Use "healthful" in a sentence

1. Healthful Life-Style

2. Plenty of sleep is healthful.

3. International cuisine, healthful and nutritious food.

4. Fire is as hurtful as healthful.

5. Essence of a Healthful Diet

6. Jicama —A Healthful Mexican Snack

7. All vegetables are healthful foods.

8. Physicians believe that soybeans are healthful food.

9. Anabaptists and “the Pattern of Healthful Words”

10. ● Getting regular exercise and eating a healthful diet.

11. 15 Healthful food will be available in abundance.

12. Does the college cafeteria provide a healthful diet?

13. A healthful diet includes lots of green vegetables.

14. The sun emits healthful rays and deadly ones.

15. Too rich a diet is not healthful for you.

16. Sports activities also present opportunities for healthful exercise and wholesome association.

17. Chinese cooking is both low in calories and healthful.

18. Healthful rivalry among the respective clubs within a congregation.

19. Instead, offer water or low-fat milk and healthful snacks.

20. The healthful man can give counsel to the sick. 

21. Eat healthful food, drink plenty of water, and exercise moderately.

22. Many persons have failed to heed the healthful advice of the apostle Paul:

23. Final tally: a tasty, reasonably healthful lunch, served quickly in an attractive setting.

24. 3 The healthful man can give counsel to the sick. 

25. How can an elder “exhort by the teaching that is healthful”?

26. In what ways can we “exhort by the teaching that is healthful”?

27. Writing might also provide you with a healthful outlet for your emotions.

28. Rather, you endured the pain in order to reap future healthful benefits.

29. Friendship is an essential ingredient in the making of a healthful, rewarding life. 

30. Through his Word and ‘the faithful slave,’ he prescribes a healthful spiritual diet.

31. CHRISTIAN elders must be able to “exhort by the teaching that is healthful.”

32. Travel surveys often sound as suspect as medical breakthroughs: Apples are the most healthful food.

33. Your loyal slave Jia Jingzhong is here to wish your Majesty a long and healthful life

34. “Make Healthful Teaching Your Way of Life” was the title of the next talk.

35. Casein, a protein found in milk, is a common ingredient in dairy products, but is it healthful?

36. 1 Friendship is an essential ingredient in the making of a healthful, rewarding life. 

37. With its nutty flavor and healthful fiber, Bran is a go-to ingredient in many breakfast cereals

38. A community garden project in Harlem to increase - city youngsters'access to healthful food and safe recreation.

39. As our literal heart needs healthful food, we need sufficient amounts of wholesome spiritual food.

40. Our research group found that consumers want healthful food based on vegetables not meat products.

41. The American breakfast is getting more healthful, with whole-grain breads and high-fiber cereals.

42. This exchange of air and moisture through the leather is healthful and comfortable to your feet.

43. What is “the pattern of healthful words,” and how can elders show that they hold to it?

44. Mills is known for his healthful EWapproach to cooking, and this dish exemplifies his style well.

45. Such fables are alien to the truthful “pattern of healthful words” proclaimed by faithful servants of God.

46. 21 Know a few cussword has some of use, when quarrelling at least, can help abreact, healthful.

47. They may point out the advantages of maintaining a healthful distance from what might be a “borderline” situation.

48. Supervision at Bse is dedicated to an effective safety program which provides safe and healthful working conditions for all employees

49. The earth with its many ecological cycles is a self-cleaning marvel, and it is designed for clean, healthful living.

50. Braver malt is produced from grain and barley extracted which is very hygienic & healthful, its chemical free too.

51. Sweeteners Added to sports and juice drinks are particularly troubling because many people think those drinks are relatively healthful

52. Take time to enjoy some healthful and beneficial relaxation in moderation, but avoid imitating the excesses of the world.

53. (Genesis 2:9, 16) Thus, in the new order there will be good, healthful food in abundance. —Psalm 72:16; 67:6.

54. The Abundance Food Co-op exists to provide safe, healthful, nutritious food and other products at a reasonable price to the Rochester community

55. They were appointed as elders, or overseers, who could “exhort by the teaching that is healthful and . . . reprove those who contradict.”

