Use "faculties" in a sentence

1. " What faculties must a man possess?

2. The Benumbed intellectual faculties can no longer respond

3. The benumbed intellectual faculties can no longer respond.

4. Our perceptive faculties grow quiet, unprejudiced, and unacquisitive.

5. Even at the age of she still had all her faculties.

6. 27,000 students study at 7 faculties, 60 specialities being their major.

7. His faculties were operating at 100%, if that's what you're asking.

8. She was one of those women who kind of numb a fellow's faculties.

9. A Coadjutor bishop, as described in canon 403.3, also is given special faculties

10. To begin with, we must consider the faculties of the staff all-sidedly.

11. He's difficult to get along with but still in full possession of his faculties.

12. Conscious definition is - having mental faculties not dulled by sleep, faintness, or stupor : awake

13. Today, it consists of nine faculties, with more than 190 departments, institutes and clinics.

14. In what way were the Bible writers allowed to use their own mental faculties?

15. Reason that is disengaged and tightly regulated would starve other human faculties, they believed.

16. Its current president is Giuseppe Novelli, a professor in the Faculties of Medicine and Surgery.

17. This competition not only selected the strong but developed their faculties and ensured their perpetuation.

18. Most students are enrolled in the five largest faculties, namely Arts, Science, Medicine, Engineering, and Management.

19. The hotel is located opposite the faculties of Dentistry, Political Science and Administrative Sciences of the UAT.

20. Enlightenment also Beseeks the use of one's intelligence and critical faculties as one's only guide: self-reliance

21. The rising sun represents the University itself and the radiating light rays representing its faculties of study.

22. As the proposal document took shape it was taken back to faculties in draft form for verification.

23. Marmara University during the 1982–1983 academic year had 9 faculties, one vocational school and one institute.

24. Strike the nail of totally liberated five - doors [ sense faculties ] at the juncture of excitement and torpor.

25. This new emphasis was centered around the engineering faculties of universities in France and in the United Kingdom.

26. Just allow your intuitive faculties to operate, open your heart and be honest with yourself and the landscape.

27. It is unattainable, not because of the nature of things, but because of the nature of our faculties.

28. From this platform various groups out of different cultures, ambiances, age groups and faculties go into the matter.

29. It has stressed the ecumenical, missionary and human advancement aspects that the studies of ecclesiastical Faculties should involve.

30. This ritual restored to the mummy all his faculties so that he might enjoy the afterlife to the full.

31. Would you like to be treated that way if you were an adult in control of your mental faculties?

32. Accustomed as I was to Holmes’s curious faculties, this sudden intrusion into my most intimate thoughts was utterly inexplicable

33. In 1949, the Faculty of Law and Literature was split to form new faculties of Law, Literature, and Economics.

34. An intoxilyzer test and field sobriety tests are not necessarily required to establish one’s faculties as being Appreciably impaired

35. Collected definition, having control of one's faculties; self-possessed: Despite all the turmoil around him, Bob remained calm and Collected

36. Aldine offers group of India's supreme faculties having enormous experience in the field of imparting knowledge pointedly to Charted Accountants

37. All these slither easily, if boggily, into Bumblery, and the bumbler is spared the tedious exercising of his mental faculties

38. It is a pristine waterway and kept that way by the many thoughtful campers that use the faculties along the way.

39. In the following pages you will see images which bring to life the dextrous faculties of the Russian engineers and scientists.

40. I am aware of the pressing difficulties which Polish academic institutions are facing today, affecting both their teaching faculties and their students.

41. For example, those who exercise their mental faculties and choose to be “no part of the world” are hated by the world.

42. The university continued to expand to the scale of 19 departments under four faculties, and a population of 2,850, between 1955 and 1959.

43. Atomical Haze was given its name as an accurate description of what happens to the mental faculties of those who smoke its buds

44. “Awake and arouse your faculties, even to an experiment upon my words, and exercise a particle of faith” (Alma 32:27; emphasis added).

45. Admi is a Masters of Engineering in Design and Manufacturing co-developed by two of Canada’s leading engineering faculties, Queen’s University and Western University

46. Imaginary way, whilst their audience is able to fictionalise or Aestheticise their primary emotional reaction which allows its communication via the aesthetic imaginative faculties

47. Aversa is also the main seat of the faculties of Architecture and Engineering of the Seconda università degli studi di Napoli (Second University of Naples).

48. After Indonesia gained independence, the Indonesian Institute for Higher Education (BPTRI) was established in Jakarta consisting of three faculties: Medicine and Pharmacy, Letters, and Law.

49. The Capture initiative, which started in 2015 and has grown from interdisciplinary collaboration between several young and dynamic professors from 3 different faculties from Ghent University

50. In addition, returning officers selected from among public officials or faculties are assigned to constituencies, where they are required to manage administrative duties pertaining to voting.

51. The Brainpower Connection is a circle of support, influence, and collegiality established in connection with seven different institutions, their faculties and students, to share their Brainpower

52. Gratitude Ayahs #5-6 “It is He Who created for you (the faculties of) hearing, sight, feeling and understanding; little thanks it is ye give!” (31:31)

53. The University of Havana is made up of 16 faculties (Spanish: facultades) and 14 research centers in a variety of fields, including economics, sciences, social science and humanities.

