Use "floods" in a sentence

1. The floods created havoc.

2. The floods, the plages...

3. The floods caused a landslide.

4. The floods caved in that dike.

5. The floods surged along the valley.

6. During spring rains the river floods.

7. The floods left many people destitute .

8. The floods left thousands of people destitute.

9. The river often floods during the thaw.

10. 1 The car was marooned by floods.

11. The cellar floods whenever it rains heavily.

12. Sarge floods the mine, rendering it useless.

13. After the floods the harvests were subnormal.

14. Melting snow floods the valleys each spring.

15. Many people drowned in the great floods.

16. The river was swollen after the floods.

17. The town was isolated by the floods.

18. Our street floods whenever we have rain.

19. Their departure just before the floods providential.

20. The floods caused havoc throughout the area.

21. Their pitiless tide floods virtually every scene.

22. The meadowland was inundated by heavy floods.

23. She came home in floods of tears .

24. At this height, the Chester waterworks pumphouse floods

25. Death Toll in Chinese Floods Rises Above 1,000

26. The floods found a vent through the dikes.

27. The lake will be dyked to avert floods.

28. Their departure just before the floods was providential.

29. Flash floods are common in Arroyos following thunderstorms.

30. During floods the creek becomes a braided channel.

31. Heavy rainfall in the mountains caused the floods.

32. They sandbagged their homes to keep out floods.

33. One hundred seventy-one people died during the floods, and Russian police said the floods damaged the homes of nearly 13,000 people.

34. True, too much rain can cause disastrous floods.

35. (See also Acid Rain; Climate; Clouds; Floods; Weather)

36. This can help prevent sudden, damaging floods downstream."

37. Most residents found their homes untouched by floods.

38. Whole villages were wiped out by the floods.

39. A dyke was built to retain the floods.

40. 11 A dyke was built to retain the floods.

41. Many women and children drowned in the great floods.

42. Deforestation has been shown to cause floods and drought.

43. This summer the region was struck by devastating floods.

44. The area has been ravaged by drought/floods/war.

45. These record downpours are creating historic floods and mudslides.

46. After a winter downpour, the river floods the plain.

47. The chemical floods the synapse, overwhelming the serotonin receptors.

48. Several of these floods inundated the city of Hamar.

49. The floods brought death and destruction to the area.

50. The new dam was a bulwark against future floods.

51. The heavy rains could cause flash floods and mudslides.

52. Hundreds of people were swept downstream in the floods.

53. By strengthening the embankments they secured the village from floods.

54. Australia’s Worst Floods in Decades Quicken Concerns About Climate Change

55. Until December 24, 2006, the floods had claimed 8 lives.

56. They saw the floods as a sign of divine wrath.

57. The floods have been a major hindrance to relief efforts.

58. Floods can carry away trees, hillsides, cars and even houses.

59. Basements 10 Ways to Prevent Basement Floods Before They Start

60. Australia floods: evacuations continue across flooded parts of NSW – video

61. 3 The area has been ravaged by drought/floods/war.

62. The army are helping to clear up after the floods.

63. Flash floods and high winds have come out of nowhere.

64. We have floods in one area and drought in another.

65. The floods have caused untold misery to hundreds of homeowners.

66. As the ice melted away,the river rose in dangerous floods.

67. The Channeled scablands were scoured by more than 40 cataclysmic floods

68. February 28, 2020 Study reveals Missoula Floods impact on past Abrupt …

69. The unusually heavy rain caused flash floods in several mountain villages.

70. Historic melting of Antarctic ice sheet raises fears of global floods

71. Outside, the heavy rain consumes the city and floods the streets.

72. The Times sent her to Bangladesh to report on the floods.

73. Floods, storms, earthquakes—such catastrophes are often called acts of God.

74. 19 The army are helping to clear up after the floods.

75. Entire house floats away as flash floods Batter Australia's east coast

76. The house is unsafe since the foundations were undermined by floods.

77. Glacier Bursts in India, Leaving More Than 100 Missing in Floods

78. We fight floods, tropical rains at this time of the year.

79. The whole village and the fields have been submerged by floods.

80. A government report shed light on the causes of local floods.