Use "impairments" in a sentence

1. Neuropsychological Neurology: The Neurocognitive Impairments of Neurological Disorders.

2. Listing of Impairments - Childhood Listings (Part B) The following sections contain medical criteria that apply only to the evaluation of impairments in children under age 18

3. We have several people with chronic conditions, hearing impairments, arthritis.

4. This feature can be helpful for users with motor impairments.

5. Braille enables people with blindness and visual impairments to read through touch.

6. Despite significant impairments in new learning and remote memory, Amnesics often perform

7. Impairments in thermoregulation and water balance increase vulnerability for hypovolemia and hypothermia.

8. Perkins Brailler significantly eased the typing method for persons with visual impairments

9. The impairments in Autoshaping and spatial behavior are consistent with the findings in mammals

10. Large Print and Giant Print Bibles are great options for readers with visual impairments

11. Moreover, the cumulative impact of temporary disablements is considerably smaller than that of permanent impairments.

12. So the first example I'm going to talk about relates to children with learning impairments.

13. Most Conditions, such as blinded, are impairments, but a few, such as invisible, can be advantageous.

14. This is a disorder that retards mental development in the child and causes permanent mental impairments.

15. As a consequence, both severity of TMD and Bruxism status are independently associated with cervical impairments

16. With Braillewriters ready, laptops open, and pencils sharpened, more than 45 students with visual impairments will

17. The NGO Agape educates people with hearing impairments to use sign language, communication techniques, computers and music.

18. Impairments in spatial working memory and pattern recognition tasks also have been found in heavy binge drinkers.

19. In order to accommodate persons with hearing or speech impairments, they also accepted reports by text message.

20. Impairments in endocrine glands were believed to be a cause for aging , but it no longer holds true .

21. • Align the legislative criteria for impairments in mental functions with wording used in the administration of these provisions.

22. Physical-layer impairments that are repaired by optical-electrical-optical (OEO) regeneration can accumulate along (transparent) connection paths.

23. Because of the impairments it produces, Binge drinking also increases the likelihood of a host of potentially deadly consequences

24. Switch Access can be helpful for people with dexterity impairments that prevent them from interacting directly with the Android device.

25. Augmentative communication is a form of communication designed for people with speech impairments. Historically, support for Augmentative communication was provided primarily to people who lacked cognitive impairments, but in the late 20th century, the value of such communication systems for people with developmental disabilities was recognized.

26. Bedpans & Urinals For those with mobility impairments, finding comfortable and convenient ways to use the bathroom is a real challenge

27. Other abuses of children that occur during pregnancy are the fetal impairments that result from the mother’s inadequate nutrition or drug use.

28. Teachers should be sensitive to students who may have mobility or visual impairments by making accommodations that encourage their participation in class.

29. With Braillewriters ready, laptops open, and pencils sharpened, more than 45 students with visual impairments will participate in the Tenth Annual Technology Olympics

30. Postoperative Aphagia and sensorimotor impairments were less prolonged than normal in the dieted rats and more prolonged than normal in the fattened rats

31. Concrete information about psychosocial impairments in older cancer patients is lacking as is a systematic assessment of age-specific psycho-oncological diagnosis and treatment.

32. ADVANCED prenatal tests make it possible nowadays for doctors to diagnose with increasing accuracy many impairments, physical or mental, an unborn child may have.

33. It may be because it makes them feel better. Nicotine is known to transiently improve several neurological and cognitive impairments in patients with schizophrenia.

34. Competency 002—The teacher of students with visual impairments, including those with additional disabilities, knows how to produce UEB and Nemeth Code using a Braillewriter

35. Augmentative and alternative communication is used by individuals to compensate for severe speech-language impairments in the expression or comprehension of spoken or written language.

36. Aduki NI is a color-changing light designed for use by children and adults with developmental delays, autism, sensory processing disorders, or other cognitive impairments

37. Augmentative communication, also known as alternative communication, employs a wide range of communication forms to assist those with impairments in producing and understanding speech or writing.

