Use "hissing of a snake" in a sentence

1. A radiator hissing.

2. Caporelli made a small hissing sound of irritation.

3. 26 Caporelli made a small hissing sound of irritation.

4. All you could hear was air hissing out the pipe, like a gurgling sound, then hissing, then silence.

5. It sounded as though gas was hissing out of a pipe.

6. There was a hissing sound, and clouds of vapour were emitted.

7. The hissing sound gradually changed into a low hum.

8. A Bloodred corn snake is a color morph of a corn snake, a type of constrictor

9. She let her breath out in a hissing rush.

10. Even the doors shut with a private hissing sound.

11. Snake : A rippling movement of the ribbon which resembles the slithering action of a snake.

12. To pronounce with a hissing sound ; make sibilant.

13. A snakeBite is an injury caused by the Bite of a snake, especially a venomous snake

14. The cat backed away, hissing.

15. Hey its a snake!

16. Sibilation, Assibilation (noun) pronunciation with a sibilant (hissing or whistling) sound

17. What does Auger mean? A snake or plumber's snake (plumbing tool)

18. Snake Antivenoms are made by first milking venom from a snake

19. His words were not heard but the hissing of the voice carried a certain asperity.

20. Snake Antivenom is a medication made up of antibodies used to treat snake bites by venomous snakes

21. ( Stephen ) Not a snake.

22. Assibilate Meaning: "to change to a hissing sound," 1844, from assimilated form of ad- "to" + sibilant (n.) "hissing sound."… See definitions of Assibilate.

23. Pronunciation with a sibilant (hissing or whistling) sound Familiarity information: Assibilation used as a …

24. When amplified through a speaker the signals consist of nothing more than static and hissing sounds.

25. There was a hissing sound and Dhani drew a long silver shadow out of the black one.

26. The red-Bellied black snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus) is a species of venomous snake in the family Elapidae

27. Mouth of the Snake.

28. 10 His words were not heard but the hissing of the voice carried a certain asperity.

29. Copperheads are essentially a snake of unglaciated Ohio

30. He's terrified of being bitten by a snake.

31. Is this a real snake?

32. She's mean as a snake.

33. Maybe it was a snake.

34. The snake gave a hiss.

35. Snake charming is a very old form of entertainment.

36. 1 He's terrified of being bitten by a snake.

37. Snake appearance prediction syst em and snake appearance prediction program

38. You're a snake-oil salesman.

39. A snake in the grass.

40. A snake winds around a branch.

41. A snake is a limbless reptile.

42. “The eardrum motion resulting from this hissing sound is unbelievably small—only 1/100 of a millionth of a centimeter!”

43. People in the audience were hissing their disapproval.

44. We've been sold a bushel of lies, a barrel of snake oil.

45. What does Assibilate mean? To pronounce with a hissing sound; make sibilant

46. The dog cringed at the sight of a snake.

47. The snake can squirt poison from a distance of a metre.

48. There was a brazier in a corner, where bits of chicken on wooden skewers were hissing over the coals.

49. How to Stop a Snake Constricting

50. A snake slithered across our path.

51. Water Snake!

52. A snake slithered across the grass.

53. Akimbo's uncle runs a snake park

54. A snake is sizzling at us.

55. The boys think it is a snake.

56. Apollo could then manifest as a snake

57. 'Cause they hinge down like a snake.

58. A snake was twisting around his arm.

59. The snake coiled itself around a branch.

60. Snake antivenin, snake Antivenene, snake venom antiserum, antivenom immunoglobulin: Identifiers; ChemSpider: none; It is a biological product that typically consists of venom neutralizing antibodies derived from a host animal, such as a horse or sheep.

61. Over our prostrate forms the bullets are hissing and shells shrieking.

62. Cross-neutralization by tiger snake (Notechis scutatus) Antivenene and sea snake (Enhydrina schistosa) Antivenene against several sea snake venoms

63. The snake is tenacious of life.

64. Adware – snake oil of modern applications

65. Category Title Keywords; Toxins: Sea Snake: Toxins: Taipan: Envenoming, Antivenom, snake, coastal taipan, papuan taipan, small-scaled, fierce snake: Toxins

66. The snake swallowing its tail is a representation of infinity.

67. An Amphisbaena is a Fae snake man

68. She screamed when she saw a snake.

69. A snake slithered into the thick grass.

70. A snake was slithering silently towards us.

71. I did see a small snake, though.

72. 8 A snake slithered across the grass.

73. Snake Eyes speaks.

74. “A radiating snake dancing in the sky”

75. He was bitten by a poisonous snake.

76. A snake coiled itself around the branch.

77. Aaron’s rod becomes a big snake (8-13)

78. Snake : Yeah . I took a pretty freaky detour.

79. Stop blubbering anymore, it just a snake.

80. There is a snake in the grass.