54. The book's title poem, "Crazing," begins with the image of dry red clay crackling—apt description of aging effects on body, and on mental faculties

55. With over 100 courses of study, the nine RWTH AAchen faculties offer you a broad program of engineering sciences, natural sciences, geosciences, business and economics, humanities, and medical subjects

56. Clark defines Civilization in part as creative power and the enlargement of human faculties, and recognizes that it is fragile—it is sustained by confidence but endangered by doubt and exhaustion

57. After the successful completion of the case, the investigative committee decides to create a special investigative group called "Academia", which includes research scientist of various faculties in the institute.

58. It may be helpful to know that the phrase “arouse the faculties” means to awaken our abilities and emotions, and the words fornication and lasciviousness refer to sexual sins and lust.

59. 1832, Isaac Taylor, Saturday Evening Supposing faculties and powers to be the same, far more may be Achieved in any line by the aid of a capital, invigorating motive than without it

60. In this sense he is much like the auxiliary bishop with special faculties, but there is one big difference: when the diocesan bishop retires or dies, a Coadjutor bishop immediately becomes his successor

61. • Acumble † to benumb a 1300 • BECLUMPSE † to benumb 1611 • DAMP † to stifle the faculties with noxious 'fumes'; to stupefy, to benumb, to daze 1570 • DAVER to stupefy, to stun, to benumb c 1600 Sc

62. It ought to animate us to desire the redemption of the minds and bodies of unborn millions from the Brutifying effects of a system whose tendency is to stifle the faculties of the soul and to …

63. Blepharospasm is a type of focal dystonia in which there is involuntary contraction of the muscles of the eyelids causing closure of the lids. This does not have any effect on a person's vision or mental faculties

64. Our suite of six new Bachelor of Arts & Sciences (Basc) degrees span all ten faculties and offer students a unique opportunity to acquire and integrate knowledge and skills from across a diverse array of disciplines

65. ‘The event will Culminate in a spectacular finale.’ ‘From there the whirlwind events Culminate in the discovery of the killer's identity.’ ‘Convocation will Culminate on Saturday with the graduation of students from the mathematics and engineering faculties.’

66. ‘The event will Culminate in a spectacular finale.’ ‘From there the whirlwind events Culminate in the discovery of the killer's identity.’ ‘Convocation will Culminate on Saturday with the graduation of students from the mathematics and engineering faculties.’

67. The Training Unit was now called the Maritime Training Unit and for the first time it was in charge of all educational structures from which most modern faculties, departments and colleges of the Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy originate.

68. [404 FOSSIL Arachnidans.] both, as infinitely surpassing the most exalted faculties of the human mind, as the mechanisms of the natural world, when magnified by the highest microscopes, are found to transcend the most perfect productions of human art

69. The preſent Argument is the moſt abſtracted that ever I engaged in, it ſtrains my Faculties to their higheſt Stretch; and I deſire the Reader to Attend with utmoſt perpenſity; For, I now proceed to unravel this knotty Point

70. Benumbed: 1 adj lacking sensation Synonyms: asleep , numb insensible incapable of physical sensation adj having lost or been caused to lose interest because of overexposure “the Benumbed intellectual faculties can no longer respond” Synonyms: dulled uninterested not having or showing interest

71. Dulled, Benumbed (adj) having lost or been caused to lose interest because of overexposure "the mind of the audience is becoming dulled"; "the Benumbed intellectual faculties can no longer respond" Wiktionary (5.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition:

72. [from 10th c.] 1665, Robert Hooke, Micrographia, XXXVIII: [W]e cannot chuse but admire the exceeding vividness of the governing faculty or Anima of the Insect, which is able to dispose and regulate so the motive faculties, as to cause every

73. Each one will then work out his happiness in relation to that of his fellows; perfect freedom of action will be maintained, since the well-balanced moral faculties will never permit any one to transgress on the equal freedom of others.”

74. 1894, “Splendid work of the National Association of Dental Faculties”, in Dominion Dental Journal‎[1], volume VI, page 221: It goes against the grain to toot one’s own “Bazoo” 2012, Sharon Davis, Every Chart Topper Tells a Story‎[2]: Born Charles Westover in

75. In the late 1970s, when the new university complex on Mount Scopus was inaugurated and the faculties of Law, Humanities and Social Science returned there, departmental libraries opened on that campus and the number of visitors to the Givat Ram library dropped.

76. University of Sciences, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako (USTTB), University of Bamako, is based in Bamako, Mali.USTTB includes faculties of Medicine, Pharmacy and Basic Sciences, an Institute of Applied Science, and the research laboratories founded by the NIH/NIAID which focus on malaria, tuberculosis and retrovirology.

77. As the objects of Belief, also, are of a nature similar to those of knowledge, opinion, and doubt, so, again, no criterion of division can be found in them (as in the case of the objects of separate faculties) to distinguish it from other mental states.


79. I have learnt, by bitter experience, that continual hard labor deadens the energies of the soul, and Benumbs the faculties of the mind; the ideas become confined, the mind barren, and, like the scorching sands of Arabia, produces nothing; or, like the uncultivated soil, brings forth thorns and thistles.

80. I have learnt, by bitter experience, that continual hard labor deadens the energies of the soul, and Benumbs the faculties of the mind; the ideas become confined, the mind barren, and, like the scorching sands of Arabia, produces nothing; or, like the uncultivated soil, brings forth thorns and thistles.