Use "halted" in a sentence

1. Bituminoid thallin preshortage halted

2. An impenetrable fog halted traffic.

3. At length Fand halted, spear held aloft.

4. The plan for armistice talks was halted.

5. She walked towards him and then halted.

6. He halted before the door in indecision.

7. The regiment halted amidst a gory, ghastly scene.

8. A pipeline rupture halted supplies of natural gas.

9. The strike effectively halted production at the factory.

10. Police halted the march well inside Peruvian territory.

11. The trial was halted after the first week.

12. Further excavation is currently halted for financial reasons.

13. The company halted the operations during the strike.

14. After a while, with their mounts winded, they halted.

15. They halted at a short distance from the house.

16. His patrols halted the raiding assailed the Danish army.

17. Nor have scientists halted the harvest of death by disease.

18. This move halted the inflation but had other disastrous consequences.

19. The environment ministry halted plans for bt brinjal cultivation earlier.

20. 20 Security forces halted the demonstrators by blocking the road.

21. Centuries ago, an arched gateway called “Ludgate” would have halted our progress.

22. 10 Holmes halted before the next exhibit in some perplexity.

23. A non-violent movement could not have halted Hitler's armies.

24. An Ameiotic mutant of Coprinus cinereus halted prior to pre-meiotic S-phase

25. The long march to 1945 and beyond had truly been halted.

26. 12 When they arrived at the temporary mortuary they halted outside.

27. Ahmad Shah halted trade with Qing China and dispatched troops to Kokand.

28. Construction of the hospital has been halted by a welter of lawsuits.

29. Building at the site was halted after human remains were unearthed earlier this month.

30. The development programme has been halted in its tracks by this intervention.

31. Saul’s encounter on the road to Damascus halted the persecutor in his tracks.

32. He does not have a body, and his eternal progress has been halted.

33. Not only was the Republican programme of land reform halted, it was reversed.

34. She also tried to reduce Haiti's economic dependence and halted the privatization process.

35. When he added an anti - prion drug to the mix, though, the virus production halted.

36. However, due to the 1997 Asian financial crisis, the project was temporarily halted.

37. However, if the Medieval Archers Companion Iron Broadtail Arrowhead is halted in mid

38. More broadly, the suppression temporarily halted the policies of liberalization in the 1980s.

39. The erosion of regional security could be halted only at Kosovo s borders.

40. Production has halted at all of the company's factories because of the pay dispute.

41. All U.S. bombing operations were halted in hopes of securing a chance for peace.

42. Beseler followed the Belgian army and was halted in the Battle of the Yser.

43. They were halted at the outer guardhouse at the aforementioned trench, to identify themselves.

44. When Butterball’s carriage is halted by Prussian soldiers, they demand her sexual services as ransom.

45. The flow of assistance to Vietnam's fragile economy from its ideological allies has virtually halted.

46. Abreast of the first soldier, he too took in the round collar and halted gapemouthed

47. And this process was not immediately halted by the accession to power of the Bolsheviks.

48. Sell it to me for the full price, so that the scourge against the people may be halted.”

49. The ensuing battle was indecisive: the northward advance of the Goths was halted but Roman losses were heavy.

50. The diversification process can be modulated, accelerated, halted, switched between methods of mutagenesis and the like.

51. Synonyms for Aborted include halted, arrested, checked, ended, stopped, terminated, scrubbed, axed, called off and ceased

52. 30 The flow of assistance to Vietnam's fragile economy from its ideological allies has virtually halted.

53. By June 29 a further solidarity strike had halted production at the country's only oil refinery.

54. That action halted two lawsuits in which plaintiffs were seeking a total of $155 million in compensation for molestation.

55. In 1913 Santa Laura halted its production until the Shanks extraction process was introduced, which enhanced productivity.

56. When Townshend halted at Kut, Goltz laid siege to the British position (see the Siege of Kut).

57. The match was extremely violent, and was halted in the final minute to quell fighting among spectators.

58. 26 Humanitarian aid would have to be halted if an attack was sanctioned, Mr Boutros-Ghali added.

59. In preparation for Opal, Japanese airlines cancelled 107 domestic flights and port officials halted all ferry traffic.

60. She swallowed and took a step back, but the breakfast-bar, immovable and robust, halted her retreat.

61. Although the 5th Guards Tank Army did not attain its objectives, the German advance had been halted.

62. In August, she shifted to Mare Island, but with the cessation of hostilities repair work was halted.

63. An hour later they were halted in their tracks by a cataract not marked on the map.

64. As the natural brewing process has been halted, the beer can not generate its own carbon dioxide.

65. Their attempts to achieve world domination were finally halted, but only after a tremendous expenditure of money and human lives.

66. Construction was halted when excavation work on the baroque square unearthed the ruins of a medieval synagogue destroyed in 14

67. I have halted all pending foreclosure sales until they can be further reviewed for discrimination or inconsistency in program delivery.

68. While the negative trend in market shares has been halted in recent years, the accumulated losses remain substantial.

69. The aeration is halted, and the remaining bacteria are allowed to settle to the bottom of the tank.

70. 14 The morning landing halted traffic on nearby Interstate 5 as many motorists stopped to watch the action.

71. His followers halted with him, their banners a gentle flutter of blue and gold against the grimy background.

72. Migration from east to west of the Iron Curtain, except under limited circumstances, was effectively halted after 1950.

73. Trading in Rohr shares was halted by exchange officials yesterday until the company disclosed more information about the acquisition.

74. They were hamstrung when the government halted all nuclear plant construction in 19 leaving them with unfinished power plants.

75. The Cannon halted rush-hour traffic as it rattled the windows of every car and skyscraper for blocks around.

76. Accumulation through dynamic expansion would be halted when the need for more workers drove up wages and eroded profits.

77. Today we halted at the grim-looking chasm which formed the entrance and watched a thundering swell drive into the cave mouth.

78. If weather or health conditions require a temporary suspension of operations, Curbside service may be temporarily halted until deemed safe.

79. The Auto maker has halted production of vehicles, but continues to make VOCSN critical care ventilators at its Kokomo facility

80. Israel’s recently halted moratorium on settlement construction had actually never been fully in effect and had never included East Jerusalem.