Use "herds" in a sentence

1. Indeed, following disclosure of a reaction, a special contiguous testing programme for herds adjoining restricted herds is operated.

2. Unrestricted hunting further reduced the herds.

3. Reindeer roam the tundra in large herds.

4. Herds of bison live in the park.

5. Migrating herds, especially males, have been reported.

6. Ask not where the herds have gone.

7. The reindeer herds are slowly dying off.

8. They often were mixed with domestic horses, and alongside pure herds there were herds of feral horses or hybrids.

9. Its main role is as a terminal sire for suckler herds or as a beef sire for dairy herds.

10. They were often kept alongside dairy cattle herds.

11. 4 Reindeer roam the tundra in large herds.

12. Blunging are social creatures and live in herds

13. Great herds of buffalo migrated across the plains.

14. Large herds were also present in the Near East.

15. The putrid-smelling blossom attracts herds of carrion beetles.

16. Then for your sake, herds to a spectacularly boring evening.

17. Typically, deep loose Bedded herds average 11.5 to 12 hours per day lying times compared to 10 to 10.5 hours per day for mat and mattress herds.

18. Beefalo travel in herds which consist of up to 12 Beefalo

19. These animals live in loose herds of up to fifty individuals.

20. One can also see large herds of giraffes moving across the grasslands.

21. Animal herds may form in response to the distribution patterns of food.

22. Diet Buffalo herds can have significant ecological impact on the veld.

23. Herds of giraffes gracefully move across the savanna in long, slow strides.

24. Aoudads reproduce and spread quickly, with herds of more than 100 individuals

25. In addition, the floods reportedly reduced herds of cattle by 20 percent.

26. They are more nomadic, following the herds as they graze with the seasons.

27. Common elands form herds of up to 500 animals, but are not territorial.

28. Today they are appreciated for the work with herds of cattle and sheep.

29. Would you like to scrape out a jam - jar? Herds a spoon.

30. The land is used intensively mainly for dairy herds producing fresh milk.

31. Then is your careless Courage Accoyed, Your careful Herds with cold be annoyed

32. We can drink ghee tee at the herds' homes to have a rest.

33. Large herds of bison used to live on the plains of North America.

34. The crops grown and the locations of herds are determined by the local climate.

35. Then is your careless Courage Accoyed, Your careful Herds with cold be annoyed

36. Apatosauruswere dinosaurs thattraveled in herds as the other sauropods did.They were giant fortressesof

37. Abraham and Lot prospered, accumulating huge flocks of sheep and herds of cattle.

38. M. bovis infections in cattle herds in the United States is not common.

39. We camped there, where the loam was trampled by countless herds of bison.

40. Longer resting times have been reported in deep loose Bedded herds compared to other herds with different types of stall surfaces, with the aim of allowing cows to rest for 12 hours per day

41. Addax form herds of 5 to 20 members, consisting of both males and females

42. The rotary system is capable of milking very large herds—over a thousand cows.

43. Farmers raise hay on tiny plots of land to feed small herds of cows.

44. Herds of Bighorns live with up to 15 ewes, lambs, yearlings and two-year old’s

45. Around 90% of the male calves join the bachelor herds before the next mating season.

46. Once a lion has gotten its meal, herds of animals soon resume their usual routine.

47. In the summer, herds of up to 300 individuals gather high on the mountain slopes.

48. (Galatians 5:19-21) The sensual practices went beyond the desire for bountiful crops and herds.

49. Muskoxen live in herds of 12–24 in the winter and 8–20 in the summer.

50. To save remaining herds and habitat, the national parks department is planning to cull 2000 elephants.

51. Under the communist regime, the state regulated the size of the herds to prevent overgrazing.

52. 22 Will flocks and herds be slaughtered for them, for it to be adequate for them?

53. Those with milking herds had a ready market for farm gate sales of butter and cheese.

54. Reindeer moss, the staple diet of the deer herds, was also said to have disappeared completely.

55. From the Backlands of Pernambuco and Bahai, they followed their herds into Piaui looking for grazing land

56. By this time both Abraham and Lot had accumulated much wealth, as well as flocks and herds.

57. He made a whip of ropes and drove the herds of cattle and sheep from the temple.

58. 26 To save remaining herds and habitat, the national parks department is planning to cull 2000 elephants.

59. Dairying in particular occupied the second Earl's attention and his own dairy herds were a lifelong passion.

60. The strong bond between the cows cements the herds and makes for survival of the young.

61. From their vantage point, agama lizards wait for the arrival of the herds, ready to seize their moment.

62. Chapter 27 explains that the Lord commanded Israel to consecrate their crops, flocks, and herds to the Lord.

63. Bashkir herds still provide meat, milk and other products, as well as being used for transportation and agriculture.

64. 6 They took along their herds and their goods, which they had accumulated in the land of Caʹnaan.

65. Every week or so, these families have to travel to find new feeding grounds for their herds.

66. Background: Montana, our fourth largest state but with a sparse population, is home to large herds of elk.

67. In Ayrshire, with some world-famous herds, the larger farms would receive less than 5 percent. of the compensation.

68. During this period she herds stray animals to her seashore cave, where she feeds them during the cold months.

69. At the world-famous San Diego Zoo, the animals will be sharing their territory with wandering herds of Republicans.

70. Buffaloes The paths were ruined by Buffaloes, which were driven over them in herds to be sold in towns

71. The lower slopes are covered with pristine tropical forests in which herds of elephants and Cape buffalo wander.

72. Shitrai, the man in charge of David’s herds in Sharon, was called a Sharonite. —1Ch 27:29, 31.

73. At Dodge City, where j stopped, cowboys sometimes spent days trying to coax their herds into the river.

74. Actual exports far exceed official statistics, which often fail to detect large herds of animals informally crossing into Nigeria.

75. Perhaps they reasoned that Baal would bless their crops and herds, while “Jehovah of armies” would protect them in battle.

76. Crossbreeding has become very popular especially to strengthen the functional traits of animals in herds with high milk yield

77. Constantly on the move in pursuit of the migratory herds, they carried on their backs their few meager possessions.

78. He portrays the latter as a nomadic people who traversed the steppe in wagons with their herds and flocks.

79. The diversity of taxa that exhibits Cooperation is quite large, ranging from zebra herds to pied babblers to African elephants

80. The herds are often migratory or nomadic, otherwise they may have regular home ranges of 1 km2 (11,000,000 sq ft).