38. Finally, Agnosias come in a wide variety of forms, reflecting impairments ranging from low-level sensory processing to access to stored knowledge of the world (semantics).

39. Individuals with severe and prolonged mental or physical impairments often face additional non-discretionary expenses for basic daily living, which reduce their ability to pay tax.

40. Bacteria of the genus Acetobacter, in particular Acetobacter xylinum, are useful for the treatment of gastroenteral dysmicrobisms, gastroenteral acute and chronic infections and impairments of the gastroenteral functionality.

41. Objective: The concept of CVD is equal to Stroke in the field of Chinese Medicine. It leads to many serious problems such as hemiplegia, dysphasia and cognitive impairments .

42. Approvedpharmacological treatments that Amelioratethe core ASD symptoms of social impairments and repetitive behav-iors.Animalmodelsofautism-relevantbehaviorsprovidepre-clinical tools for deciphering the genetic and environmental contributions to ASD etiology

43. Amnesic syndrome is defined as the global and permanent memory deficit caused by a brain injury, without any other intellectual or cognitive impairments that affect identity, language etc

44. According to the lesion sites and the severity of the speech impairments, it is identified 6 types of dysarthria: spastic, flaccid, mixed spastic-flaccid, ataxic, hypokinetic, and hyperkinetic.

45. Autonomy is the mobility programme created to give people with mobility, sensory or intellectual impairments the opportunity to move around with total Autonomy and freedom using FCA Group vehicles

46. In contrast, the newly developed KDS2010 Circumvents the issues of selegiline by significantly attenuating increased astrocytic GABA levels and astrogliosis, enhancing synaptic transmission, and rescuing learning and memory impairments in APP/PS1 …

47. Live Captions is a useful accessibility feature for those with hearing impairments, or any users who want to follow along to videos and other spoken media but can’t turn up their audio.

48. Baryta carbonica is a type of homeopathic remedy widely used to treat children and the elderly who are suffering from a huge variety of symptoms that encompass physical, emotional, and mental impairments

49. If these signals are not processed correctly, e.g. due to impairments in the amygdala or hippocampus, the energy supply to the brain will not be endangered, but anomalies such as obesity can still result.

50. To ensure that, in particular, passengers with sensory impairments are provided with information regarding delays as efficiently as possible, we would call for information announcements to be made using both acoustic and visual systems.

51. The aim of this study was to describe and analyze gross and fine motor function and Accompanying neurological impairments in children with cerebral palsy (CP) born between 1991 and 1998 in western Sweden

52. Biological factors including genetics, sex differences, developmental abnormalities, nutritional status, sensory impairments, and compromised immunological status that help account for, or may serve to reduce health disparities and the vulnerabilities of disadvantaged groups.

53. Subtle problems with the executive functions of attentiveness, planning, flexibility, and abstract thinking, or impairments in semantic memory (memory of meanings, and concept relationships) can also be symptomatic of the early stages of AD.

54. Biological factors including genetics, sex differences, developmental abnormalities, nutritional status, sensory impairments, cardiovascular health, and compromised immunological status that help account for, or may serve to reduce health disparities and the vulnerabilities of disadvantaged groups.

55. The Side Biter is a specialized, innovative FDA Class 1 medical device for use with people from over age 2 years of age who have physical, neurological, oral motor, sensory food aversions, feeding or swallowing impairments

56. In spite of albinism being one of the visual impairments which has been known for over a century, it has only been known for a few decades that albinism is correlated to severe cerebral morphological developmental alterations.

57. ‘Following these subtle changes, Anterograde memory impairments without any obvious sensory, motor, or motivational deficits are the defining feature of the early stages of this disorder.’ Origin Late 19th century from anterior , on the pattern of retrograde.

58. Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is an area of clinical practice that addresses the needs of individuals with significant and complex communication disorders characterized by impairments in speech-language production and/or comprehension, including spoken and written modes of …

59. Alexia is an acquired deficit in the ability to interpret written language; does not refer to those impairments (congenital or acquired early in life) which prevent the normal acquisition of reading skills (which are considered developmental dyslexia or simply dyslexia); HISTORY

60. The Balance Evaluation Systems Test (Bestest) serves as a 36-item clinical balance assessment tool, developed to assess balance impairments across six contexts of postural control: mechanical constraints, limits of stability, APAs, postural response to induced loss of balance, sensory orientation, and gait.

61. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine covers all areas of Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine; such as: methods of evaluation of motor, sensory, cognitive and visceral impairments; acute and chronic musculoskeletal disorders and pain; disabilities in adult and children ; processes of rehabilitation in orthopaedic, rhumatological

62. That project was promoted by the Commission on Accessibility and included installation of carpets with identifiable textures for blind users and users with visual impairments, photoluminescent signage and sound signals in places such as emergency exits, offices that serve the public, priority accessways, stairs, and lifts.

63. ‘With Braillewriters ready, laptops open, and pencils sharpened, more than 45 students with visual impairments will participate in the Tenth Annual Technology Olympics.’ ‘They first became familiar with basic reading and writing skills, then advanced to using a Hall braillewriter, much as sighted children first learned to write with

64. As with pharmacological blockade, this is associated with akinesia and catalepsy, but on a chronic basis, resulting in profound and lasting impairments in eating and drinking (“Aphagia” and “adipsia”), and loss of body weight such that the animals will die without intensive care and tube feeding (Ungerstedt, 1971a; Zigmond and Stricker, 1972).

65. Analyses revealed that the total SANS summary scores as rated by patients and relatives were comparable to scores rated by psychiatrists. Scores on SANS subscales of "alogia" and "attention deficits" differed significantly among the three ratings, while psychiatrists rated the patients' impairments as lower than did the patients themselves or their relatives.

66. Alerting methods include: Audible tones Usually around 3200 Hz due to component constraints (Audio advancements for persons with hearing impairments have been made) 85 dBA loudness at 10 feet Spoken voice alert Visual strobe lights 177 candela output Tactile stimulation (e.g. bed or pillow shaker), although no standards existed as of 2008 for tactile stimulation alarm devices.

67. Wilson 2, Véronique Izard 2 & Stanislas Dehaene 2 1 Service de Neurologie 1, Hôpital de la Salpêtrière, Paris 2 Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit, INSERM U562, CEA/DSV, Orsay Introduction Neurologists’ knowledge of number processing impairments is often limited to the notion that Acalculia is part of Gerstmann’s syndrome (Benton, 1992; Gerstmann, 1940).

68. For practical purposes, accessibility refers to the extent to which GoC web content can be obtained and effectively used by the widest possible audience, particularly those with disabilities (generally, persons with sight, hearing and motor impairments) regardless of technology. See also Subject(s): Accessibility; Common Look and Feel; Government Services; Internet; Intranet ActiveX / ActiveX A set of technologies that enables interactive content on websites by allowing software components to interact with one another in a networked environment. See also Subject(s):

69. Schools (special classes) for hearing-impaired children admit pupils with hearing impairments in the central speech area (at a frequency of # z) # db and with impairment-related underspeech which hinders studying at an ordinary school; pupils who have gone deaf at pre-school age or school age and whose speech is partly or fully preserved but whose hearing impairment hinders their studying at an ordinary school; deaf pupils; pupils with sensory alalia or with a combined impairment (hearing impairment is accompanied by mental retardation

70. Schools (special classes) for hearing‐impaired children admit pupils with hearing impairments in the central speech area (at a frequency of 500‐4,000 Hz) 50‐100 db and with impairment‐related underspeech which hinders studying at an ordinary school; pupils who have gone deaf at pre‐school age or school age and whose speech is partly or fully preserved but whose hearing impairment hinders their studying at an ordinary school; deaf pupils; pupils with sensory alalia or with a combined impairment (hearing impairment is accompanied by mental retardation).