Use "hard work" in a sentence

1. Work hard.

2. Work hard!

3. Work is hard.

4. You work hard.

5. You work hard to play hard - Rough Country …

6. I work ruddy hard.

7. Rowing is hard work.

8. All your hard work.

9. I will work hard!

10. 5 Work hard and play hard, that's my motto.

11. 7 Her motto is "Work hard,( play hard".

12. love the hard science, hard work out of genius.

13. Re-election's hard work, buddy.

14. In future will hard work.

15. Hard work and crap pay.

16. Thanks for your hard work.

17. The work was hard sledding.

18. Raising children is hard work.

19. Be polite and work hard.

20. Work hard to maintain friendships.

21. Baby, you work so hard.

22. Shoveling snow is hard work.

23. Thrift, industry and hard work...

24. But so is hard work.

25. I'm allergic to hard work!

26. She thrived on hard work.

27. 16 The school's motto was 'Work hard and play hard'.

28. Summers were hard, hard work, in the heat of Tennessee summers.

29. Hard Work: Which Matters More for Startup Success? Should entrepreneurs focus on hard work or creative ideas? Here's how founders can find a balance between hard work and Creativity.

30. ACE industrial shock Absorbers work hard

31. There's no substitute for hard work.

32. 12 He succinctly summed up his manifesto as "Work hard, train hard and play hard".

33. It's hard work but very rewarding.

34. Farmers are inured to hard work.

35. But our hard work paid off.

36. Hard work and a crippling mortgage

37. She praised her daughter's hard work.

38. It was hard work keeping house.

39. Mowing the lawn is hard work.

40. Hard work is fundamental to success.

41. I work hard for this money.

42. Pawning off all the hard work?

43. (also callused) (of the skin) made rough and hard, usually by hard work Her Calloused hands testified to a life of hard, physical work.

44. You won't get anything without hard work. What you get without hard work will never fructify. Rajinikanth 

45. Maybe they work hard and accumulate wealth.

46. We work hard for whom right now?

47. 15 Being a shepherd involves hard work.

48. It would advantage you to work hard.

49. It involves a lot of hard work.

50. He owes his opulence to work hard.

51. He emphasized the need for hard work.

52. Bunny Archeologists Hard at Work in Wales

53. The rest is how hard you work.

54. Look at our vegetarian tiger work hard.

55. + You must not do any hard work.

56. Full-time work is hard to find.

57. Old age disabled him for hard work.

58. Hard work doesn't always lead to success.

59. 23 I counsel honesty and hard work.

60. Hard work over time to accomplish skill.

61. The teacher exhorted him to work hard.

62. 4 They are habituated to hard work.

63. 20 Work hard but don't overdo it.

64. Hard work is the cornerstone of success.

65. Army units must work hard and expeditiously.

66. Don't romanticize this uninteresting and hard work!

67. These people are Accustomed to hard work

68. You may not do any hard work.

69. Hard work is the gateway to success.

70. He succeeded by dint of hard work.

71. Why render all our hard work worthless?

72. Find Enjoyment in All Your Hard Work

73. You will fail unless you work hard.

74. He was a glutton for hard work.

75. Magicians do not dabble, they work hard.

76. 2 He was unaccustomed to hard work.

77. Then, why do you still work so hard?

78. Hard work is a vital ingredient for success.

79. So hard work does not prevent civic engagement.

80. And no one complained about the hard work.