Use "freedom of religion" in a sentence

1. It freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press.

2. We believe in freedom of religion, freedom of speech, especially freedom of ( political ) expression.

3. What does freedom of religion mean?

4. Nobody is violating your freedom of religion.

5. Regarding freedom of religion, the Vietnamese government should:

6. Article 1 of the constitution guarantees freedom of religion.

7. Many came to America to enjoy freedom of religion.

8. 14 The Constitution guarantees freedom of speech and religion.

9. Freedom of religion even extends to inventing one's own.

10. Back in 1922, a “Freedom of Religion” Act became law.

11. The Court’s decision upheld the Witnesses’ right of freedom of religion.

12. Under the 1997 constitution, freedom of religion is limited, Islam being the only religion accepted in public.

13. Every person has the right to freedom of conscience, religion, belief and thought and to academic freedom.

14. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.

15. Why? I think that European countries have policy of freedom of religion.

16. Opponents see this as a violation of rights to freedom of religion.

17. The constitution provides for freedom of religion, and other laws and policies contributed to the generally free practice of religion.

18. Whereas, the protection andlimitation on the freedom of religion party and association are various.

19. " The Apostates is not about religious freedom or religion that poisons

20. We can have freedom of religion but should pledge our loyalty only to our nation.

21. Neither freedom of religion nor the guarantee against discrimination based on sexual orientation is absolute.

22. Chinese citizens enjoy the freedom to believe in religion and the freedom not to believe in it and to propagate atheism.

23. Indeed, the advent of democracy, with greater freedom of expression and the diluting of central control over cultural matters, had intensified moves away from freedom of religion.

24. Between 1544 and 1574, the Transylvanian Parliament, or Diet, passed 22 laws granting freedom of religion.

25. Also guaranteed is freedom of conscience and the right to freely profess, practice and propagate religion.

26. (24) Regarding other operators, the PPC shall, when exercising its powers of investigation and enforcement, not preclude them from exercising their right to freedom of expression, freedom of academia, freedom of religion, and freedom of political activity (Article 43(1) of the APPI).

27. The catalogue of basic rights included Freedom of Movement, Equal Treatment for all Germans in all of Germany, the abolishment of class-based privileges and medieval burdens, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Conscience, the abolishment of capital punishment, Freedom of Research and Education, Freedom of Assembly, basic rights in regard to police activity and judicial proceedings, the inviolability of the home, Freedom of the Press, independence of judges, Freedom of Trade and Freedom of establishment.

28. Government officials have forced hundreds of Montagnard Catholics and Protestants to renounce their religion in public criticism sessions, violating internationally protected rights to freedom of religion and conscience.

29. Gratitude for God-given freedom from false religion furnishes another reason to serve Jehovah faithfully.

30. Nguyen Van Minh is an independent Hoa Hao Buddhist activist who has campaigned for freedom of religion and conscience.

31. Rahma in exchange for freedom is the social contract that the new religion proposed to the citizens of Mecca.

32. The Court raised additional questions about the possible violation of Article 9 of the European Convention dealing with freedom of religion.

33. Yet the fact is that over-Cautiousness about possible infringements of fundamental freedoms - particularly freedom of expression and freedom of religion - actually erodes the resources we need in order to fight terrorism.

34. The Court invalidated the city ordinance as “an abridgment of freedom of press and a restraint on the free exercise of religion.”

35. " congress shall make no law respecting an establishment " of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, Or abridging the freedom of speech. "

36. In 1980 a Spanish law guaranteeing religious freedom stated that “no faith shall be the Official State religion.”

37. All abbatial magistrates and the governor were extradited and freedom of religion was promulgated, which obviously turned against the interests of the Catholic cantons.

