellaria veldschoens mid-air donegal amy

41. Mid-humerus.

42. Weekly sales often run from mid-week to mid-week .

43. Most lemons last through mid-April and grapefruit, through mid-June.

44. In mid-June 1948 Truman ordered the airlift.

45. Its conclusions were made public in mid-2013.

46. The group Acrimoniously disbanded in the mid-80s.

47. The vessel was refloated in mid-November 1997.

48. 8 We overhear the president in mid - conversation.

49. Mid point anchors

50. Mid-Life Divorce

51. Likewise, mid-cap securities may be Benchmarked against other mid-cap securities

52. Antigua's rainy season is from mid-June to mid-November, with its cooler dryer season ranging from January to mid-April

53. Bossy is the co-founder of Mid-America Development Partners and Mid-America Real Estate Corporation, both created in 2001.

54. Aurelion Sol The Star Forger Ranked #22 out of 59 in Mid Discover all Mid champions who counter Aurelion Sol

55. The Bombers flew through the Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific oceans and the Sea of Japan, covering in total more than 30,000 km (19,000 mi) with four mid-air refuelings

56. Aestheticized Past in Mid-twentieth-century America STUART D

57. "ASTROSAT to be launched in mid-2010 – Technology".

58. The Sustainability Plan came out back in mid-July.

59. 5 The first grapes are harvested in mid-August.

60. Local anesthetics may block impulse replication in mid-axon.

61. 24 Ickes is wont to yawn in mid-conversation.

62. Slaves were enfranchised in the mid - 19 th century.

63. As of mid-April, he remained in the infirmary.

64. In Mid-Wales six inches of snow blocked roads.

65. “The sentence ends in mid-air,” notes scholar Gordon Wenham, and we are left to supply the rest of God’s thought —presumably, “let me expel him from the garden.”

66. From the mid-18th to the mid-19th centuries, a process called "carroting" was used in the making of felt hats.

67. The steam engine Began being used to pump water and to power blast air in the mid 1750s, enabling a large increase in iron production by overcoming the limitation of water power

68. The hArquebus was invented in Spain in the mid-15th century

69. He could take a ptarmigan from its nest, kill a rabbit as it slept, and snap in mid-air the little chipmunks fleeing a second too late for the trees.

70. Births Mid-Columbia Births for March, 14, 2021 Births Mid-Columbia Births for Feb

71. The jury that held Simpson liable consisted of six men and six women, ranging in age from mid-20s to mid-70s.

72. Budwood is available when the terminal bud ‘sets’ -here that begins in mid-July-Mid August with budding practiced through early September

73. Cooler, Breezier Thursday with highs in low to mid-40s

74. A huge famine hit North Korea in the mid-1990s.

75. A huge famine hit North Korea in the mid- 1990s.

76. (Control over native policy was granted in the mid-1860s.)

77. Adrenal maturation, termed adrenarche, typically precedes gonadarche in mid-childhood.

78. 27 The chairman chopped the speaker off in mid-sentence.

79. I purchased a 4l60E from Atransmissions in mid October 2019

80. 'Pink Pearl' apples ripen in late August to mid-September.