Use "i stand to win." in a sentence

1. What I want is to see him win that second gold and wear the flag again - while the Yanks stand fuming.

2. This was the crunch match they really had to win to stand a chance of staying up.

3. I wanted to win at all costs.

4. We drink together, you still stand after Ogre Grog, you win gold , ya?

5. I abandoned them in order to win!

6. I bet on the Romans to win

7. I bet on the Roman to win

8. Whatever I do seems to annoy her - I can't win.

9. Can I win if I cheat?

10. I will definitely win.

11. 12 Don't believe that winning is really everything. It's more important to stand for something. If you don't stand for something, what do you win? 

12. I Stand Firm!

13. And I will speak to win her heart.

14. I feel I can win this tournament.

15. I don't play if I can't win.

16. If I win, you're dead

17. I made an abortive attempt to win his support.

18. I had a flush to win the card game.

19. I would use anything as a weapon to win.

20. So, do I win the bottle?

21. What win I, if I gain the thing I seek?

22. 8 To be candid, I can't stand her.

23. So I hobble out, barely able to stand.

24. I don't want to stand around here barefooted.

25. I will stand by what I said.

26. I stand by what I said earlier.

27. I told you I can't stand clutter.

28. I hate losing more than I even wanna win.

29. I can't win an election if I can't travel.

30. I cannot stand the thought of a stand- off with you

31. I can't stand the guy.

32. Here I stand unarmed, unguarded.

33. “I stand in weather like this for hours to watch football, so I can certainly stand in the rain for Jehovah.”

34. I can't stand losing her.

35. Yeah, I can't stand it.

36. I cannot stand idly by.

37. I can't stand the things.

38. I see this as a win-win proposition for the U.S. and for India.

39. I figure let the best man win.

40. Exactly, that's why I had to stand my ground.

41. When I call to them, they stand up together.

42. I can't stand people who are cruel to animals.

43. I had hoped to win some money tonight, but I Crapped out pretty quickly

44. To be unwanted, I stand off singing boring songs.

45. I feel confident that we will win.

46. How can I win back her trust?

47. I've got to stay focussed if I want to win this competition.

48. I stand here without fear because I remember.

49. I feel Confident that we will win

50. When I win a struggle, I feel better about myself.”

51. I will never take an unfair advantage in order to win.

52. If I make this sale, I'll win a trip to Spain."

53. I would not dare to prophesy who will win the election.

54. I want to win, but by the same token, I don't want to hurt Sam's confidence.

55. It's an uphill battle but I think we're going to win.

56. I won't stand for this insolence.

57. Yes, you're right-I stand corrected .

58. Oh, well, I stand corrected, ladies.

59. I couldn't stand her ex-husband.

60. Stand still while I photograph you.

61. 8 I can't stand losing you.

62. I would like to see him stand for re-election.

63. 10 I want you all to stand in a circle.

64. I am to stand idle, with arm up fucking ass?

65. Michael: You think I am slouching when I stand?

66. Time seemed to stand still as I watched in disbelief.

67. I loathe negativity. I can't stand people who moan.

68. And I didn't win any points for that.

69. I must win this war for the Khan.

70. If I don't win it's no big deal.

71. I am not confident that I can win over a jury.

72. And I promise to cheer bigger than anyone else when you win

73. At first it looked like I was going to win by acclamation.

74. 21 Win or lose, I love competitive sports.

75. One against four is unfair... plus I have to win each match.

76. Win-win!

77. I just want to be able to stand on my own feet.

78. Win and win and win. Very perceptive.

79. In slalom I know I can win every race if I make no mistakes.

80. I have a thing around celery. I can't stand it.