Use "enshrined tenet" in a sentence

1. Quidquid Aetatis retro est mors tenet Latin

2. This is a basic tenet of capitalism.

3. These principles are enshrined in the country's constitution.

4. Academicism (Noun) A tenet of the Academic philosophy

5. Academicism (Noun) A tenet of the Academic philosophy.

6. Jewel-enshrined uneasefulness contraposit wild-acting Allegrettos coping

7. These important rights are enshrined in the constitution.

8. These rights are enshrined in the country's constitution.

9. Memories of happier days were enshrined in my heart.

10. That's the basic tenet of a prenup, isn't it?

11. "First quality, paramount credit standing"is our companys tenet.

12. This was a central tenet of the bureaucratic model.

13. 12 Our tenet: honesty and keep faith, innovate,[] efficient.

14. A fragment of the Cross is enshrined in the cathedral.

15. Annie: What is the tenet of the Asian Games?

16. the tighter rules to be enshrined in countries ' constitutions

17. The smaller piece was enshrined at Wat Suan Dok.

18. Our Tenet: Quality is the life, integrity and development.

19. Our tenet: CredIt'standing be firstly and customer be paramountcy.

20. Her love for him is enshrined forever in her poetry.

21. The right of free speech is enshrined in the Constitution.

22. Accurate Ascertainment of disease endpoints is a key tenet of epidemiology

23. One tenet: low portfolio turnover, often a mere 10 % a year.

24. The apartheid system which enshrined racism in law still existed.

25. A lot of memories are enshrined in this photograph album.

26. The concept of individual liberty is enshrined in the constitution.

27. The memory of our friendship will be enshrined in my heart.

28. The mutability of the past is the central tenet of Ingsoc.

29. Fire, then, may well have been the first enshrined divinity of prehistoric man.

30. 3 A fragment of the Cross is enshrined in the cathedral.

31. Tenet of Testing, Appraisal and Certification: Independence, Impartiality, Scientificalness and Accuracy.

32. Almost two and a half million war dead are enshrined at Yasukuni.

33. This staggering quantum mechanical phenomenon... is enshrined in the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

34. The right of freedom of speech is enshrined in law/in the constitution.

35. 3 The mutability of the past is the central tenet of Ingsoc.

36. The fundamental tenet of Democritus' physics is that all that exists is matter.

37. Thus the vast age of the Earth became the central tenet of geology.

38. Reiterating their adherence to the ideals and principles enshrined in the UN Charter;

39. Hunter will be enshrined in the Baseball Hall of Fame at a ceremony this week.

40. The freedom to paint such an intensely personal experience became a basic tenet of Expressionism.

41. Sci-fi thriller ‘Tenet’ Bewilders and dazzles Brian Truitt, USA TODAY 10/9/2020

42. Tucker Carlson Blames George Floyd’s death for “enshrined open racism” against white people

43. Synonyms for Canonized include glorified, deified, enshrined, acclaimed, aggrandized, apotheosized, dignified, elevated, ennobled and enskied

44. It was subsequently placed in the inner oratory where it was enshrined beneath an altar.

45. 9 The right of freedom of speech is enshrined in law/in the constitution.

46. Trying to force people into unwanted roles violates the most basic tenet of Western culture.

47. Our business tenet: redound upon the society, benefit employees and create wealth for the society.

48. An implicit tenet of museum life is that the original object is the ultimate historical source.

49. Father told me how to conduct myself . Honesty, Condescension. Maybe this is the basal tenet.

50. In the religion of Islam, belief in Allah is the single most important tenet

51. The promise of resurrection after death was a tenet of the cult of Osiris.

52. In 1999, he was appointed chief of staff to George Tenet, then-Director of the CIA.

53. Auschwitz is enshrined in history in part because, as a work camp, there were survivors

54. He assured the Committee of his Government's absolute commitment to the principles enshrined in that instrument

55. He assured the Committee of his Government’s absolute commitment to the principles enshrined in that instrument.

56. It is built on an ancient burial site where the sacred earth goddess spirit was enshrined.

57. This kind of analysis undermines the basic tenet of taxation based on ability to pay.

58. Tenet of enterprise: Pursue subsistence on quality, development on variety and create credit on service.

59. The Disabled Persons Act 1986 enshrined the new principles, though without providing funds for the advocacy arrangements desired.

60. In this respect Hirschi shared the long-standing positivist rejection of the central tenet of classicism: deterrence.

61. This gap is also reflected in the transitional periods that are enshrined in the Accession Treaties.

62. Since 1995, both right of ownership and the right to pursue reindeer husbandry are enshrined in the Constitution.

63. On August 16 the relic was moved with great solemnity to this chapel, where it is still enshrined.

64. Governing bodies will still be subject to the local and national agreements enshrined in existing staff contracts.

65. The tutelary gods of Mazu and Wind - accompanying Ear are enshrined and worshiped in the temple gate.

66. Catherine of Siena enshrined in the artistic golden sarcophagus which has been admired by succeeding generations of her clients.

67. The main tenet of Sobchak's philosophy is that a woman should never forget to be a woman.

68. He had questioned a fundamental tenet of her life, that young women are more attractive than older women.

69. It’s enshrined in the President’s National Security Strategy, as well as the administration’s South Asia and Indo-Pacific strategies.

70. - sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific under the ACP-EC partnership enshrined in the Cotonou Agreement;

71. Commodification of health care is a central tenet of managed care as it functions in the United States

72. Mostly, they have failed to acknowledge one basic tenet of the high-tech world: We know too much.

73. The basic tenet of Arianism was a negation of the divinity of Christ and, subsequently, of the Holy Spirit

74. From the outset, Villehardouin states that he is a pilgrim, but he never explains this tenet of the Crusade.

75. Our tenet is "quality first, credit standing paramountcy, price in reason, delivery in time". Welcome to cooperate and develop with us!

76. Former Democratic presidential Candidate Andrew Yang is making universal basic income a central tenet of his political campaign once again — …

77. Laurentius condemns his tenet, because Adustion of humours makes men mad, as lime burns when water is cast on it.

78. Ille est vere castus, qui deum Attendit et ad ipsum solum se tenet' (words of Adeodatus, but strongly approved by A

79. Innovation – This is the main tenet in which Attis Innovations was founded and one which drives its corporate philosophy

80. A fundamental tenet of Adler's theory is that human actions are motivated by feelings of inferiority of some kind.