Use "extensor" in a sentence

1. Maxillary bone extensor

2. Tendon of extensor: tissue that connects the extensor to the phalange.

3. In the index finger the extensor proper and the common extensor nearly always coexist.

4. Longitudinal incision of the extensor hood close to the radial margin of the extensor tendon.

5. Transdermal patch with extensor means

6. Medial split of the extensor hood.

7. Key words: model, fatigue, ischemia, soleus, extensor digitorum longus

8. ... a room for an extensor tendon repair.

9. The extensor digiti minimi tendon was ruptured.

10. It includes flexor/extensor muscles of the forelimbs.

11. Transdermal drug delivery device comprising extensor-relaxor means

12. Common extensor of fingers: muscle that extends the five fingers.

13. Flexor— and extensor tendon lacerations should be sutured immediately.

14. Extensor muscles: muscle that extends the tail of the crayfish.

15. Knee extensor muscular strength was reduced in the TKR group.

16. Nevertheless, tendon irritation of the extensor tendons or even tendon rupture can happen.

17. Extensor digit quinti proprius: muscle that extends the fifth finger.

18. The extensor plantar reflex indicates a possible lesion on the brain.

19. However, he remained unresponsive with extensor and flexor responses to pain.

20. You know, I think you just bruised my extensor hallucis longus.

21. Extensor mechanism and anterior cruciate ligament injuries can be identified using ultrasound.

22. There was division with a septum in the extensor compartment in 60%.

23. Abductor pollicis longus muscle (Musculus Abductor pollicis longus) Abductor pollicis longus is a muscle found in the posterior compartment of the forearm.It is one of the five deep extensors in the forearm, along with the supinator, extensor pollicis brevis, extensor pollicis longus and extensor indicis.

24. Autogenetic effects of muscle contraction on extensor gamma motoneurones in the cat

25. There is no reliable information on the frequency of associated extensor tendinitis.

26. The extensor plantar reflex indicates a possible lesion on the brain

27. Gymnastic apparatus, particularly for exercising extensor muscles of inferior limbs thighs muscles and gluteus muscles

28. These arteries came to the anterior (extensor) compartment by passing superiorly through the interosseous membrane.

29. • Nodules may be palpated in subcutaneous tissue, usually on extensor surfaces of limbs Other Symptoms

30. Deep unconsciousness, maximal dilated pupils and extensor-spasms were observed but respiration continued.

31. These effects were more striking in extensor digitorum longus than in soleus muscles.

32. It should include strengthening against resistance with eccentric stretching of the extensor group.

33. It includes groups of flexor and extensor muscles of the hind limbs.

34. Exposed extensor tendons and/or bony structures were covered with this flap in another eight patients.

35. • In infancy, cheeks, face and extensor surfaces of arms and legs are involved

36. The EDBM was located superficial to the common extensor tendons of the fingers.

37. The tendons of the long flexor and extensor muscles are specifically prone to degeneration.

38. Dorsal incision over the metatarsophalangeal joint and transverse tenotomy of the extensor digitorum brevis.

39. Moreover, functional clinical outcome will be improved by minimizing damage to the extensor mechanism.

40. Immediate operative reconstruction of the ruptured extensor mechanism of the knee joint seems mandatory.

41. The contraction of the main flexor muscle and of the extensor significantly modifies MCO1 and MC1 (Fig.

42. Shin-shank is prepared from either forequarter/hindquarter legs (extensor/flexor group of muscles).

43. Shin / Shank is prepared from either forequarter / hindquarter legs (extensor / flexor group of muscles).

44. The treatment of extensor tendon injuries depends on the various levels of tendon laceration.

45. Shin-shank is prepared from either forequarter/hindquarter legs (extensor / flexor group of muscles).

46. Shin-Shank is prepared from either Forequarter/ Hindquarter legs (extensor/ flexor group of muscles

47. In locusts, an identified octopaminergic neuron innervates the extensor-tibiae muscle of the hind legs.

48. Examples of measurements included isometric strength of knee extensors, ankle plantar flexors and leg extensor power.

49. Extensor apparatus and plasties protection indicates the use of closed kinetic chain exercises and hamstring strengthening.

