Use "fornication" in a sentence

1. “Abstain From Fornication

2. * See Adultery; Chastity; Fornication

3. Paul said: “Flee from fornication.”

4. The Bible urges: “Flee from fornication.”

5. The programs condone fornication, adultery, homosexuality.

6. * See also Adultery; Fornication; Sensual, Sensuality

7. Christians are admonished to “flee from fornication.”

8. Adultery, fornication, and homosexual relations are common.

9. * See also Adultery; Fornication; Sensual, Sensuality; Virtue

10. • What is involved in fleeing from fornication?

11. ● Explain how fornication, uncleanness, and loose conduct differ.

12. 6 What is meant by the word “fornication”?

13. The original Greek word for fornication is por·neiʹa.

14. Maria, for example, knew that God prohibits fornication.

15. * See also Adultery; Chastity; Fornication; Lust; Sexual Immorality

16. Fornication is a crime in some American states.

17. The Bible urges you to “flee from fornication.”

18. Neither let us practice fornication, as some of them committed fornication, only to fall, twenty-three thousand of them in one day.

19. Public fornication won't look good on my resume.

20. Back then, people generally accepted that fornication was wrong.

21. We need evidence of lechery, fornication- - publico habet concubinem.

22. To make God happy, you must “flee from fornication.”

23. This course will help us to “flee from fornication.”

24. Some were notorious for immoral orgies, adultery, and fornication.

25. “The Legislature abolished fornication as a crime,” he wrote.

26. Abstaining from fornication, then, makes sense and displays maturity.

27. 10, 11. (a) Where do adultery and fornication originate?

28. What Scriptural counsel helps us to “flee from fornication”?

29. For example, he forbids idolatry, fornication, adultery, and theft.

30. • What is covered by the word “fornication” in the Bible?

31. In the Bible, what is covered by the word “fornication”?

32. Fornication veils the morning just like carnage veils the day.

33. 15. (a) If we commit fornication, whom do we please?

34. God’s standard still is that fornication and adultery are sins.

35. Out of the heart come fornication and adultery, said Jesus.

36. It discusses God’s view of dishonesty, fornication, and other matters.

37. At first, the temptation may not involve an act of fornication.

38. And this shall be a place of merriment, joy, and fornication!

39. 1:2-9 —Did Hosea really take a wife of fornication?

40. Jehovah tells Hosea: “Go, take to yourself a wife of fornication.”

41. Worse yet, she has committed an unclean act —perhaps even fornication.

42. * Jacob warned the people of Nephi against fornication, Jacob 3:12.

43. Illustrate. (b) If we are fleeing from fornication, what do we avoid?

44. The plaqued Fornication Under Consent of the King ( F . U . C . K . ).

45. “Fornication” covers an array of sexual sins, including premarital sex and homosexuality.

46. 15 The Greek word por·neiʹa, translated “fornication,” has a fairly broad meaning.

47. (b) What is covered by the Bible’s use of the word “fornication”?

48. One young couple, who are now married, bitterly regret having committed fornication.

49. “This is what God wills . . . that you abstain from fornication,” says the Bible.

50. At that time, there was no written divine law prohibiting fornication or adultery.

51. A couple who refrain from sexual intercourse can still be guilty of fornication.

52. ● A couple who refrain from sexual intercourse can still be guilty of fornication.

53. Luxury shall overspread the land, and fornication shall not cease to debauch mankind.

54. (1 Corinthians 6:9, 10) Yes, adultery and fornication are not just “love affairs.”

55. Those who practice fornication, adultery, and other gross sins “will not inherit God’s kingdom.”

56. Jesus’ words “except on the ground of fornication” indicate what about the marriage bond?

57. The Bible uses the word “fornication” for some forms of sexual activity outside marriage.

58. God commands us to abstain from idolatry, fornication and adultery, and misuse of blood.

59. Luxury shall overspread the land, and fornication shall not cease to debauch mankind.Sentence dictionary

60. “This is what God wills,” states 1 Thessalonians 4:3, “that you abstain from fornication.”

61. Consider, too, the danger of fornication, with its possible consequences of disease or illegitimate pregnancy.

62. It is his position that cohabiting without the benefit of marriage is living in fornication.

63. 10. (a) What wrong views of fornication have led some youths to compromise their integrity?

64. Fornication is forbidden in the Scriptures, and those who willfully practice it lose God’s favor.

65. Since “uncleanness” is listed with “fornication and loose conduct,” some forms of uncleanness warrant judicial action.

66. If condom distribution does not actually encourage students to commit fornication, it condones their doing so.

67. Many say: ‘It’s all right to commit fornication, bear children out of wedlock, and practice homosexuality.

68. Show that you have the strength of character to obey God’s command to abstain from fornication.

69. If you are a Christian, you know that the Bible tells you to “abstain from fornication.”

70. " Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, " to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication.

71. “Let fornication and uncleanness of every sort or greediness not even be mentioned among you.” —5:3.

72. Additionally, many who commit fornication get terrible sexual diseases that can damage children that they may bear.

73. In addition, the Bible allows for divorce on the grounds of fornication (sexual immorality). —Matthew 19:9.

74. Marriage was expected to last for life and adultery and fornication were punished in the ecclesiastical courts.

75. Ask yourself, ‘Will playing this game make it easier or harder for me to “flee from fornication”?’

76. (1 Corinthians 7:10, 11) In addition, the Bible allows for divorce on the grounds of fornication.

77. 8 We have sound reasons to obey God’s law on “fornication” —protection against disease, illegitimacy, broken marriages.

78. The Bible directs Christians to ‘abstain from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from fornication.’

79. 10 When the apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians, he recommended marriage ‘because of the prevalence of fornication.’

80. 6 Paul listed apostate idolatry and sects among such “works of the flesh” as fornication and loose conduct.