Use "importance" in a sentence

1. The importance of Breastfeeding

2. The Importance of Communication

3. Importance of Adjusting Entries

4. This is of primary importance.

5. Development is of overriding importance.

6. The Importance of Cyber Security

7. The Importance of Making Amends

8. The Importance of Patient Confidentiality


10. Truth is of dominant importance.

11. Safety is of paramount importance.

12. The importance of hair Apparents

13. This is of national importance.

14. Time was of overriding importance.

15. Bagatelles: something of little importance.

16. Next to emails that Gmail thinks is important, you'll see a yellow Importance marker [Importance marker].

17. The Importance of Coherence in Mathematics

18. Accountability is, therefore, of considerable importance.

19. Her contribution was of immeasurable importance.

20. This matter is of paramount importance .

21. These finds have considerable archaeological importance.

22. Bicarbonate's Importance to Human Health CONTENTS

23. Addressing the Importance of the Family

24. ◦ Be accountable Importance of HR Planning

25. Kokernag has some historical importance also.

26. This matter has assumed considerable importance.

27. The importance of Antigens and antibodies

28. The importance of acetylCholine cannot be overstated

29. Importance of Corrosion Inhibitor Grounding Enhancement Backfills

30. Importance: Beneficence may be secondary to nonmaleficence.

31. Stress importance of advance study and prayer.

32. This distinction is of absolutely central importance.

33. 4 It's a question of secondary importance.

34. Have I underestimated the importance of sustainability?

35. This is a matter of prime importance.

36. Stopping the epidemic is of paramount importance.

37. Don't underestimate the importance of neat presentation.

38. He harping on the importance of discipline.

39. The importance of preparation cannot be overemphasized.

40. In liturgical importance it Explanation of Christmassy

41. Chief: coming before all others in importance.

42. 5.4 Flags vs. stars and importance markers

43. Aves understands the importance of quick turnarounds

44. Liverworts have little direct economic importance today.

45. I attach great importance to this research.

46. This latter point is of great importance.

47. Explain the importance of pausing for punctuation.

48. But it's starting to fade in importance.

49. 9 His grey moustache bristled with importance.

50. 2 Her contribution was of immeasurable importance.

51. People often underestimate the importance of training.

52. " Yas 'm,'said Prissy, expanding with importance.

53. • Accentual verse, giving importance to stress count

54. The Importance of Identifying Artistically Gifted Students

55. She Arrogated to herself a certain importance

56. He Arrogated to himself at certain importance

57. These issues now assume even greater importance.

58. 10 Marseilles was of great strategic importance .

59. How do historians rate Jesus in importance?

60. But so does the importance of content.

61. We ascribe great importance to these policies.

62. This information is of the first importance.

63. Two structural dimensions were of paramount importance.

64. Financial management is now assuming greater importance.

65. The importance of education cannot be overemphasised.

66. State your reasons in order of importance.

67. Videographie sur les Barrages et leur importance

68. 5.4 Flags vs. Stars and importance markers

69. And it rivals climate change in importance.

70. She stressed the importance of good teamwork.

71. Its importance and impact are beyond question.

72. Life is not importance for one lief...

73. Don't underestimate the importance of captions either.

74. It is easy to overrate their importance.

75. Cindy Belittled the importance of Ralph's doll design

76. The Importance of Colloquialism in Literature With Examples

77. 1st Lecture: Introduction to Apiculture: Importance and history

78. After that the importance of the abbey declined.

79. Tourists gave him a temporary sense of importance.

80. 22 She stressed the importance of careful preparation.