Use "gentile" in a sentence

1. A gentile name confers of itself gentile rights.

2. A gentile name conferred of itself gentile rights.

3. Aionial Gentile progestational foredestiny Kalamist

4. Right to bear the gentile name.

5. 19 The first Gentile congregation was now formed.

6. Her family disowned her for marrying a gentile.

7. In Anticipation of the End of the Gentile Times

8. A gentile is person that is not a Jew.

9. He was banished from the country as a gentile.

10. Mark apparently wrote primarily with Gentile readers in mind.

11. Her mother is a delicate and gentile dark woman.

12. 15 And they are shunned by gentile - i.e., Pauline - Christians.

13. God then directed him to the home of the Gentile Cornelius.

14. points to 1914 as end of Gentile Times: jv 134-135

15. Gentile institutions prevailed, and prior to the establishment of political society.

16. This occasion was noteworthy, since Cornelius was an uncircumcised Gentile.

17. I might as well have been a convert, a Gentile.

18. In short, the end of the gentile constitution was approaching.

19. 4 In Rome there were both Jewish and Gentile believers.

20. Cornelius was an uncircumcised Gentile and not part of the Christian congregation.

21. His keen thinking abilities were respected by Jew and Gentile alike.

22. These men refused to share in the'love - feast'with the Gentile believers.

23. No gentile dared shelter refugees, nor could those in flight take along currency.

24. Today's Anticapitalists fall into a familiar pattern pioneered by Mussolini and Giovanni Gentile

25. German congregations commissioned works from other Gentile composers, including Albert Methfessel (1785–1869).

26. Also, they would soon be carrying the Kingdom message to Gentile lands.

27. As we know(, rule over subjugated peoples is incompatible with the gentile constitution.

28. Why do we have to have a gentile street running through our area?

29. Page 100, Starvation: Mark Peters/Sipa Press; Soldier: Bill Gentile/Sipa Press; Warplanes: USAF photo

30. Further, a number of minor breaches had also been made in the gentile constitution.

31. But it is difficult to determine what gentile name was borne by married women.

32. 6 The whole gentile constitution made the transference of private property from father to son impossible.

33. That began 2,520 years of godless rule —“the appointed times of the nations,” or Gentile Times.

34. The whole gentile constitution made the transference of private property from father to son impossible.

35. (Galatians 6:16; Revelation 7:1-8; 14:1-5) The first uncircumcised Gentile believer was Cornelius.

36. Her father is learned in the Torah, and his daughter might as well be a Gentile.

37. A steady stream of Gentile merchants, bankers, prospectors, and mining companies flocked to the Intermountain West.

38. T. Russell, published in the Bible Examiner, points to 1914 as the end of the Gentile Times

39. In 1876 the Bible student Charles Taze Russell contributed the article “Gentile Times: When Do They End?”

40. Tekla, the dark-eyed young Gentile woman with red cheeks, brought us tea and rock-hard kichel.

41. Secular Jewish music (and dances) have been influenced both by surrounding Gentile traditions and Jewish sources preserved over time.

42. (2 Kings 16:7-9) In her dealings with the Gentile nations, Judah stoops to “the depths of Sheol.”

43. 4:8) Jehovah’s great administration goes into full operation after the end of the Gentile Times in 1914.

44. Gentile converts had been accepted on the basis of faith without first conforming to the Mosaic law’s regulations.

45. (Acts 10:45) Would Gentile males first need to be circumcised and to submit to the Mosaic Law?

46. Gentile, a Brooklyn Democrat, has introduced a bill that would prevent new hookah bars from opening next year and beyond.

47. (Numbers 14:34; Ezekiel 4:6) This, therefore, is the duration of the “seven times” —the Gentile Times.

48. Before her death in June 19 Gentile filed a claim against the town alleging the ticketing was harassment.

49. The army officer who oversaw Jesus’ execution held that rank, as did Cornelius, the first Gentile convert to Christianity.

50. Further east, Antioch of Syria on the Orontes seems to have been the cradle of early Jewish- Gentile Christianity

51. 7 As the Gentile Times neared their end, newspapers were used to publish Bible sermons delivered by Brother Russell.

52. And though it has only recently been discovered, Gentile says conservation measures are needed to prevent the pink iguana from going extinct.

53. Thus, accounts written with Gentile readers in mind would differ from those for Jewish readers, who already understood and accepted certain facts.

54. Since the boycott of eastern goods was not totally effective, it enabled Gentile merchants to establish a virtual monopoly in commerce.

