Use "flying bridge" in a sentence

1. I got to the top and walked along a bit, and saw the suspension bridge flying away to my left.

2. By 1954, Channel Air Bridge, his second airline venture, was flying cars and their owners in Bristol Freighters from Southend Airport (Rochford) to Calais.

3. Start flying.

4. The North Bridge, South Bridge, & Unified Chipset

5. Flying Rope!

6. Flying Saucer Attack.

7. Bridge, card game derived from whist, through the earlier variants Bridge whist and auction Bridge.

8. Agas Agas bridge is tallest bridge in the Philippines

9. An island was added on the starboard side with the bridge, flying control station, and funnel, as an island did not create as much turbulence as had been earlier feared.

10. A flying motorcycle.

11. News date 05.08.21 The flying lists for the Shuttleworth Collection's Flying Circus Airshow …

12. Peace Bridge

13. It wasn't flying microbes.

14. I mean, healing, flying.

15. You dream of flying.

16. Based on flight characteristics (non-flying [Apterans], slow-flying, and fast-flying) and hardness (soft, medium-hard, and hard—Segura-Trujillo et al

17. Modern girder bridge above ancient arch bridge in Almería, Spain

18. I hate flying commercial.

19. He's flying the coop.

20. Moving sidewalks, flying cars.

21. Crackdown Update – Flying High

22. The Fremont Bridge is the first of four city Bascules to cross the canal, the others being Ballard Bridge (1917), University Bridge (1919), and Montlake Bridge (1925)

23. Play Bridge online against the computer or with interactive Bridge lessons

24. 1822 -- the Opossum Road Bridge, a double-arched, Camelbacked, random rubble bridge, is built, the second oldest bridge in Somerset County

25. Welcome to Bacons Bridge Free Worship Center Welcome to Bacons Bridge Free Worship Center Welcome to Bacons Bridge Free Worship Center

26. He's afraid of flying.

27. Tweets started flying -- #cutmethane.

28. As a component of a bridge, the Abutment provides the vertical support to the bridge superstructure at the bridge ends, connects the bridge with the approach roadway, and retains the roadway base materials from the bridge spans.

29. Load and speed restrictions for Cudgell Creek Bridge and Haddons Bridge

30. The rickety bridge is one that's kind of a rope bridge.

31. Amphibology, amphiboly - an Ambiguous grammatical construction; e.g., `they are flying planes' can mean either that someone is flying planes or that something is flying planes

32. Cisco-Wireless Bridge

33. Review: The Bridge.

34. The Incheon Bridge is South Korea's longest spanning cable-stayed bridge.

35. Keep the flag flying, Guran.

36. A Bailey bridge is a type of portable, pre-fabricated, truss bridge.

37. Flying Buttresses on York Cathedral

38. Thick mist made flying impossible.

39. Now, let's think about flying.

40. The flag was flying aloft.

41. She passed with flying colours .

42. One example of a rail land bridge is the Eurasian Land Bridge.

43. Air passenger bridge

44. We're the bridge!

45. " and destroyed the flying circuits.

46. He controls the Flying Dutchman.

47. She was frightened of flying.

48. The birds are flying around.

49. Swallows flying low portend rain.

50. Hammer on anvil, sparks flying.

51. The Flying Cockerel, North Walsham

52. In the Metropolitan area of Concepción, the river is crossed by four bridges: Biobío Railroad Bridge (1889), Biobío Bridge (1942), Juan Pablo II Bridge (1973) and Llacolén Bridge (2000).

53. Balancing rf bridge assembly

54. Every bridge and turnpike.

55. Bridge to Captain Kirk.

56. Bridge to Admiral Kirkk.

57. Next is Storseisundet Bridge, a cantilever bridge 260 meters (850 ft) long.

58. This is a flying buttress.

59. They're flying people in constantly.

60. Well, it beats flying coach.

61. Their vessel is flying up.

62. He was trained for flying.

63. Bateau bridge; French Etymology

64. Get off my bridge.

65. Water under the bridge.

66. Flying gives me a real buzz.

67. Bullets were flying every which way.

68. She is flying to Cincinnati tonight.

69. The actual flying time will vary according to the type of plane and the pilot's flying style.

70. Bowspritted bowssen bowssened bowssening bowssens bowstave bowstaves bowsting bowstring Bowstring bowstring arch bridge bowstring arched bridge bowstring bridge bowstring girder bowstring hemp bowstave

71. The bridge had two abutment piers at each end, serving as gates for the bridge.

72. Since 2000, a road and railway bridge, the Øresund Bridge, bridges the sound to Denmark.

73. No Commercial Future for Flying Machines?

74. The aircraft are flying in formation.

75. 23 Walking can't compare with flying.

76. Look at the flying trapeze acts.

77. I dreamt about flying last night.

78. This is Appa, my flying bison.

79. Is the bridge... clear?

80. Bridge Corroded by Spit