50. The explosive rush and momentum of these deafferented extensor reflexes recall the Ataxy of tabes.

51. Description of the different treatment option for extensor deficiency divided into infra- and suprapatellar modalities.

52. Involved lower extremity knee extensor and flexor torque production deficits were 25% and 17%, respectively.

53. The extensor surfaces of the major joints, the extremities, and the trunk may also be involved.

54. The hind shank includes the tibia/tarsal bones and surrounding muscle groups of the flexor/extensor.

55. We even had to reconstruct one extensor tendon because of irritation over a not fully inserted screw.

56. Infra-patellar tendon is the least common site for the disruption of extensor mechanism of knee joint.

57. Relative: nondisplaced fractures of the distal pole without involvement of the joint surface and intact extensor apparatus3.

58. Ruptures of the patellar tendon are rare injuries requiring acute repair to reestablish knee extensor continuity.

59. The four large muscle groups hamstrings, adductors, gastrocnemius and knee extensor muscles are most often affected.

60. Look at the extensor facet of the glenoid cavity, and the bilateral asymmetry of the second metacarpal.

61. Compared with control treatment, Cb significantly increased loaded and unloaded soleus, plantaris, and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) mass.

62. Douglas Hanel Basem Attum (OB Team Editor) Hand - Extensor Tendon Compartments E 4/6/2015 2499 views 4.1 …

63. A functional deficit was noted in the extensor apparatus, which increased in the first 6 months following surgery.

64. Autogenetic inhibition of extensor gamma-motoneurones revealed by electrical stimulation of group I fibres in the cat

65. Extensor reconstruction (supra-/infrapatellar) is an essential part of tumor resection and tumor arthroplasty around the knee.

66. LATERAL EPICONDYLITIS (TENNIS ELBOW) DEFINITION An inflammatory process occurring at the extensor origin of the lateral epicondyle.

67. After anatomical repositioning of the extensor apparatus the pins are screwed in until the flexion gap is spanned.

68. Entrapment of the nerve along its course between the brachioradialis and extensor carpi radialis longus muscles or tendons.

69. 30 Deep tendon reflexes are usually diminished, but in cases with prominent lateral column disease may be hyperactive with extensor plantar reflexes.

70. This may have to do with “Antigravitational” extensor strength being a more relevant determinant of the knee joint internal forces than flexor strength

71. Pre-Aliquoted PCR master mix can be ordered with ThermoPrime Taq DNA Polymerase, Extensor Hi-Fidelity PCR Enzyme Mix or Thermo-Start Taq DNA Polymerase.

72. The abductor pollicis longus had more than one tendon in 76% and extensor pollicis brevis was represented by a single tendon in 96%.

73. Then , when you 've completed the movement , the flexor relaxes and the extensor contracts to extend or straighten the limb at the same joint .

74. The symptoms are a prominent head of the ulna, pains around the styloid process of the ulna and perhaps a tenosynovitis of the extensor carpi ulnaris.

75. For example, the three front flexor muscles are able to flex the forearm, and the two extensor muscles in the back of the upper arm can straighten out the forearm.

76. Ideia para substituir o extensor do Botton da Mic-Key USA da gastronomia, para quem se alimenta por GTT, uma ideia simples e econômica que pode ajudar até qu

77. Up to 10% cash back  · The surface electromyogram (EMG) was recorded for the extensor carpi radiales of normal human subjects during voluntary isometric Anisotonic contractions as well as the force generated by the muscle

78. If a patient undergoes a hammer toe correction(s) with PIP joint Arthroplasty (with or without MTP joint release and extensor tendon lengthening) then they will be able to walk in a hard sole sandal within 2-3 days after surgery

79. Identify Coalition between anterior process of calcaneus and navicular bones and confirm with fluorscopy excise bar with saw or osteotomes, which leaves defect ~1cm in size interpose fat, bone wax or portion of extensor digitorum brevis muscle into defect

80. Due to our follow-up results we demonstrate that the external patello-tibial fixation with a special fixateur for protection of the reconstructed distal extensor mechanism alows a functional unlimited rehabilitation This study demonstrates the operative treatment and follow-up results for avulsion injuries of the ligamentum patella and fractures of the distal patella pole.