Use "go to waste" in a sentence

1. But countless go to waste.

2. Nothing will go to waste.

3. However, they needn't go to waste.

4. Why leave it to go to waste?

5. He let his abilities go to waste.

6. I hate to see them go to waste.

7. The chops will fester and go to waste.

8. Don't let all this food go to waste.

9. It's a shame to let it go to waste.

10. I just didn't want it to go to waste.

11. I hate to see good food go to waste .

12. Well, I didn't think it should go to waste.

13. Don't let all this good food go to waste!

14. It's a shame to let that food go to waste.

15. What a pity to see all that food go to waste.

16. In reselected areas, the expertise accumulated could go to waste.

17. Their kitchen cabinets are crowded with items go to waste.

18. It seemed a pity to let it all go to waste.

19. If nobody comes all this food will go to waste.

20. We can't let all our hard work go to waste.

21. It a complete shame a gorgeous woman to go to waste.

22. Someone who does not want your unique gifts to go to waste.

23. I'm not here to waste time, talk turkey or I'll go.

24. It's enough to make you weep, seeing all that money go to waste.

25. Eat some more cake; it's a pity to let it go to waste.

26. Their kitchen cabinets are crowded with items that just go to waste.

27. On the positive side, our previous investments will not go to waste.

28. 20 Don't waste time carping about their laziness - go and speak to them.

29. Unfortunately, most of these useful and innovative ideas go to waste without investigation.

30. If you don't have enough silos or refineries the rest will go to waste.

31. Leave it to the green - eyed devil to let all that extra money go to waste.

32. Is it possible, I would like that go to waste as ignorant as a child?

33. But with bad governance and shaky institutions, all of this potential could go to waste.

34. I still had tickets to use for this season, and now those will just go to waste.

35. If you don't want your Borborygms to go to waste, you might try a little after dinner gastromancy

36. If no one else wants this, I'll eat it -- I hate to see good food go to waste.

37. Don't waste your time on such unnecessary things and go do something productive.

38. As President Obama's former chief of staff memorably pointed out, no serious crisis should go to waste.

39. However, Cesspits do not have a soakaway system, which means that liquid waste has nowhere to go

40. And I tried taking the dried food waste, putting it to the worms, going, " There you go, dinner. "

41. To dump waste at sea (strong acid waste)?

42. This includes both “waste to compost,” and “waste to energy” components.

43. Rechargeable Batteries not only help in reducing e-waste, but are also easy to pack when you’re on the go

44. He was sure we had picked every blueberry and that it would be a waste of time to go again.

45. 9 Under the pretext of travelling on business, ( some cadres ) go holidaying and waste public money.

46. the introduction of a procedure to clarify when a waste ceases to be a waste for selected waste streams;

47. The introduction of a procedure to clarify when a waste ceases to be a waste for selected waste streams.

48. The backwash waste is drained to the regular waste outlet.

49. So much of his enormous effort and talent will go to waste if we are forced to drop one hour of the film.

50. To discharge or dump waste into surface waters (weak acid waste)?

51. to discharge or dump waste into surface waters (weak acid waste)?

52. 1.2. to discharge or dump waste into surface waters (weak acid waste)?

53. Hyrum was sure we had picked every blueberry and that it would be a waste of time to go again to the blueberry farm.

54. We need to encourage composting, and biodegradable waste—all Compostable waste is biodegradable—is a vital part of the waste stream to tackle.

55. ◦ conical waste combustors of municipal waste.

56. Welcome to Curbside Waste Providing residential and commercial waste collection to the greater Minneapolis area

57. Food waste to Becost-effectively collected as part of the yard waste program

58. Liver, lungs, heads, tails, kidneys, testicles, all of these things which are traditional, delicious and nutritious parts of our gastronomy go to waste.

59. Witches laid waste to cities.

60. Instead of generating less waste, they get rid of fussy impediments to waste disposal.

61. Sorry to waste your time.

62. Try to avoid unnecessary waste.

63. Three compost bins -- go through about 70 kilos of raw vegetable waste a week -- really good, makes fantastic compost.

64. Instead of classifying hazardous waste according to the ADR, it is assigned to different waste groups.

65. Curbside Waste – We provide residential and commercial waste collection to the greater Minneapolis area

66. An aerobic bacteria waste digester uses a rocking paddle to mix a waste sludge.

67. Barbette reduces it's carbon footprint by using re-usable to go containers, composting food waste, switching to energystar lightbulbs, using local, seasonal produce, and buying local

68. Waste masticators and compressors [electric waste disposal units]

69. Waste-air chimney for a waste-air hood

70. Radioactive waste is waste that contains radioactive material.

71. A culinary masterpiece gone to waste!

72. It's sinful to waste good food!

73. The waterproofing is done perfectly, better than our city contractors, because not a single drop should go waste in this.

74. Electric waste disposal units including waste masticators and compressors

75. Awaste (not comparable) To waste; wasted

76. Waste consisting of aqueous liquids, acids/alkalis or pumpable sludges (e.g. emulsions, waste acids, aqueous marine waste) which is not liquid biodegradable waste.

77. municipal waste collected = proportion of population covered by the municipal waste collecting agency * municipal waste generated

78. There are two types of waste generated, is the liquid waste and the other is dry waste.

79. Biogas refers to a mixture of gases produced by the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter such as agricultural waste, municipal waste, plant residue, food waste etc

80. Anaerobic digester for processing waste or converting waste into biogas