Use "economic reform" in a sentence

1. Poland pressed on with economic reform.

2. The premier exhorted an economic reform.

3. He is in the vanguard of economic reform.

4. We have always stressed the importance of economic reform.

5. The party embarked on a programme of economic reform.

6. Economic reform will continue to be painful and ineffective.

7. The government has initiated a programme of economic reform.

8. 1 We have always stressed the importance of economic reform.

9. He reaffirmed his commitment to the country's economic reform programme.

10. 13 Economic reform has brought relative wealth to peasant farmers.

11. 28 The party embarked on a programme of economic reform.

12. The programme of economic reform is backed by foreign aid.

13. Out goes secularism and economic reform; in comes Hindu nationalism.

14. Any economic reform, he said, faced false starts and mistakes.

15. Yeltsin's economic reform program took effect on January 2, 1992.

16. China is now unprecedentedly engaged in an economic reform program.

17. China Backslides on Economic Reform Under Xi Jinping, Beijing hasn’t liberalized

18. Eastern Europe has been a testing ground for rapid economic reform.

19. He was convinced that economic reform was the only way forward.

20. With the renewed economic reform drive of 19 Li experienced some slippage.

21. They are anxious to ensure the continuation of the economic reform programme.

22. 20 There now exists a broad political consensus in favour of economic reform.

23. The press release provided a positive appraisal of the government's economic reform programme.

24. In the statement, he declared that 85% of his economic reform programme had been accomplished.

25. He launched the Infitah economic reform policy, while clamping down on religious and secular opposition.

26. The more European voters balk at economic reform, the more politicians yammer on about values.

27. The proposal is part of the process of economic reform launched by the Lisbon Strategy.

28. 5 The economic reform brought about great change in the lives of the common people.

29. The economic reform process will ensure that benefits accrue equitably to both women and men.

30. The rural area have completely changed since China carried economic reform and the open door policy.

31. 19 The more European voters balk at economic reform, the more politicians yammer on about values.

32. The Goods and Services Tax that was introduced in July is India’s biggest economic reform measure ever.

33. External shocks tend to produce growth Accelerations that eventually fizzle out, while economic reform is a statistically

34. Dissident leaders demanded free elections and economic reform, but within the context of a "human democratic socialism".

35. 3 What he has tried to expound in this article bears on a key problem in our economic reform.

36. Mali underwent economic reform, beginning in 1988 by signing agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

37. Incorporated in 1992, the company was "one of the first shareholding companies in the PRC" after the economic reform.

38. The President and his supporters are almost certain to read this vote as a mandate for continued economic reform.

39. He retired from architectural practice in 1906 and concentrated once again on his utopian schemes for social and economic reform.

40. The economic reform program by the government in 1989 lifted import quotas and opened some exports to the private sector.

41. It drove the bourgeoisie, despite their interest in political and economic reform, into closer and closer collusion with the autocracy.

42. This, in turn, could delay needed improvements in financial regulation, balance-sheet repair by banks, structural economic reform, and fiscal adjustment.

43. The goal of Chinese economic reform was to generate sufficient surplus value to finance the modernization of the mainland Chinese economy.

44. In a bid to engage in constructive dialogue, both sides consequently agreed to set up a cooperation framework to encourage national administrative and economic reform.

45. The Cardiff process of economic reform has created a new culture of self-assessment of change at the microeconomic level that has proven very useful.

46. I think the administration's decided at least for now to subsume (currency) under some larger issues like economic reform, financial reform, and other important issues.

47. Vilter was grown up in this period and became an important deviser and practitioner of economic reform in the end of the reign of czar.

48. On the other hand, market-oriented economic reform increasingly widened the gaps between different social classes. As a result, the discussion on subaltern began to surface.

49. This may have been correlated to the economic reform in the late 1970s which allowed some elements of a market economy and gave rise to an increase in economic activity.

50. In particular, Mr Putin wants to re-centralise power in Moscow and away from the regions - and to shake up the tax system, as an element of his economic reform.

51. This, in turn, could delay needed improvements in financial regulation, balance-sheet repair by banks, structural economic reform, and fiscal adjustment. As a result, non-standard measures must satisfy five conditions.

52. The democratically elected government that assumed office in April 1992 launched an ambitious economic reform program to halt economic deterioration and put the country on the path toward a market economy.

53. But, with Chinese growth slowing and the need for structural change becoming increasingly acute, will the economic-reform efforts of India’s new prime minister, Narendra Modi, enable the country to catch up?

54. Economic reform helped with factor accumulation, and at the same time the emerging economies benefited from the "late industrialisation” syndrome of using production techniques, technologies and processes already tried and tested elsewhere.

55. Burgeoning energy reserves coupled with economic reform and foreign investment are propelling Kazakhstan into the business big time, and the former Soviet republic is enthusiastically shrugging off its much satirised peasant roots.

56. Given the agreement on the Trans Pacific Partnership, both ASEAN and India will have to accelerate the pace of their economic reform processes in order to effectively participate in and benefit from the trade creation possibilities under RCEP.

57. Given the recent agreement on the Trans Pacific Partnership, both CLMV and India need to accelerate the pace of their economic reform processes in order to effectively participate in and benefit from the trade creation possibilities under RCEP.

58. The twin Circulations of this early period of economic reform and opening may be described as two non-intersecting circles, one representing domestic circulation and the other representing international circulation, barely touching each other and with no overlap at all

59. The protests were fanned by public letters to Ne Win by former second in command General Brigadier Aung Gyi from July 1987, reminding him of the 1967 rice riots and condemning lack of economic reform, describing Burma as "almost a joke" compared to other Southeast Asian nations.

60. ‘The other approach is to Attract foreign investment, which brings technology with it.’ ‘The event Attracts an estimated 10000 visitors.’ ‘His government has set ambitious targets for economic reform and Attracting foreign investment.’ ‘If New Zealand wants to progress and prosper, we must Attract foreign investment to this

61. * It is, however, important to keep in mind that given the reality of mega-regional FTAs in Asia, both ASEAN and India will have to accelerate the pace of their economic reform processes in order to effectively participate in and benefit from the trade creation possibilities under RCEP.

62. Chartism was a movement established and controlled by working men in 1836 to achieve parliamentary democracy as a step towards social and economic reform. The Charter made six political demands but the organisation was Utopian and naive in the belief that constitutional reform would automatically provide socio-economic betterment.

63. Centrist Marxism is an economically far-left ideology who is moderate on the statist axis and differs from Marxism in that he either refrains to take positions on the question of revolution or reform, or has opinions that oscillate between both sides, such as supporting economic reform policies while advocating for revolution

64. Jiang has come under quiet criticism from within the Communist Party of China for focusing on economic growth at all costs while ignoring the resulting environmental damage of the growth, the widening gap between rich and poor in China and the social costs absorbed by those whom economic reform has left behind.

65. Clarence Seward Darrow (/ ˈ d ær oʊ /; April 18, 1857 – March 13, 1938) was an American lawyer who became famous in the early 20th century for his involvement in the Leopold and Loeb murder trial and the Scopes "Monkey" Trial.He was a leading member of the American Civil Liberties Union, and a prominent advocate for Georgist economic reform.