Use "every once in a while" in a sentence

1. Every once in a while, there are little surprises.

2. Well, we believe in splurging every once in a while.

3. I like a woman-hater every once in a while.

4. 20 Every once in a while, there are little surprises.

5. I do need to see every once in a while.

6. Every once in a while, the established order is overthrown.

7. I saw her in the shop every once in a while.

8. 18 Every once in a while, the established order is overthrown.

9. I only see her every once in a while at school.

10. 25 Every once in a while, the established order is overthrown.

11. 10 I saw her in the shop every once in a while.

12. Every once in a while a dark horse candidate gets elected President.

13. 28 Every once in a great while, the established order is overthrown.

14. Every once in a while, people step up - they rise above themselves.

15. Every once in a while you get to taste something distinctively different.

16. Every once in a while she still thinks about coloring it, though.

17. It's okay to get your hands dirty every once in a while.

18. Every once in a while, we find a pair of men's boxers in there.

19. * Every once in a while, use Preach My Gospel for family home evening.

20. 22 Every once in a while you get to taste something distinctively different.

21. 24 Every once in a while you get to taste something distinctively different.

22. Does anyone in your family suffer from bad catarrh every once in a while?

23. Every once in a while, Marcellus likes to kill a man as an example.

24. Every once in a while I just yell and scream stuff at the TV.

25. William, I'd love to come by every once in a while and say hello.

26. They "talk every once in a while, and they have never had a real argument.

27. Every once in a while, he'd lean over, stroke my hair, then touch my neck.

28. And, every once in a while, you find a clip that's so good, it's fucking depressing.

29. He said the bill reflects a non-issue that nonetheless comes up every once in a while.

30. Some cats enjoy chomping on plants every once in a while to get roughage or fiber.

31. Every once in a while the press comes out with sensational stories about Sisters who leave.

32. Every once in a while she would show me the page and ask where she should stop a sentence.

33. Finally she says to me: You could at least clean that damn thing every once in a while.

34. I like to give people lots of independence and just check on them every once in a while.

35. Once in a while we eat out.

36. But every once in a while, very rarely, something would happen, and one of these performers would actually become transcendent.

37. Every once in a while an airline will slather a plane or two (and sometimes more) in a custom livery that tells a story.

38. We go fishing together once in a while.

39. 1 Once in a while we eat out.

40. You need to relax once in a while.

41. He'd drop in for a drink once in a while.

42. 16 Every once in a while an airline will slather a plane or two (and sometimes more) in a custom livery that tells a story.

43. 4 Everybody makes a mistake once in a while.

44. Recurring once in every 100 years: a Centenary celebration.

45. 21 But look at them once in a while.

46. Everybody needs a good cry once in a while, Jack.

47. 6 We meet for lunch once in a while.

48. 15 Once in a while we whet to a restaurant.

49. 2 Once in a while we had a major blowout.

50. EVERY adult was once a teen-ager.

51. 14 I do get a little anxious once in a while.

52. 22 If you're dieting, indulge yourself once in a while.

53. Chances are that other freelancers need additional man-power or need someone to recommend for a gig they can't accept every once in a while.

54. Nothing wrong with thinning the herd once in a while.

55. 5 He went to see them once in a while.

56. 8 I like a lowbrow action movie once in a while.

57. At whiles, now and then, occasionally, once in a while

58. As nouns the difference between fortnightly and Biweekly is that fortnightly is a publication issued fortnightly (once every two weeks); a bi-weekly (one sense) while Biweekly is something that is published or released once every two weeks

59. Occurring once every 100 years: a Centennial commemoration

60. 16 He would push or slap her once in a while.

61. It wouldn't kill you to help out once in a while.

62. About once every thousand faces

63. Tommy Lee Jones Told Jim Carrey ‘I Cannot Sanction Your Buffoonery’ While They Were Making ‘Batman Forever’ — Watch "Every once in …

64. Sean McGlynn : It's going to be a long haul and not everything will go smoothly, just stop every once in a while take some deep, deep Breaths .

65. Every plank, every rail, every spar, all at once, began to creak.

66. Once every ten years, the United States Census takes a count of every person in the United States

67. Once we're on the march... we'll free every slave in every town and village.

68. A Bacteriological test is required once each year and a nitrate test once every three years

69. 15 Missing a meal once in a while never did anyone any harm.

70. 26 Wash out your ego every once in a while, as cleanliness is next to godliness not just in body but in humility as well. Terri Guillemets 

71. However, this kind of greenback fidelity can backfire once in a while.

72. Once, while in Primary, he was asked to give a short talk.

73. While periodical Cicada broods are enormous and remarkably synchronized, once in a …

74. Even if you're dieting, you can indulge yourself once in a while.

75. 12 It wouldn't kill you to help out once in a while.

76. Idols are often known for their petite frames and cute faces, but every once in a while, an idol comes along with a Bootylicious butt that turns heads.

77. Frequency: about once every few months

78. 17 Wash out your ego every once in a while,( as cleanliness is next to godliness not just in body but in humility as well. Terri Guillemets 

79. Once in a while, she seemed to sneer and made a grimace of revulsion.

80. 4 Once in a while, the numbers fall, the abacus clicks into a pattern.