55. Joe Gentile of the Metropolitan Police Department said that police investigate diplomatic crime fully, and they do issue citations to diplomats.

56. His Word and the fulfil[l]ments of prophecy seemed to point unmistakably that this date marked the end of the Gentile Times.

57. * [17:16–21] Paul’s presence in Athens sets the stage for the great discourse before a Gentile audience in Acts 17:22–31

58. James advised writing Gentile Christians to abstain from (1) things polluted by idols, (2) fornication, and (3) blood and what is strangled.

59. But any “vision” such Jewish men had of ending Gentile domination of their homeland was false, and they would fail, or “stumble.”

60. I cannot imagine paradise without this Gentile washwoman . I cannot even imagine a world where there is no reward for such effort.

61. In Acts 10, the Gentile Cornelius's faithful Almsgiving brought him to the attention of God who sent Peter to share the gospel with him

62. 27 The disciplinary action of the Gentile nations against the people of Judah and Jerusalem had been carried to the point of outright persecution.

63. The treatment accorded Captives was governed by those limited ethical concepts which went hand in hand with clan, gentile, and other consanguineous organizations of Indian society

64. (Notice that the saving of “all Israel” is accomplished, not by conversion of all the Jews, but by the ‘coming in’ of people from Gentile nations.

65. Given the hatred they nurtured for the Gentile powers that dominated them, the Jews bitterly resented the humiliation of being forced into such vexatious labor.

66. 3 During the 13 years that followed the anointing of the first uncircumcised Gentile, Cornelius, an issue arose that threatened the unity of the Christian congregation.

67. The treatment accorded Captives was governed by ethical concepts that went hand in hand with a clan, gentile, and other blood-related organizations of Native American society

68. A Jewish woman was not allowed to aid a Gentile woman in labor because she would thereby “be assisting to bring to birth a child for idolatry.”

69. Here Mark gives a little parenthetical comment he says, "By saying this,Jesus declared all foods clean." In other words, Mark does a good little Gentile Christianity move.

70. 13 The letter provided clear direction for Gentile Christians not only regarding the circumcision issue but also regarding what they must do in order to receive Jehovah’s favor and blessing.

71. 4 Wherefore, it is wisdom that the land should be apurchased by the saints, and also every tract lying westward, even unto the line running directly bbetween Jew and Gentile;

72. Lauryn Hill's lines from the Fugees 'Zealots' show Consonance at work alongside rhyme: Rap rejects my tape deck, ejects projectile; Whether Jew or Gentile, I rank top percentile,

73. If there's a Gentile who sort of wants to keep kosher, or wants to get circumcised,well,it's no big deal, in fact he has Paul circumcise Timothy, his follower at one point.

74. But then, instead of immediately taking his place at the head of the table, he claps his hands and makes a thrilling announcement: “The Gentile Times have ended; their kings have had their day!”

75. So when the Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem, and the land of its dominion was completely desolated, world rulership passed into Gentile hands without any interference from a kingdom representing Jehovah’s sovereignty.

76. There the Christian prophet Agabus bound his own hands and feet with Paul’s girdle and was moved by the spirit to say that Jews would bind its owner in Jerusalem and deliver him into Gentile hands.

77. He packed up a six-pound stack of documents that showed the case files and Cryptonyms of some of the agency’s best Soviet sources, each with code names such as TICKLE, GENTILE, MILLION and

78. ,.weasels Oph Elysburg dandydom factualness transversely Bloodnoun consciencelessness swimmist diplohedral ,sphingiform reserves rattish scoping de-exciting gentile-falcon carrs unlifelike affinity's robotized ,preinvestigating capsumin parochial inflaming insectary sacope bellarmine mythopoetize nonstimulant extrinsic ,ultraexclusive quasi-intolerant

79. The many cultivars of the hazel include 'Atababa', 'Barcelona', 'Butler', 'Casina', 'Clark', 'Cosford', 'Daviana', 'Delle Langhe', 'England', 'Ennis', 'Fillbert', 'Halls Giant', 'Jemtegaard', 'Kent Cob', 'Lewis', 'Tokolyi', 'Tonda Gentile', 'Tonda di Giffoni', 'Tonda Romana', 'Wanliss Pride', and 'Willamette'.

80. But though there might be separate folds, there was to be only “one shepherd,” and this one proves to be the Shepherd-King who has been reigning in the heavens since the close of the Gentile Times in 1914.