Use "foreign hit parade" in a sentence

1. It was a nice afternoon, too nice to spoil with the car radio's hit parade lineup of Adenoidal retards

2. However, infiltration has continued unabated with many hit-and-run attacks on foreign troops.

3. The President took the opportunity to hit out at what he sees as foreign interference.

4. 5 Des O'Connor is expecting to have the last laugh on his critics by soaring to the top of the Christmas hit parade.

5. And this parade?

6. a parade route?

7. Lucia showed me all the tourist traps on Capri... including the famous Blue Grotto... where the picturesque native boatmen sing the Italian hit parade.

8. 2 days ago · Olympics Barring of Foreign Fans Seen Worth Economic Hit By

9. " Snatch parade. " Really, Kirk?

10. A Lepidoptera Beauty Parade

11. How'bout a love parade?

12. Like a parade balloon.

13. Astroturfed DNC ‘Car Parade’ After Biden’s Acceptance Speech Trumped by ‘Creepy Joe Biden’ Truck Parade

14. He lives in North Parade.

15. The regiment is on parade.

16. The parade dragged by endlessly.

17. This is no parade ground.

18. The banning of the pride parade and the crackdown of freedom of assembly drew criticism and concern internationally, including by the then British Foreign Secretary, David Miliband.

19. Anniversary of A huge parade was …

20. A band headed up the parade.

21. Andorra - Parade of Nations - Opening Ceremony - …

22. The president reviewed the military parade.

23. Statehood Is a Parade of Bogeymen

24. We should be organizing a parade.

25. A parade draws a large crowd.

26. The police held an identity parade.

27. 5 The regiment is on parade.

28. Billy Pilgrim again led the parade.

29. 8 The entire regiment was on parade.

30. They cut Miss Piggy from the parade.

31. This isn't a victory parade, you know.

32. We watched the parade from our perch.

33. 2021 Downtown Bettendorf Independence Day Parade Video

34. Trump's July Fourth parade Bankrupted Washington, D.C

35. The carnival parade was a magnificent spectacle.

36. Before the parade, the atmosphere was electric.

37. That's why this is the last parade.

38. Smith dutifully applied for a parade permit.

39. "Grand Floral Parade brings fanfare to Portland".

40. Find all kinds of music from Turkish pop songs to Arabesks, foreign hit songs to Turkish slow songs PAL Nostalji on

41. As the parade came to an end, Bucko …

42. The President will review the soldiers on parade.

43. He's always making a parade of his knowledge.

44. The parade was washed out by heavy thunderstorms.

45. He goes home to a ticker tape parade.

46. Here come Phillip Island’s little penguins on parade! *

47. Proctor: The parade at the end of it.

48. The boys loved watching the soldiers on parade.

49. She was dressed up for the Easter parade.

50. The whole street was excited at the parade.

51. 6 Before the parade, the atmosphere was electric.

52. That pop quiz really rained on my parade.

53. Spectators stood on rooftops to watch the parade.

54. 19 The 555th Battalion marched in the parade.

55. Thousands of people viewed the Thanksgiving Day parade.

56. Behind the Scenes: Choreographing ‘Magic Happens’ Parade, Debuting Feb

57. The Royal Guard parade in their red gala uniforms.

58. The military parade was a display of bellicose nationalism.

59. No words can express the grandeur of that parade.

60. 1 She was dressed up for the Easter parade.

61. Several cadets keeled over from heat during the parade.

62. But peace has no parade, no pantheon of victory.

63. We watched the soldiers drilling on the parade ground.

64. He leaned out of the window watching the parade.

65. All the local clubs were represented in the parade.

66. It depicts, I think, a World War I parade.

67. 23 The President will review the soldiers on parade.

68. Some people love to show up and parade through.

69. The police were halting traffic on the parade route.

70. You know what the old soldier said on parade?

71. Ain't there supposed to be a parade or something?

72. The general was given a triumphal parade up Broadway.

73. The Thanksgiving Day parade is always such great fun.

74. Anterior uveitis can result from a trauma to the eye, such as being hit in the eye or having a foreign body in the eye

75. Now, you go hit whatever hit us.

76. Bivouacked They were Bivouacked on their parade-ground, doing nothing.

77. Fletcher, not even a parade can wake mommy up tonight.

78. 6 The marshal rode at the head of the parade.

79. He could have been leading a parade, twirling the baton.

80. Tomorrow's parade will mark the fiftieth anniversary of the battle.