Use "evident" in a sentence

1. Tamper-evident aerosol cap

2. She smiled with evident relief.

3. Female flowers with evident perianth.

4. Her sincerity is self-evident.

5. The prospect became more evident.

6. He nodded with evident satisfaction.

7. It's evident that you are tired.

8. Consumerism has all too evident limits.

9. There are evident applications to oceanography.

10. Are the same evil influences evident?

11. Lameness usually is evident at once.

12. Again, a downward trend is evident.

13. Jehovah’s Dignity and Splendor Made Evident

14. The orchestra played with evident enjoyment.

15. Jehovah’s blessing on these efforts is evident.

16. Our View Made Evident by Our Actions

17. Zoroastrian influence is evident in five names.

18. The purpose may not be immediately evident.

19. She regarded the child with evident distaste.

20. He signed his name with evident satisfaction.

21. Tamper-evident, heat resistant cast label stock

22. It's evident that someone has been here.

23. It was evident that she was unhappy.

24. 15 It's evident that the plan is impracticable.

25. The dangers of such action are self-evident.

26. The bias in the article is self-evident.

27. Mr Wills unfolds his story with evident enjoyment.

28. His own distinctiveness was always evident at school.

29. Bob began eating his lunch with evident enjoyment.

30. The colour is evident even under low magnification.

31. This was evident from the 1994 Memorial report.

32. Around adnexal inflammatory cell infiltration is also evident.

33. The narrowness of this interpretation is self-evident.

34. Apparent That which is clear, plain, and evident

35. The talks made little evident progress towards agreement.

36. This fact is too evident to require proof.

37. He looked at his children with evident pride.

38. The feminine touch was evident throughout the house.

39. Their kinship with peas became evident to them.

40. 5 Mill's influence on pragmatism is also evident.

41. Despite their evident megalomania, no coherent vision informed them.

42. 9 They looked at each other in evident perplexity.

43. His footprints were clearly evident in the heavy dust.

44. The Borzoi's grace is evident in his every move.

45. It soon became evident that she was seriously ill.

46. Harry's courage during his illness was evident to everyone.

47. Again, equal protection and due process concerns are evident.

48. This is made evident in Psalms 42 and 43.

49. 5 The narrowness of this interpretation is self-evident.

50. This interplay between mechanics and electromagnetism is less evident.

51. Her sophistication is evident from the way she dresses.

52. It is evident that Barbarisms are a historical category

53. Appearing: See: apparent , colorable , evident , ostensible , perceivable , presumptive , specious

54. What selfish motivation is evident in certain Bible versions?

55. (b) How has God’s evident blessing been upon them?

56. Spasmodic displays of genius are evident in her music.

57. The resource disparity is evident in the campaign headquarters.

58. 1 His own distinctiveness was always evident at school.

59. Self Evident Truths doesn't erase the differences between us.

60. How is Jehovah’s wisdom evident in the animal creation?

61. In such circumstances, their shortcomings become even more evident.

62. It is evident that smoking is harmful to health.

63. Nowhere was this more evident that within official portraiture.

64. Her perfectionism is evident at work and at home.

65. The terms alcohol Abstainer and non-drinker are self-evident

66. However, ambiguities and contradictions are evident in definitions and terminology.

67. The privations of monastery life were evident in his appearance.

68. The rationale behind the changes is not at all evident.

69. In broader social terms the costs are fairly self-evident.

70. This last point is less self-evident than appears initially.

71. Axiom definition, a self-evident truth that requires no proof

72. This was very evident at the conclusion of the conventions.

73. Faith is “the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld.”

74. This was evident during the Asian financial crisis in 1998.

75. The applause made it evident the play was a hit.

76. The difficulties of pursuing such a methodology are immediately evident.

77. This is especially evident in prototype fabrication and die development.

78. A sense of something not evident or deducible; an impression.

79. Initial outbreaks were most evident in pear and apple trees.

80. Shaw's infatuation with the actress is evident in his writing.