Use "food ration" in a sentence

1. They ration-alized the food processing last year.

2. We must ration what little food we have left.

3. A ration book for certain items of food, clothing coupons, driving licence.

4. Almost all food is now legally available only to those with ration books.

5. Of the offal which could be bought off-ration and disguised as food.

6. Sailors and passengers were issued a daily food ration, largely consisting of hardtack and beer.

7. 'Food Flash number 10' from the Ministry of Food - a reminder to leave the Counterfoil from your ration book for the milkman.

8. During the war, no one was allowed more than their ration of food, clothing and fuel.

9. Standard issue ration.

10. When's the next ration?

11. We'll ration it.

12. Even wool was on ration in the war.

13. Pregnant women received a double ration of milk.

14. Non-elite members of the society are almost completely dependent on markets to access food and other necessities, since the ration system is largely defunct.

15. Critics contend it motivates doctors to ration care.

16. The Bible that cost me one week’s bread ration

17. Byproducts makeup a large poultry ration and about one-seventh of the ration for growing and fattening swine in the United States

18. When you've started work, you'll get a ration book.

19. We're on the borderline of having to ration water.

20. You've had your ration of sweets for the day!

21. The abnormal growth rate appeared when daily ration was below 30% of body weight, implied that Japanese halfbeak may get other food resources besides supplied net zooplankton.

22. 15 We're on the borderline of having to ration water.

23. You'd waste your ration cleaning a bit of cloth?

24. We've had more than our ration of problems recently.

25. The government had to ration petrol during the war.

26. 3 Azoturia Exercise 2 Days rest Full working ration 4

27. We all had to queue up for our ration books.

28. Faced with this excess demand, the authorities had to ration credit.

29. L’opération des Amygdales consiste à ôter les Amygdales

30. Aldehydes derive their name from the dehyd ration of al cohols

31. I just need my daily gas ration from the Sheriff.

32. In the army we received a daily ration of meat.

33. Ceci sera mon navire- Amiral, dans la prochaine opération

34. Bird Byproducts make Theup about one- third of the poultry ration and about one-seventh of the ration for growing and fattening swine in the United States

35. T:·cnir emi.~ration r'lur:.t now be regulated in

36. “There's a higher percentage of silage in the Backgrounding ration,” says Harkness.

37. A look at the makeup of the British WW2 hAversack ration

38. For most economical production , poultry need a full feeding of a balanced ration .

39. I've had my ration of problems for one day-you deal with it!

40. As part of the diet, allow yourself a small daily ration of sugar.

41. Fédération des Bourses de travail and the CGT

42. Commisération translate: Commiseration, Commiseration. Learn more in the Cambridge French-English Dictionary.

43. A rare Bimuscular conglomeration gluteopiriformis case report Une conglomération rare bimusculaire

44. Saluez la prochaine génération de la science: L' Agnat

45. Sanjay Kumar Ambusht distributed dry ration among the helpless and needy and handicapped people.

46. The meat ration was down to one pound per person per week.

47. All they left was an old power cell and a bunch of empty ration packs.

48. This ration has, as its upper limit, the number of eligible planets in the universe.

49. The decibel is unit that expresses the ration of the magnitude of two electric voltage.

50. The main difference between Backgrounders and commercial feedlots is the ration cattle are fed

51. The accuracy of the sample flow shall be determined from the dilution ration r d:

52. In the next chapter you will find guidance on your own ideal daily calorie ration.

53. The average meat ration was five ounces per week per person, including buffalo bones.

54. On the following morning a whisky ration, provided by the judicious forethought of Gen.

55. Synonyms for Bowlful include bowl, serving, helping, plateful, portion, ration, plate, platter, allocation and amount

56. None that could not be cured by a ration of grain and a day of rest.

57. The United Kingdom institutes rationing of electricity, coal, and gas; the clothing ration is decreased as well.

58. Their liquor has been nicely doctored - gave them an extra ration of ale to celebrate my arrival!

59. Six Almanachs à la page pour 2021 Sélection Inusables recueils de dictons et recettes en tous genres, ils perpétuent, de génération en génération, une ancienne tradition de transmission des

60. Achieving acceptable levels of fusarium in the hog ration requires blending with fusarium-free feed grains.

61. (c) whether the Government has found certain discrepancies in the verification process through ration cards; and

62. In addition to the usual ration , stud boar should get an ample supplement of mineral mixture .

63. Ancel Keys was an American phy­siologist, former chairman of the International Society of Cardiology, consultant to the World Health Organ­ization and the UN Food and Agri­culture Organization, and inventor of the K ration

64. Deuxième opération ratée : Le bandit, Arnel Joseph défie la PNH

65. The U.S. government ordered huge amounts of condensed milk as a field ration for Union soldiers during the war.

66. Time management is key here, though; be sure you ration enough time to complete all your writing tasks.

67. Claustration, s nf isolement, enfermement, emprisonnement, réclusion, captivité, internement [antonyme] libération, délivrance

68. Apply BPL Card Download BPL List Online in Bhind District, MADHYA PRADESH-Apply BPL Card in Bhind District of MADHYA PRADESH Online.Application Form for Renew and Correction in BPL Ration Card in Bhind District, MADHYA PRADESH can be Downloaded through the Official Webiste of State Food Supply Department or available at the District Food Supply Office (DFSO).

69. Il existe deux types d'Accouchements : l'accouchement par voie basse et l'accouchement par opération césarienne

70. UNISFA continued its efforts to provide accommodation, road access and ration supplies for its troops during the reporting period.

71. International Bobsled competitions are governed by the Fédération Internationale de Bobsleigh et de Tobogganing (FIBT).

72. Petrol stations had to ration supplies and motorists were forced to line up for hours to fill their tanks.

73. has been carried over to the food via the food additive, food enzyme or food flavouring; and

74. Functional classes of food additives in foods and of food additives in food additives and food enzymes

75. The feed ration given to pigs when fattened contains less than 1,9 % linoleic acid as a proportion of dry matter.

76. Response of transient electromagnetism in tunnel whole space was analyzed and ration analytical method to exception response was brought forward.

77. I learned your FLDSMDFR food is far more delicious than " food " food.

78. Banks and other opponents warn that the commissioner might have to severely ration some medical services to stay within the budget.

79. Well, Bobsleigh is the name in the official Fédération Internationale de Bobsleigh et de Tobogganing, not bobsled

80. The effect of aging treatment on residual resistance ration of pure beryllium was studied by the use of electric potential approach.