Use "experimented" in a sentence

1. Zola experimented on him.

2. She admitted she had experimented with cocaine.

3. In tackling these problems, we experimented.

4. Whoever experimented on Scully is finished.

5. He also experimented with linen manufacture.

6. Also, I sniffed glue, and experimented with marijuana.

7. Absolven: My progenitor experimented in producing me

8. They experimented on us like lab rats.

9. He has also experimented with aquatic plants.

10. 22 We experimented until we succeeded in mixing the right colour.

11. I experimented until I got the recipe just right.

12. We have experimented with various different designs of kite.

13. In the 1880s, Arthur Batut experimented with kite aerial photography.

14. Jeffers experimented with sprung rhythm as an alternative to Accentual rhythm

15. Many other scientists experimented with various liquids and designs of thermometer.

16. She had black kinky hair that she experimented with a lot.

17. 3 The minister confessed to having experimented with cannabis in her youth.

18. A new wave of rock bands experimented with different rhythms and beats.

19. The British had experimented in “air Ambulancing” as far back as in the 1920s

20. I experimented with alcohol last night and puked on my way here.

21. The processing technique of composite beverage of sponge gourd and gourd was experimented.

22. The effect of different uniformity of bagasse - liquor on cooking quality was experimented.

23. The processing technique of composite beverage of sponge gourd and bitter gourd was experimented.

24. This, and later tests, examined guidance improvements and experimented with missile replenishment at sea.

25. A line of Assyrian kings experimented with Battering rams to perfect their use

26. Rorschach experimented with both asymmetric and symmetric images before finally opting for the latter.

27. Mick Harris, in his post-Napalm Death project, Scorn, briefly experimented with the style.

28. 11 Wedgwood experimented with barium sulphate (caulk), and from it produced jasper, in 17

29. Knowledge Master has been successfully experimented with dyslexics, ADDs and students with working memory issues.

30. Since European graphite was inferior, pencil manufacturers there experimented with ways to improve pencil leads.

31. To disguise the lanolin's pungent odour, Rubinstein experimented with lavender, pine bark and water lilies.

32. Corning experimented with chemically strengthened glass in 1960, as part of a "Project Muscle" initiative.

33. In fact, I experimented for six months to get our leading espresso blend just right.”

34. It has also been experimented on and succeeded in the use of artificial insemination.

35. The process technology for manufacturing thermoplastic composites commingled yarn was experimented, and samples tested.

36. When not in the studio contributing to the success of others, he experimented with Classical music.

37. Another possibility that I have experimented with once or twice is creating a monogram in flowers.

38. At the time I was interested in graphology, and had experimented with various styles of handwriting.

39. He spread the word to his fellow monks, who experimented with other ways to consume the berries.

40. One writer, Hugh Howey, experimented with short stories on Amazon by releasing one very short story called "Wool."

41. Van Gogh persevered; he experimented with lighting in his studio using variable shutters, and with different drawing materials.

42. In the past, the company's engineers had experimented with both types of governor motor, mechanical and electronic governors.

43. Well, I fertilized and cross- fertilized...... and experimented with crop after crop until the strain was fixed

44. In 1938, looking for new ways to market their products, the company experimented with producing air raid shelters.

45. They all experimented with negating the parallel postulate, only to discover that this gave rise to entire alternative geometries.

46. It experimented in building an acoustic sensor for operation in water with frequencies of up to 20 kHz.

47. Tesla experimented with a number of different configurations consisting of two, or sometimes three, coupled resonant electric circuits.

48. In 2002, Deutsche Bahn, the German national railway company, experimented with yield management for frequent loyalty card passengers.

49. Given the evidence that capital account liberalization increases macroeconomic volatility, many developing countries have experimented with capital controls.

50. Traditional pottery making techniques were being lost, but Martinez and her family experimented with different techniques and helped preserve the cultural art.

