Use "falling behind in ones studies" in a sentence

1. Students are falling Behind in online school

2. He didn't want to fall behind in his studies.

3. 21 The major world powers are afraid of falling behind in the arms race.

4. We should not conduct studies indefinitely with indecisive ones.

5. In addition, 4,433,884 weekly home Bible studies were conducted with newly interested ones.

6. Maybe he's hidden his real memories behind fake ones.

7. A Biology major studies the science behind living organisms

8. The present paper studies the water/ammonia film falling down along evaporation tubes.

9. I mean, you're probably already falling behind with the housework and the bills.

10. We may be the ones 257 who are behind the times.

11. After falling behind with his mortgage repayments he now faces eviction from his home.

12. He hoped to be an engineer, and he was taking algebra and trigonometry and falling behind in both.

13. This pioneer found herself conducting eight Bible studies with interested ones each week.

14. We use those to speak to the loved ones that left us behind.

15. Ritchie quickly handed him his three wads of money and walked away, the rest of the posse falling in behind him.

16. The fruit seller was sly - he put his best fruit in front but gave people bad ones from behind.

17. An Archeologist studies human societies past by investigating artifacts, architecture, and biological specimens left behind

18. With this turn, Hipper was falling back on the High Seas Fleet, then about 60 miles (97 km) behind him.

19. Circuit overseers give instruction in preaching from house to house, talk to congregation elders, visit Bible studies with newly interested ones, address congregations

20. As of 2009, studies suggested HFT firms accounted for 60–73% of all US equity trading volume, with that number falling to approximately 50% in 2012.

21. Then she was aware of the coolness of a shadow falling across her back, the presence of two men behind her.

22. While exchange students can learn many useful things, it is also possible that some of them may fall behind in their studies.

23. 1 day ago · Local resources help students get back on track after falling behind Academically due to the pandemic

24. Falling stock prices in Asia contributed to 117 former billionaires falling from the list worldwide.

25. Compared with some ASEAN countries, China is falling behind at least in such fields as weak innovation capability of high-tech enterprises, import surplus of high-tech products.

26. Where's the COVID-19 'disaster plan' to catch them up? Students nationwide are falling Behind and teachers are stressed as schools go online.

27. They were known as Boone’s Almshouses and predated the beautiful ones behind, known as Merchant Taylors Almshouses by 140 years.

28. Never catch at a falling knife or a falling friend.

29. 18 Help New Ones Progress: During the past service year, an average of over 463,000 home Bible studies were conducted each month in the United States.

30. Geographical aspect in linguistics, historical studies, ethnology, ecological studies.

31. Free-falling or Bandoleered – just-in-time

32. House prices in London are still falling.

33. It was difficult enough for reporters, even scientifically literate ones, to dig through dense studies and accurately gauge the state of climatology.

34. The tide is currently falling in Creances

35. #Creaking][falling apart][falling down][scratty][seen better days][manky][minging

36. I'm still falling.

37. So while we see advanced technology like robotics and artificial intelligence growing exponentially in the developed world, those same people are worried that a technologically backward Africa is falling behind.

38. The snow was falling in large, flat flakes.

39. I can't help falling in love with u.

40. [2] Ones in vocal-sound, then, are symbols of Affectednesses in the soul, [3] and ones written are symbols of ones in vocal-sound

41. Because of the work schedule of interested ones, we sometimes had to conduct Bible studies at midnight or later —into the early morning.

42. The older ones often get the brunt of the blame from our parents for our misguided Adventurisms, but we younger ones were sure to get our fair share of retribution, implemented behind our parents’ back

43. The minister Castigated schools for falling standards in …

44. We saw them falling".

45. The minister Castigated schools for falling standards in education

46. The old man was falling about in the street.

47. 5 – One of the greatest reasons behind Calamities and trials is to warn against falling short in some matters, so that man can make up for the areas in which he has fallen short.

48. BP is falling fast.

49. It's all falling apart.

50. The barometer is falling .

51. In case Ballasting/ de-Ballasting falling behind schedule, duty officer must immediately inform C/O, who must check out the stress and take positive action to correct any alarming rise in the stress factors.

52. Falling In Love Hits The Brain Like Cocaine Does

53. The tide is currently falling in Banjermasin (Martapura River)

54. It's like falling off a cliff in slow motion.

55. He's always sounding off about falling standards in education.

56. Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.

57. Rain was falling outside in a continuous silver curtain.

58. The nation is in danger of falling into anarchy.

59. Geography. Geographical aspect in linguistics, historical studies, ethnology, ecological studies. Economical geography.

60. Seismic studies, aerodynamic stability studies

61. Which ones moo, and which ones bark?

62. Falling under your spell?

63. Boxing Tyson-Holyfield fight in danger of falling through

64. Ascetics, Society, and the Desert: Studies in Early Egyptian Monasticism (Studies in Antiquity & Christianity)

65. to major in women's studies.

66. I major in Social Studies.

67. I buried myself in studies.

68. Amygdala are Great Ones in Bloodborne

69. Falling is accidental, it's uncontrollable.

70. I'm not falling for that!

71. Baas in Professional Studies P.O

72. Typically, Anonymity is the procedure followed in quantitative studies, and confidentiality is maintained in qualitative studies

73. Sexual attraction is a large part of falling in love.

74. Being falling in love, SeaBird and Fish. Just a coincidence.

75. 13 The country's economy is in danger of falling apart.

76. 11 The nation is in danger of falling into anarchy.

77. Falling slowly, sing your melody

78. The rain was falling steadily.

79. Alkar, everything is falling apart.

80. a light rain was falling