Use "forested" in a sentence

1. (d) “Deforestation” is the direct human-induced conversion of forested land to non-forested land;

2. Rhinoceros Auklets dig burrows in the ground on both forested and non-forested islands

3. Thailand formerly was 90 percent forested.

4. By 9000 BP, Europe was fully forested.

5. 22% of the county's area is cultivated; 64% is forested.

6. In Bible times the westward slopes were thickly forested.

7. The mountain slopes were forested and produced timber for shipbuilding.

8. Today, they are primarily limited to sparsely settled, forested areas.

9. Their island was thickly forested, and protective bays provided natural harbors.

10. All the islands are rugged, densely forested, and have an abundance of wildlife.

11. It is heavily forested, allowing Albinus to easily ply his trade

12. Southern Sweden is predominantly agricultural, while the north is heavily forested.

13. Some 83% of the county's area is forested; only 8.5% is cultivated.

14. The Bushmaster lives in remote relatively cool, heavily forested moist tropical forests …

15. Babirusas prefer forested swamps and dense reed thickets for hiding and wallowing

16. They are commonly associated with Bottomland hardwood forests and forested wetland swamps.

17. 73% of the county's area is forested, while only 15.5% is cultivated.

18. Stretching over some 400 km2, including forested area, Angkor Archaeological Park contains the …

19. Most of these trees in the forested areas shed their leaves during the dry season.

20. Some 80% of the county's land is forested, while only 6.1% is under cultivation.

21. The island is about 75% forested with a large fraction standing ancient forest.

22. In 2600 BC , the Indus Valley was verdant , forested, and teeming with wildlife.

23. Barren River Lake State Resort Park is a water-lover's paradise surrounded by forested, rolling hills

24. Afforestational, back of beyond, backwoods, braky, dendrologic, forested, reforestational, silvicultural, virgin, wilderness, woodsy Definition adj

25. An estimated 30 percent of the forested third of West Germany is seriously afflicted.

26. Tasaday is also the name of the forested peak rising above their hidden valley.

27. Today, the breed is used mainly for meat and logging forested areas inaccessible to machinery.

28. Synonyms for Afforested include wooded, forested, tree-covered, sylvan, timbered, woody, tree-clad, bosky, arboraceous and arboreal

29. Only 30% of the county's terrain is forested, with pine the dominant tree, while 50% is cultivated.

30. Initially the path leads up through the forested grounds of the castle, passing many rhododendron bushes.

31. Common Buckthorn has pushed out native plants and messed up the ecosystems of many forested areas

32. Barren River Lake State Resort Park is a water-lover's paradise surrounded by forested, rolling hills

33. Mount Hermon’s forested and snowy heights still produce night vapors that condense to form abundant dew.

34. Close to the subject of the painting, artists painting sous-bois capture their experience in the forested scene.

35. Habitat: Bobcats occur in a variety of habitats, but they prefer heavily forested areas with thick underbrush.

36. Armadillos prefer forested or semi-open habitats with loose textured soil that allows them to dig easily

37. Due to the rugged terrain, only seven percent of Pyoktong's area is cultivated, while 80% is forested.

38. The deep blue lakes surrounded by green, thickly forested hills and rocky cliffs were breathtakingly beautiful.

39. Of the eight conifer tree species documented, Lodgepole Pine forests cover 80% of the total forested areas.

40. Swift-flowing creeks and two streams merge with the Vistula River, which winds through forested mountains and valleys.

41. Creation of shrub swamps often follows a catastrophic event in a forested swamp (flood, cutting, fire, or windstorm).

42. When forested areas are protected from fire, the underbrush builds up, or, in logging areas, slashings accumulate.

43. The area was once heavily forested, but overexploitation led to extensive erosion, and it has become semibarren.

44. Afforestation is the establishment of forests on lands that have been without forests for some amount of time, such as previously forested lands that were converted to range, and the establishment of forests on lands that have not been forested in the past.

45. Cameroon’s geography includes the Mandara Mountains in the north-west, coastal plains, a densely forested plateau and savanna plains.

46. The heavily forested, mountainous interior hinders overland communication by road or river, but fosters slash-and-burn agriculture.

47. Bushbucks occupy home ranges of about 50,000 square meters on savannah habitats but are relatively larger within the forested areas

48. About 70% of the state is forested, of which 9,496 km2 (3,666 sq mi) is dense primary subtropical forest.

49. Behind the coastal plain is the central forested area, drained by eight principal rivers, which has been cleared for agriculture.

50. Berry attracts many tourists who come to enjoy the diversity of landscapes, including coastal beaches, rich dairy farming, and forested mountains.