51. If you haven’t experimented with cooking over wood Chunks, you are missing out on a whole new world of flavor

52. When she received the broken bisque doll, she experimented for two years before she was able to repair it.

53. A few games have experimented with diversifying map design, which continues to be largely two-dimensional even in 3D engines.

54. She experimented with her new optic, shifting her patch to her right eye and perceiving the world through heat patterns.

55. He was proficient in both traditional Chinese ink and Western oil painting and experimented with a variety of styles including Fauvism and Cubism.

56. Several terrorists and terrorist groups have experimented with ricin and caused several incidents of the poisons being mailed to U.S. politicians.

57. Secondly, models with different backfill-material such as argil fly-ash concrete, soil, sand, grit and lime-stabilized soil were experimented.

58. Hence, rapid-growth “supertrees” are being experimented with, the hope being to help prevent further shrinkage of the world’s woodlands.

59. He also experimented with photography, and did significant early work with X-rays from 18 and with radio waves from 18

60. So, having experimented in all sorts of remote places, I came to the most remote place that I could think of.

61. Many songs on Body Language are influenced by R&B and hip hop music, two genres Minogue newly experimented with on the album.

62. At the Georgia Institute of Technology, Eugenia Kharlampieva experimented with depositing silver nanoparticles on films of silk as a way of strengthening them.

63. Donwood experimented with photographic etching, putting prints into acid baths and throwing wax at paper, creating images influenced by NASA space photography.

64. Varley was its unpaid pastor until 1882 and experimented with various means of evangelizing and meeting the social needs of the poor.

65. …the RAF had experimented with Autogiros; these were craft that employed a propeller for forward motion and a freely rotating unmotorized rotor for lift

66. Egyptian engineers initially experimented with explosive charges and bulldozers to clear the obstacles, before a junior officer proposed using high pressure water cannons.

67. In the 15th century, Giovanni da Fontana, a Venetian physician, experimented with simple wood-and-paper rockets that were launched by an explosion of gunpowder.

68. The oil-soluble imidazoline type corrosion inhibitor GAC-968 developed and manufactured by Guangzhou Petrochemical Complex was commercially experimented in crude oil atmospheric distillation tower.

69. The animal experimented upon to be supplied daily with a weighed quantity of food, the composition and Calefacient value of which had been accurately determined.

70. The animal experimented upon to be supplied daily with a weighed quantity of food, the composition and Calefacient value of which had been accurately determined.

71. The 1958 pattern series: By 1958, plans for a monetary reform were underway and a number of coin pattern designs were being experimented with before implementation.

72. Between 1700 and 1710 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz publicized the use of arrays for recording information or solutions and experimented with over 50 different systems of arrays.

73. Is it a good idea to Containerize legacy applications today? For three years now, IT teams have experimented with Windows Docker Containers on WS2016 and WS2019

74. Bluish-Paper Stamps In 1909, the United States briefly experimented with printing stamps on paper with some rag, or cloth, content (standard stamp paper was 100 percent wood pulp)

75. Percussionist and producer Contours & instrument builder, musician, painter and ceramicist Seth Sutton experimented with Balafons and a gamelan alongside Sutton’s homemade string and percussive instrumentation.

76. FArmers have left fields unplanted, laser-leveled the land, lined canals, installed drip irrigation, experimented with drought-resistant crops and found other ways to use water more efficiently.

77. Later in World War II, the Luftwaffe experimented with the Messerschmitt Me 328 as a parasite fighter, but problems with its pulsejet engines could not be overcome.

78. The state charges that Dr Zira and a corrupt surgeon named Galen experimented on this wounded animal, tampering with his brain and throat tissues, to produce a speaking monster.

79. In 1982, she was a founder of the group Laboratory of Creativity (Laboratorio de Creatividad) that experimented with performance art in public spaces, theater cafes, art galleries, and museums.

80. He expanded the Classical traditions of Joseph Haydn, one of his teachers, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and experimented with personal expression, a characteristic that influenced the Romantic Composers who succeeded him