38. Abrahamic religion synonyms, Abrahamic religion pronunciation, Abrahamic religion translation, English dictionary definition of Abrahamic religion

39. Draws attention to the need for China to allow the free expression and practice of religion and thought; affirms the need, particularly in the light of the discussions among Chinese officials about the definition of religion and especially legal religion, for a comprehensive law on religion meeting international standards and guaranteeing genuine religious freedom; deplores the contradiction between the constitutional freedom of belief (enshrined in Article # of the Chinese Constitution) and the ongoing interference of the state in the affairs of religious communities, in particular as regards the training, selection, appointment and political indoctrination of ministers of religion

40. 2. What steps will it take to ensure freedom of religion and the basic right of all Albanian citizens to have access to a place of worship?

41. d) academic freedom and freedom of scientific research.”

42. Seventy years ago, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights affirmed this when 48 nations declared that “everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion.”

43. 17 Moreover, he distinguished the freedom from the casualness, the vulgarism of freedom from the virtue of freedom, and emphasized the value of"civilized freedom".



46. Freedom to lie is not freedom of the press.

47. Australia should also call on Vietnam to honor its commitment to respect the rights to freedom of speech, association, assembly, and religion, Human Rights Watch said.

48. A dystopian drama starring some of Israel's top acting talent, Autonomies is a globally-relevant tale centering on the burning issues of identity, religion, politics and personal freedom.

49. A dystopian drama starring some of Israel's top acting talent, Autonomies is a globally-relevant tale centering on the burning issues of identity, religion, politics and personal freedom.

50. They were fighting for freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.

51. A dystopian drama starring some of Israel’s top acting talent, Autonomies is a globally-relevant tale centering on the burning issues of identity, religion, politics and personal freedom

52. A dystopian drama starring some of Israel’s top acting talent, Autonomies is a globally-relevant tale centering on the burning issues of identity, religion, politics and personal freedom

53. -Religion 2: Cult of Isis and Cryert-Religion 3: Christianity (later becomes the official religion)-Government provided public building for practicing religion

54. Accommodationists believe that the government should acknowled… The establishment clause states that the government cannot cre… In British-ruled America, there was no freedom of religion and…

55. Apostasy Does Islam allow freedom of religion or does it threaten the death penalty for Apostasy? Those who turn their back on Islam are to be executed

56. 13 They were fighting for freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.

57. Source for information on Buriat Religion: Encyclopedia of Religion dictionary.

58. Although freedom of religion is considered a basic right in the United States, a wave of mob violence against Jehovah’s Witnesses swept through the country in the 1940’s

59. The constitution did provide a "freedom of conscience, that is, the right to profess or not to profess any religion, and to conduct religious worship or atheistic propaganda."

60. No democracy can exist without freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

61. The Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion and this, plus the fact that church property is tax exempt, ought to mean that anyone can go anyplace to worship.

62. To ensure this , freedom of expression and freedom of the press are essential . "

63. The very first part of the First Amendment reads: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech.”

64. (James 2:23; Hebrews 11:8) He thus received God-given freedom and no longer lived as a slave of Satan’s world of false religion, corrupt politics, and greedy commerce.

65. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or Abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people

66. Neither freedom of religion nor the guarantee against discrimination based on sexual orientation is absolute, and the proper place to draw the line was generally between belief and conduct.

67. The Zimbabwean government is accused of suppressing freedom of the press and freedom of speech.

68. Religion: Religion plays an important part in the lives of most Afrikaners.

69. Freedom from the drudgery of every day life... freedom as abstract ideal.

70. He believed in freedom of speech, including freedom of the press, no matter what.

71. He stated: “High in the pantheon of civil rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution is the right to be free of laws prohibiting the free exercise of religion or abridging freedom of speech.”

72. Freedom of expression and the freedom of the press have returned after many years of absence.

73. The freedom to connect is like the freedom of assembly, only in cyberspace.


75. Last night of freedom, eh?

76. “There has therefore been a violation of Article 9 [freedom of religion] of the Convention on account of the disruption of the applicants’ religious meeting on 16 April 2000 by the Commissioner and her aides.”

77. The religious implications embodied by Dunhuang art regeneration are not the religion in the proper sense, rather, they refer to consistent benevolence and freedom under modern context.

78. Remember your birthright of freedom.


80. Adult religion is possible when Adolescing religion is transformed