Use "have someone over" in a sentence

1. When you suffocate someone you actually have less control over their death.

2. 19 Have someone read over your letter, checking for accuracy and tone.

3. Someone will trip over that cable.

4. Someone had scrawled all over my notes.

5. If someone on your Contacts list sends you spam, a hacker may have taken over their account.

6. Don't try to Assassinate someone over your level

7. Someone had stuck posters all over the walls.

8. It is like that someone who is to agonise now over partition and say it should not have happened.

9. And you have to have someone arbitrate that.

10. 4 The desk lamp was turned over by someone.

11. For example, if someone says something over the Airwaves…

12. Someone had scrawled graffiti all over the school walls.

13. Bizarre, sad, officially over... and he fucked someone else.

14. Someone had scribbled all over the table in crayon.

15. Bullying is when someone hurts, harms or humiliates a person over and over again

16. Causatives Exercise 2 Have someone do something / get someone to do something

17. Do you have someone you're dating?

18. 8 Someone had scrawled graffiti all over the school walls.

19. Either way, someone will have to die.

20. Someone must have Blabbed to the police

21. An adult under British law is someone over 18 years old.

22. Have / Make someone do something OR Get someone to do something OR Have something done - See Causatives exercises at GrammarBank

23. An exercise about Causatives: have someone do something and get someone to do something.

24. An example of Blunder is someone tripping over their own foot.

25. Have you ever met someone who Bullshits? I’m sure you have

26. Boink: [verb - ambitransitive] to have sex with someone

27. It's not funny! Someone could have been hurt.

28. Document show that someone have power of attorney.

29. Because we didn't have someone in Veterans Affairs.

30. To recap, Accrued time off is PTO that someone earns over time

31. Carry on (about someone or something) to make a great fuss over someone or something; to cry (especially for a long time or uncontrollably) about someone or something

32. Say someone Mayday are pseudo - rock, the place in the world someone would have the noise.

33. I have someone with me now, a human.

34. If someone invited me over to Florida, I'd jump at the chance.

35. Have (one's) Beady eye on (someone or something) To watch or monitor someone or something closely

36. Someone with a guitar here, someone making love there, someone smoking a joint, someone puking his brains out, the din of the music you could hear over all of this—a bombardment of the senses.

37. It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone and a day to love someone - but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

38. 13 It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone and a day to love someone - but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

39. 6 And we have all become like someone unclean,

40. His eyes have the Blankness of someone half-asleep

41. So someone must have offered you something rather sweet.

42. Now that the sale is over someone needs to take down the notices.

43. Someone will have to take charge after the war.

44. It's useful to have someone to bounce ideas off.

45. Someone must have left the door open by mistake.

46. 17 It's not funny! Someone could have been hurt.

47. You know, sometimes I feel like there's someone out there watching over us.

48. I have someone without a badge and without ID.

49. Someone had Broughta dog over and it began to fight with another dog

50. I wouldn't work for someone who tries to domineer over everyone as Mr.

51. His father forlornly hoped someone might have seen them.

52. Now, you wanna have Hal over, let's have him over for dinner.

53. A Conservatorship is a way for someone to assume legal guardianship over an adult

54. See also: Bicker Bicker over (something) To argue or squabble with someone about something

55. However it happened, this is more than enough to tip someone over the edge.

56. You saw someone go over a wall into a yard, you called the police?

57. Someone on the inside must have helped with the robbery.

58. See also: Bicker Bicker over (something) To argue or squabble with someone about something

59. Have you ever known someone who seemed to hate you?

60. Someone asks me who you are, I have plausible deniability.

61. It is important to have someone you can confide in.

62. He could not afford to have someone tend the compressor.

63. Last June, he closed his business voluntarily and signed his assets over to someone else.

64. Checkup: a close look at or over someone or something in order to judge condition

65. What is the most effective response to someone who overly Belabors or over-explains a

66. To have a positive or meaningful Connection with someone, often quickly

67. Have you ever dated someone who hasn't won the Nobel Prize?

68. The thieves must have had someone on the inside helping them.

69. Take a shine to (someone or something) To have or develop a fondness or preference for someone or something; to be attracted to or desire someone or something

70. I wouldn't work for someone who tries to domineer over everyone as Mr , Smith does.

71. Have you ever seen someone being corrected or rebuked for misbehavior?

72. And I have to go out with someone nice and boring.

73. ● What will you do if someone asks you to have sex?

74. Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all they have.

75. Have wrapped, unisex gifts on hand in case you forget someone.

76. Next time you have a chance to kill someone, don't hesitate.

77. Have I cheered up the sad and made someone feel glad?

78. it's great to have someone to talk to about all this.

79. He might easily have been seen by someone who lived nearby.

80. Barren Someone who is unable to have children, not matter how many times they have sex