Use "fight something out" in a sentence

1. Well, the best fighters always have something to fight for.

2. When the fight begins within himself a man's worth something. 

3. So, before we find something else to fight about tell me...

4. Come out and fight , ye wee ninny!

5. Somebody might come say something, the nigga can't fight, she can't go.

6. The men went out to fight the fire.

7. To call/ cry out/ exclaim/ Blurt out (something) to somebody; to call/ cry out for something

8. The keys spell out what is happening in the fight.

9. Figure out what you actually want to fight for, Josh.

10. it's impossible to fight your way out of my grip.

11. Come what may, I'm going to fight the case out.

12. Something Brazens it out phrase

13. Let's just talk it out,'cause I don't wanna fight anymore.

14. Lord Oliver tries to take the fight out of the French.

15. Dog, I command you to go back out there and fight.

16. Avenging the citizens who weren't strong enough to fight for themselves, or peace, or something? 21

17. Don't pull out! There's something coming.

18. And we got into a fight about it and she stormed out.

19. Administer: to give out (something) to …

20. Something out mind always has antecedent.

21. Coax somebody/something (into/out of something) He was Coaxed out of retirement to help the failing company

22. You been out for four hours, and you're already into a fight?

23. Mancini, who died in 1994 after a long fight with cancer, is undergoing something of a rebirth.

24. Fight the good fight.

25. You want to hang out or something?

26. I picked something out from the cellar.

27. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Call out phrasal verb 1 to say something loudly call something ↔ out ‘Hi there!’ I called out

28. I'll just put out pickles or something.

29. McLaren accused Roberts of trying to gouge his eyes out during the fight.

30. An argument broke out and in the ensuing fight, a gun went off.

31. Disagreement reached such a pitch that we thought a fight would break out.

32. Definition of Ascertain (verb): find out something

33. Something big pulled her out of there.

34. We sensed that a storm was Brewing, so we got out of the bar before the fight broke out

35. See also: Brazen, out Brazen out To face something, especially a difficult

36. With prepared hearts, we now step into the phase of Contending—which means to stretch or fight for something.

37. Out-fighters prefer a slower fight, with some distance between themselves and the opponent.

38. Something was filtered out, some obscuring, personal static.

39. One can surely get something out of it.

40. Something lumbered and crashed out on the sandbank.

41. If it turns out Ty doesn't keep archives, maybe the fight night fans do.

42. And if the rice runs out, then we'll plow the fields and fight again.

43. Administered: to give out (something) to appropriate individuals.

44. Antimatter sounds like something out of science fiction

45. It was like something out of a movie...

46. Administering: to give out (something) to appropriate individuals

47. This is something that makes her stand out.

48. Something that flows out or forth ; an effluence.

49. Getting me out in the middle of something...

50. Something unexpected always breaks out in this area.

51. Cutout definition, something cut out from something else, as a pattern or figure cut out or intended to be cut out of paper, cardboard, or other material

52. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Bail out phrasal verb 1 bail somebody/something ↔ out (also bale somebody/something ↔ out British English) to do something to help someone out of trouble, especially financial problems Some local businesses have offered to Bail out the museum.

53. And if the rice runs out, then we' il plow the fields and fight again

54. Verb If someone or something Continues to do something, they keep doing it and do not stop. I hope they Continue to fight for equal justice after I'm gone.

55. 60 synonyms for Bicker: quarrel, fight, argue, row, clash, dispute, scrap, disagree, fall out, squabble

56. But you might wanna steer clear of that vulture fight that's about to break out.

57. A fight broke out behind me as we lined up to receive our food rations.

58. A three - pronged approach to fight against China's financial security, " the industry out the fire. "

59. (Ephesians 6:12) “Fight hard to continue carrying out your assignment,” he told the students.

60. Let us all stand by one another then and fight it out like brave Soldiers.

61. Your fight against the terrorists is our fight.

62. The adjective Antithetic is perfect for describing something that clashes with or cancels something else out

63. Bucketed: to lift out with something that holds liquid.

64. Bender, you want to go out and do something?

65. Buying that was something out of my deepest obsessions.

66. 5 His room was tricked out with something fantastical.

67. If you've got something to say, spit it out!

68. Something come out of the mist and took him.

69. She felt like something out of a freak show.

70. Cajole something out of somebody I managed to Cajole his address out of them.

71. Can you imagine something good coming out of tobacco?

72. 7 And aye people made something out of it.

73. Tybalt basically calls out Benvolio, and in order to keep his honor, Benvolio has to fight.

74. Fighters virtually starve themselves and sweat out pounds to make weight the day before a fight.

75. There were always new battles to fight, new obstacles to uproot, new heresies to stamp out.

76. Is due to the knock - out competition starting on both sides fight to the bitter end.

77. Cower (away) from (someone or something) To move away from someone or something, usually out of fear

78. To restore an unfavorable situation, Zheng Yan Yu flagrantly 133 hand - out, fight back against White.

79. A koala, who was the loser in a treetop fight, fell 10m and knocked himself out.

80. Cajole (one) out of (something) 1. To persuade or entice one not to do something. Good luck cajoling a teenager out of sleeping till noon!