56. Try eating apple slices with a little bit of peanut butter, which is a great source of healthful fat and protein.

57. Finally, indulgence in rich foods and strong drink day after day would hardly be healthful for people of any age, let alone for the young.

58. Rather than living vicarious victories through the Athleticisms of others, we each find our own sports enthusiasms to keep us joyful, healthful, and creatively focused

59. They went from a lush estate with easy access to healthful vegetation and fruit to the difficult situation outside the garden of Eden.

60. But understanding how a healthful sleep cycle works and learning to identify the signs of sleep debt can provide the motivation to change.

61. After switching to Anthracite, many homeowners report saving up to 50% on their heating bills while gaining a more healthful and comfortable home.

62. 12 OBJECTIVE:To study the healthful effects of the medicated diet containing Rhizoma Alismatis and Lentinus Edodes (RALE) in blood-lipid regulation and antioxidation.

63. The constitution, nutrition catabolism and safety of the healthful oil, the major component of which is diacylglycerol,(Sentencedict) were explained in this paper.

64. Franchise restaurants with table service (such as TGIF and Ruby Tuesday) are often promoted as higher quality, more healthful alternatives to fast-food joints .

65. Do not become like those whom Paul described as “mentally diseased over questionings and debates about words” because they did “not assent to healthful words.” —1 Timothy 6:3, 4.

66. The additional humidity that this will provide in heated rooms not only will be healthful for your plants but no doubt will benefit you and your family also.

67. 26 We were interested to read over the weekend in the Washington Postthat the demise of the Department of Agriculture's food pyramid – the government's visual guide to healthful eating — might be nigh.

68. That being so, a healthful diet should include “foods that are low in sodium and rich in potassium,” such as beans, dark green vegetables, bananas, melons, carrots, beets, tomatoes, and oranges.

69. Breaded Shrimp Salad with Chipotle Mayo Healthful Pursuit white shrimp, coconut oil, mayonnaise, egg, chipotle powder, lime juice and 7 more Crunchy Panko Breaded Shrimp With Sour Cream and Chili Garlic Sauce Foodista

70. (2 Timothy 1:13) To this day, the anointed help one another as well as their “other sheep” companions to pursue the healthful, happy way of life that Christendom has abandoned. —John 10:16.

71. 2:1) The apostle Paul spoke of “a period of time when [people would] not put up with the healthful teaching, but, in accord with their own desires, they [would] accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled.”

72. Published by Assouline, The Ashram Cookbook: The Way We Eat features 200 pages of beautiful photographs of the colorful and healthful dishes we serve, alongside inspiring scenic views surrounding the retreat, creating a vibrant celebration of nature, community, and vitality

73. Foretelling this, the apostle Paul said: “There will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthful teaching, but, in accord with their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled.” —2 Timothy 4:3.

74. God’s Word foretold this development, saying: “There will be a period of time when they [people professing to serve God] will not put up with the healthful teaching, but, in accord with their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled.”

75. For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthful teaching, but, in accord with their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled; and they will turn their ears away from the truth.”

76. Antiseptic: 1 adj thoroughly clean and free of or destructive to disease-causing organisms “doctors in Antiseptic green coats” “the Antiseptic effect of alcohol” “it is said that marjoram has Antiseptic qualities” Synonyms: clean free from dirt or impurities; or having clean habits healthful conducive to good health of body or mind aseptic ,

77. (Acts 20:20) He solemnly charged Timothy as an elder to “preach the word” of God in building faith and in preparing the congregation for the period when some would ‘not put up with the healthful teaching, but, in accord with their own desires, would accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled.’

78. In view of the irresponsible and destructive ways of many of today’s youths —smoking, drug and alcohol abuse, illicit sex, and other worldly pursuits, such as wild sports and debased music and entertainment— this is indeed timely advice for Christian youths who want to follow a healthful and satisfying way of life.

79. ‘Vegetables, wheat Bran and other whole grains are good sources of insoluble fiber.’ ‘But cereals made with whole wheat, oats or Bran are as healthful as they are convenient.’ ‘Add extra fiber to your diet by eating cereals that contain Bran or by adding Bran as a topping on your fruit or cereal.’