Use "foreign country" in a sentence

1. The country came under foreign domination.

2. The country relies on foreign aid.

3. Abroad means ‘in/to a foreign country

4. The country is still under foreign domination.

5. The country depends heavily on foreign aid.

6. This country adopts a liberal foreign policy.

7. The country is dependent on foreign aid.

8. Foreign influence began to filter into the country.

9. The foreign visitors came from a distant country.

10. They expelled a foreign spy from their country.

11. 20 The country is dependent on foreign aid.

12. The foreign-language fields are producing an abundant yield in country after country.

13. The people of the country will exile the king to foreign country next month.

14. The country has a growing dependence on foreign aid.

15. Computers are like a foreign country in many ways.

16. Spain was the first foreign country she had visited.

17. This was a foreign country, so unlike San Jose.

18. 6 The host country may impose foreign exchange control.

19. Abroad definition is - beyond the boundaries of one's country : in or to a foreign country

20. Trading in a foreign country can be fraught with pitfalls.

21. This was a foreign country(, so unlike San Jose.

22. Suppose the foreign country has a higher capital / labor ratio.

23. It was his destiny to die in a foreign country.

24. 10 Spain was the first foreign country she had visited.

25. The country experienced a foreign currency shortage for several months.

26. Finding a doctor can be difficult in a foreign country .

27. Owing political allegiance to another country or government; foreign: Alien residents

28. The president announced that the country would not tolerate foreign aggression.

29. Nonetheless, living in a foreign country can be challenging and disorienting.

30. We can t afford to get arrested in a foreign country.

31. 8 Strengthens the foreign investor to the host country law confidence.

32. They resent foreign interference in the internal affairs of their country.

33. 15 The company imported a lot of calico from a foreign country.

34. Adrian, the tyrannical waitress in a foreign country, had them all spellbound.

35. One of the Dirty Thirty is the leader of a foreign country.

36. 28 The president announced that the country would not tolerate foreign aggression.

37. I look around me, I feel like this is a foreign country.

38. I know what it means to be alone in a foreign country.

39. She didn't know what life in a foreign country would be like.

40. Speak appreciatively of what you can approve of in the foreign country.

41. Foreign Secretary: Usually every country expresses its position, the other country expresses their position, it goes up and down.

42. The 2012 investment law opened the country to foreign investment allowing foreign investors to gain full ownership of an Andorran business

43. 21 The court has no jurisdiction over foreign diplomats living in this country.

44. 29 Adrian, the tyrannical waitress in a foreign country, had them all spellbound.

45. An example of Baffled is a person in a foreign country who doesn't …

46. You must register with the police when you come to a foreign country.

47. Foreign currency depreciation is a result of economic depression in the country concerned.

48. Foreign Affairs definition is - matters having to do with international relations and with the interests of the home country in foreign countries.

49. Visiting any culture other than one's own such as traveling to a foreign country.

50. The foreign country, known to Ambassadors as the 'host nation', serves as their base.

51. It's difficult to live in a foreign country when you don't speak the language.

52. The first freedom is the right to fly over a foreign country without landing.

53. For two decades the country has been ravaged by civil war and foreign intervention.

54. A foreign Corporation is a Corporation incorporated or formed in another state or country.

55. The war devastated the economy and saddled the country with a huge foreign debt.

56. Appeasement, Foreign policy of pacifying an aggrieved country through negotiation in order to prevent war

57. “You must not hate an Egyptian, for you became a foreign resident in his country.

58. Whether the foreign aid will be enough to stabilize the country remains to be seen.

59. There are a few formalities to be gone through before you enter a foreign country.

60. Why should older ones not discount the idea of their preaching in a foreign country?

61. The people of the whole country got united to rise up against the foreign invaders.

62. Abroad definition, in or to a foreign country or countries: famous at home and Abroad

63. The company's experience testifies to the difficulties of opening a business in a foreign country.

64. Living in a foreign country can mean you're always at sea about what's going on.

65. A country's embassy or Consulate is a diplomatic office in a foreign country where citizens and foreigners alike interact with the host country.

66. Clara knew from first-hand experience that living in a foreign country would be difficult.

67. 8 For two decades the country has been ravaged by civil war and foreign intervention.

68. Ms Takahashi was the first Japanese woman ever to be appointed ambassador to a foreign country.

69. Morocco's foreign ministry says the country will give treatment to Captain Camara on "strictly humanitarian" grounds.

70. Yet he felt like some one entering a foreign country without knowing anything about the language.

71. It is difficult to readjust ourselves to life in a foreign country in a short time.

72. Ambassadors are also known as diplomats, a more general term describing those that work in a foreign country while retaining citizenship in their home country.

73. Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, to the next country, to a foreign country, but NOT to where the guilt is.

74. Foreign exchange fixing is the daily monetary exchange rate fixed by the national bank of each country.

75. Lisbon's geographical position makes it a stopover for many foreign airlines at several airports within the country.

76. FDI takes place when a firm acquires ownership control of a production unit in a foreign country.

77. They agreed they were quite lucky to escape the fire and set off for a foreign country.

78. Living on her own in a foreign country for a year gave her a lot of confidence .

79. Bhutan is the first country I visited on assuming charge as Foreign Minister and for good reason.

80. Foreign registration Basis (under Section 44(e)) - you own a foreign registration of the same mark for the same goods and/or services from your country of origin.