Use "end up" in a sentence

1. By sounding off, you usually end up making a ranting speech that you end up regretting!

2. Who did you end up with?

3. And I always end up screwed.

4. It will end up in tatters.

5. Wanna end up like that guy?

6. You will end up with 4 Brochettes

7. Otherwise, I'd end up someone's bitch, right?

8. 1 How does the story end up?

9. Why did they all end up dead?

10. Never thought I'd end up as dinner.

11. 20 He'll end up in the nick.

12. How'd an independence fighter end up here?

13. 10 He could end up as President.

14. You'll end up sleeping on my lumpy couch.

15. Place Artichokes stem-end-up in the water

16. You should end up with exactly 14 Cupcakes

17. You're not gonna end up in a trunk.

18. How'd you end up in the dropout school?

19. 15 Frustrated writers often end up in publishing.

20. I don't want to end up like you.

21. I always knew he'd end up in jug.

22. 26 Frustrated writers often end up in publishing.

23. It could end up as a public dogfight.

24. However, the calculation result will end up identical.

25. How did you end up all the way here?

26. 14 He'll end up in the slammer one day.

27. Once infected, you'll end up dead after three days!

28. Butterbean.views.register_control() is what most people will end up using

29. Which means their kids end up in foster care.

30. Things that... don't end up on the police blotter?

31. 9 Most slimmers end up putting weight back on.

32. You end up like some kind of rabid windmill.

33. Which is why I'll end up an old maid.

34. 8 I always knew he'd end up in jug.

35. If Morgan goes under, we end up with nothing.

36. 19 I expect I'll end up paying, as usual.

37. How the hell did you end up in processing?

38. 17 Crime won't help - you'll end up in prison.

39. If I say anything, I'll just end up crying.

40. I don't want to end up in that shipyard.

41. 12 Many users end up dealing to support their habit.

42. The weakest students can end up with a negative score.

43. You'll end up buying -- this is called an N95 mask.

44. If things go wrong I can end up like this

45. Don't gobble the turkey. You'll just end up getting stuffed.

46. We all end up the same way: food for worms.

47. 11 I don't want to end up like my parents.

48. Usually I end up with old men, pensioners, church deacons.

49. It's too easy to end up living off junk food.

50. Then how'd your car end up at a mass shooting?

51. 13 Everyone always said Joe would end up in clink.

52. They could end up with a 50-point winning margin.

53. If she carries on shoplifting, she'll end up in jail.

54. We then end up eating for entertainment, rather than nourishment.

55. Do you want to end up a skid row bum?

56. 7 Knee-jerk reactions to problems often end up poorly.

57. Be thankful for what you have.You'll end up having more.

58. Without education, these children will end up as factory fodder .

59. If we unselfishly give, we end up being enriched ourselves.

60. 18 If you don't work hard, you'll end up nowhere.

61. I think we always end up where we're supposed to.

62. I don't want you to end up out of pocket.

63. If the thanatos instinct over rides then we end up in a similar state. Everything is destroyed, nothing is created and we end up inert again.

64. He could end up miserable if he keeps up that scheme.

65. 5 I think we always end up where we're supposed to.

66. Anyone who aspires to be anyone hopes to end up here.

67. I nearly get it right, but I end up hopping again.

68. What will that wild driver end up doing to his car?

69. Many end up working in clerical positions or fast-food restaurants.

70. My mother always said I'd end up in the electric chair.

71. So you end up with minus 20 under the radical sign.

72. Most people in trouble end up crying, “What was I thinking?”

73. 7 They could end up with a 50-point winning margin.

74. 6 Be thankful for what you have.You'll end up having more.

75. There are those, you know, who, by circumstance, end up homeless.

76. Much of this meat will probably end up as dog food.

77. In which case, savers and investors end up out of pocket.

78. I fall off my bicycle and end up in your arms.

79. Why would the old leader's daughter end up in a brothel?

80. 2 If she carries on shoplifting, she'll end up in jail.