Use "extinct species" in a sentence

1. The species was presumed extinct.

2. Do you want extinct species back?

3. (Laughter) (Applause) The species almost went extinct.

4. Some of the species of birds are extinct.

5. Argonauta sismondai is an extinct species of Argonautid octopus

6. Species alive today, as well as extinct ancestral species, are related to one another.

7. Then, all around the world, species of mammals became extinct.

8. In North America, approximately 57% of plant species became extinct.

9. Some scientists calculate that thousands of species become extinct every year.

10. These extinct creatures were related to living species in South America.

11. Ara is a Neotropical genus of macaws with eight extant species and at least two extinct species

12. 12 Australopithecus, Cro-Magnon, Neanderthal are to name but three extinct species.

13. The blue-rinsed dame and the bottle-nosed blimp are extinct species here.

14. Extinct species, represented by fossils, also have been assigned places in the classification.

15. Of all species that have existed on Earth, 99.9 percent are now extinct.

16. Crocodylus anthropophagus is an extinct species of crocodile from Plio-Pleistocene from Tanzania.

17. 29 Or, in a real tragedy, a key scaffold species may be globally extinct.

18. What general proof can be Adduced to shew that species have become gradually extinct?

19. 15 Or, in a real tragedy, a key scaffold species may be globally extinct.

20. And what price do you place on the species made extinct in the rainforest?

21. Out of 21 species of Bandicoots, seven are classified as critically endangered or already extinct.

22. Andrias scheuchzeri is an extinct species of giant salamander, which only is known from fossils.

23. Any species-any country-that fails to adapt will join the pantheon of the extinct.

24. It actually turns out that our species almost went extinct about 30, 000 years ago.

25. The Capercaillie is a native species that became extinct in Britain in the mid-18th century

26. Ninety to 95% of marine species became extinct, as well as 70% of all land organisms.

27. The most chilling exhibit space is a room that holds species that are extinct or endangered.

28. Some species of animals have become extinct because they could not adapt to a changing environment.

29. Amber from the Dominican Republic is the hardened resin of an extinct species of broadleaved tropical tree.

30. 23 Some species of animals have become extinct because they could not adapt to a changing environment.

31. The head of the Barramunda is obviously inspired by that of the extinct Earth species, the Dunkleosteus.

32. Sixteen hundred genera and many more species of Brachiopoda are known altogether, the vast majority being fossil (extinct) forms

33. Barbodes tras is an extinct species of cyprinid fish endemic to Lake Lanao in Mindanao, Philippines.This species could reach a length of 12.6 centimetres (5.0 in) SL.

34. The Red List warns that over 11,000 species of plants and animals face a high risk of becoming extinct.

35. 26 Scientists think it unlikely that any species will actually become extinct as a consequence of the oil spill.

36. The oldest known hominin to show definitive Bipedal adapations is the extinct species Orrorin tugenensis that dates to 6 Ma

37. Bovids are the largest of 10 extant families within Artiodactyla, consisting of more than 140 extant and 300 extinct species

38. However, their sister taxon is the extinct family Protostegidae that included other species that did not have a hard carapace.

39. The largest known extinct bivalve is a species of Platyceramus whose fossils measure up to 3,000 mm (118 in) in length.

40. Gigantopithecus is an extinct genus of Ape from the Early to Middle Pleistocene of southern China, represented by one species, G

41. Although they all share a series of ridges along their foreheads, there are five physiologically distinct species of Xindi: Primates, Arboreals, Reptilians, Insectoids, and Aquatics; the sixth species, Avians, is extinct

42. A key species in the story of conservation, the Avocet represents an amazing recovery of a bird once extinct in the UK

43. ‘Along the banks we caught sight of both of the supposedly almost extinct species of dwarf buffalo, the highland and lowland Anoa.’

44. If he really did exist, there wouldn’t be such a mess in the world: Innocent people are starving; animal species are going extinct . . .

45. All hopes were extinct.

46. There are 22 species of Auks, including the Atlantic puffin, the common murre, the dovekie or lesser auk, and the extinct great auk.

47. The mammoth is extinct.

48. “As a direct result of human activity,” reported the BBC, “species are becoming extinct at a rate 1,000 times greater than the natural average.”

49. There is only one extant subclass of Crinoids, the Articulata, consisting of 540 described species, though other subclasses once existed but are now extinct

50. The last sighting (which may have been a hybrid with the little grebe) was in 1985 and the species was declared extinct in 2010.

51. Caloprymnus campestris (possibly extinct) (I)

52. The consanguine family is extinct.

53. Fascism in Italy was extinct.

54. The most important species of the Park was the bucardo or Pyrenean ibex which unfortunately went extinct in January 2000 in spite of preservation efforts.

55. The Balana thranta was one of the many species of thranta that were native to the planet Alderaan and became virtually extinct upon the planet's destruction

56. While the common waterbuck is now extinct in Ethiopia, the defassa waterbuck has become extinct in Gambia.

57. Then Hades will become extinct forever.

58. The robber baron is not extinct.

59. That's when the dinosaurs went extinct, that's when 75 percent of the animal and plant species went extinct, and that's when mammals overtook their ecological niche, and to anthropomorphize, biological evolution said, "Hmm, this neocortex is pretty good stuff," and it began to grow it.

60. Archosaurs include the extinct dinosaurs and …

61. Nothing could rekindle her extinct passion.

62. Five of the seven known families within this suborder are extinct; only the families Phascolarctidae, with the koala, and Vombatidae, with three extant species of wombat, survive.

63. For the extinct fish, see Anaspid

64. Andrewsarchus was an extinct carnivorous mammal

65. Synapsida: Mammals and their extinct relatives.

66. Wolves went extinct in our country.

67. Early modern human (EMH) or Anatomically modern human (AMH) are terms used to distinguish Homo sapiens (the only extant human species) that are Anatomically consistent with the range of phenotypes seen in contemporary humans from extinct archaic human species.

68. ActinoCrinites is an extinct genus of crinoids.

69. The great Auk (pinguinus impennis) is a species of flightless alcid that became extinct in the mid-19th century - great Auk stock illustrations Study of a Great Auk

70. The Aepyornis or otherwise known as the the ‘elephant bird’ is a species of giant flightless bird that is believed to have become extinct around the 17th century

71. Australopithecus afarensis definition, an extinct species of early hominin whose fossil remains were discovered in Ethiopia and have been dated at about 2.8–4 million years of age

72. A collection o modren an extinct Chelicerates

73. Fossilworks PaleoDB link: Aepyornis Geoffroy 1850 (extinct)

74. The Arabian ostrich went extinct in 1945.

75. In fact, most known genera are extinct.

76. Pandas could become extinct in the wild.

77. The white rhino is now almost extinct.

78. Many animals and birds are now extinct.

79. Weren't they extinct a long time ago?

80. We have Arrogated so much of the planet's resources to ourselves that the Earth itself is suffering and numerous other species have lost their homes,if not become extinct.