Use "extends" in a sentence

1. Public class Completions extends Object

2. Public class Asserter extends junit.framework.Assert

3. Public class Bitstream extends java.lang.Object

4. Public class Assert extends Object

5. Carrefour Extends Blockchain to Textiles

6. Public interface Ageable extends Creature

7. Government extends curfew, BBC reports.

8. The border extends to the river.

9. Gestation extends from fertilization to birth.

10. Public abstract class Approximator extends java.lang.Object

11. The plateau extends for many miles.

12. The forest extends beyond the border.

13. This extends far beyond financial transactions .

14. It's exclusive economic zone extends over 306,000 km2.

15. The border extends as far as the river.

16. Foolish say then: " Cur extends a tongue. "

17. This extends battery life and reduces wear.

18. Questionable behavior extends to professors and administrators.

19. 10 The fence extends to the meadow.

20. The street extends southward about three miles.

21. Public class Blob extends DatumWithConnection implements oracle.jdbc.internal.OracleBlob

22. This extends the provision to other modes.

23. Public static interface Clinker.VaList extends Addressable, AutoCloseable

24. It extends 800 kilometers above its surface.

25. The chapter extends to a hundred pages.

26. The benefits of Allotments also extends to food supply

27. The correlation extends beyond this limited set of compounds.

28. The militarism of some countries extends into daily life.

29. My garden extends as far as the river.

30. Hair: short , bristly, extends down onto his forehead.

31. Tuungafasi extends with Blues & NZR until 2024

32. The chapter extends to more than ninety pages.

33. Our land extends as far as the river.

34. Extends tool life, reducing tool sharpening and downtime.

35. The shelf extends 20 cms from the bookcase.

36. In this way an organism extends its life.

37. The king's power extends over the whole country.

38. That bossy controlling outlook also extends to friendships.

39. Cider extends Emacs with support for interactive programming in Clojure

40. Cider extends Emacs with support for interactive programming in Clojure

41. The permanent magnetization extends along a closed magnetization path (01).

42. The problem with race medicine extends far beyond misdiagnosing patients.

43. The section extends to insolvency practitioners and directors and managers.

44. Let’s see Cats’ Applicative: @typeclass trait Applicative[F[_]] extends

45. On the contrary, it expands, extends, and exalts it.

46. Freedom of religion even extends to inventing one's own.

47. The deep Biosphere extends deep into the Earth’s crust

48. In common usage, the Arm extends through the hand

49. The aft end extends axially beyond the second spool.

50. The service also extends to wrapping and delivering gifts.

51. Its practicality extends to every phase of daily living.

52. Its range extends farther south along the Atlantic coast.

53. The leniency extends only as far as the Hui.

54. The driveway extends from the house to the highway.

55. Require 'Colorize' - Extends String class require 'Colorized_string' - add ColorizedString class features

56. 7 Magazine activity in this manner extends our objective beyond placements.

57. 10 God’s knowledge extends over the whole range of the universe.

58. The agreement extends to include endangered timber and fish stocks.

59. Common extensor of fingers: muscle that extends the five fingers.

60. That commission extends to this day. —Acts 1:6-8.

61. The use of dryness extends also to routine operational practice.

62. Financial inclusion also extends to micro, small and medium enterprises.

63. It's reassuring to know the membership vetting extends to animals.

64. Amplitudes: an area over which activity, capacity, or influence extends

65. Extensor digit quinti proprius: muscle that extends the fifth finger.

66. This country extends its power and influence into neighbouring countries.

67. Extensor muscles: muscle that extends the tail of the crayfish.

68. Autoshaping extends to other species and other types of reinforcement and responses

69. The first abutment contact surface extends around the first fixture contact surface.

70. An intake tube extends from the housing for receiving intake air.

71. Therefore, their zero page extends from address 0 to address 255.

72. The placeholder ^ 1 text of slide ^ 2 extends off the slide.

73. Biotechnology refines and extends methods that produce new plants and animals

74. The “duality” involved in Adjunctions extends to 2-cells as well

75. This extends to a (finite or countably infinite) sequence of events.

76. This post-human biodiversity extends into the animal kingdom, as well.

77. The pirates'information network extends to Yemen, Dubai and the Suez canal.

78. Club Med also generally extends a $ 150 discount to travelers over

79. The acquisition extends Bibliotheca's presence in The Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany

80. Specifically, it Abducts and extends the hand at the wrist joint