51. 26 Maggie likes to walk in the Red Deeps, a forested abandoned quarry, and Phillip Wakem encounters her there one afternoon.

52. So at that period, the tea tree forested areas in the mountains were still so cold and also dangerous because of wildlife.

53. Seventy percent of formerly forested land in the Amazon, and 91% of land deforested since 1970, have been used for livestock pasture.

54. Its famous domed head also serves as a weapon in intraspecific competition and to deflect foliage while running in forested environments.

55. From Mount Assiniboine, ‘Matterhorn of the Rockies’, vast alpine meadows stretch far to the north interspersed with forested valleys and rocky peaks

56. Cursorial locomotion involves high speed running, generally over long distances; it is preferred among mammals that inhabit primarily open or forested areas, where …

57. Small, benthic, alkaliphilic Fragilaria taxa reached their highest abundances in forested lakes, likely because of the more alkaline nature of these lakes.

58. With regard to stocks of carbon, the project considered carbon in forested areas, in particular aboveground biomass, belowground biomass, litter and soil.

59. They both hunt Himalayan tahr and musk deer, but the leopard usually prefers forested habitats located at lower altitudes than the snow leopard.

60. The area’s 1,796-acres, include both forested and open land and encompass portions of both Crooked Creek and the East Fork of Crooked Creek.

61. The red-backed salamander is a small (5.7 to 10.0 cm) terrestrial salamander which usually lives in forested areas under rocks, logs, bark, and other debris.

62. Of the accipiters (forest hawks), sharp-shinned and Cooper's hawks and northern goshawks (Accipiter striatus, A. cooperii and A. gentilis) breed across Canada in forested areas.

63. The islands (seven big ones are inhabited; 130 small ones aren't) hold such an array because forested, Canyoned Kauai is 6 million years older than the …

64. Forest expansion is the sum of natural forest expansion – trees that regrows on formerly forested land – and Afforestation, which is deliberate seeding or tree-planting

65. Their boat was moored near Astoria, Oregon, U.S.A., a picturesque town surrounded by forested hills and snowcapped mountains, just a short distance from the Pacific Ocean.

66. This type of composition was rare before the 19th century when artists of the Barbizon School made paintings of forested areas in the Fontainebleau region of France.

67. Bushwhacking is a form of off-trail navigation through forested areas, so-called because the trees and ground vegetation whack back when you try to push through them.

68. It may come as a surprise to some of you to hear that quite large areas of what are currently desert were actually forested a fairly short time ago.

69. The province is known for its lush forests; as of 1997, 70–80% of the province was forested, either with old-growth forest or with secondary forest regrown after shifting cultivation.

70. The Araucaria family (Araucariaceae) contains three remarkable genera of cone-bearing trees: Araucaria, Agathis and Wollemia.They are tall trees native to forested regions of South America and Australia

71. Back on the metro and it's a further 20 minute ride to Tsaritsyno, another large, forested estate. The principal attraction here is the unfinished summer palace of Catherine the Great.

72. Majestic, territorial, forested views and possible views of the Puget Sound and Mountains (by trimming significant trees), on this ultra private, Acreage building lot in an exclusive, gated mountain estate setting

73. The Appalachian Mountains appear striped because the ridges are forested, providing a dense and dark canopy cover, while the valleys are farmed with crops that generally appear as lighter-toned areas

74. The park protects diverse range of habitats including the rugged, forested landscape surrounding Mount Elliot and Saddle Mountain as well as coastal estuaries between Cape Cleveland and Cape Bowling Green.

75. 24 And then a computation of the attenuation factor of the lateral wave propagating over a forested flat-curved-flat terrain can be carried out by the computer program of the Airy integral.

76. Unlike the lush meadows of Bretonnia's other Dukedoms, Artois is famous for being the only Dukedom that is covered entirely by forested wilderness, known by the Bretonnians as the Forest of Arden.

77. The several reasons for the drastic decline in the lowland Anoa population include hunting and the expansion of settlement, which has resulted in logging activities, as well as clearing of forested areas and draining of …

78. Also, there is mounting evidence regarding the relationship between the size of base cation reservoirs in forested watersheds and the acidification of surface waters as well as the lack of recovery of pH levels.

79. In many countries, the rate of deforestation is Acceleratings most of the forested areas of Bangladesh, India, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and parts of Brazil, for example, could be gone by the end of this century

80. On the enchantig Monte Albano ridge forming the forested border of the province of Florence, the picturesque and panoramic hillsides embrace the small village of San Baronto, situated amidst the beautiful Tuscan cities of art.