Use "economic recovery" in a sentence

1. Economic recovery is already underway.

2. Hopes of economic recovery are fading.

3. Economic recovery is supposedly getting underway.

4. 11 Economic recovery is gathering pace.

5. 1 Economic recovery is already underway.

6. 6 Hopes of economic recovery are fading.

7. Tax increases now might imperil economic recovery.

8. Economic recovery is just around the corner.

9. The government is forecasting an economic recovery.

10. Signs of economic recovery may be illusory.

11. 17 The government is forecasting an economic recovery.

12. 3 Economic recovery is just around the corner.

13. 20 Economic recovery has so far been sluggish.

14. 14 It's a sure sign of economic recovery.

15. 12 Tax increases now might imperil economic recovery.

16. Post- conflict economic recovery is a slow process.

17. Post-conflict economic recovery is a slow process.

18. The export sector will aid the economic recovery.

19. 5 Economic recovery has so far been sluggish.

20. 9 There are no short cuts to economic recovery.

21. Stubbornly high unemployment has hindered the US economic recovery .

22. The road to economic recovery is full of potholes.

23. Stagnation in home sales is holding back economic recovery.

24. His prescription for economic recovery was not well received.

25. This is the primary impetus behind the economic recovery.

26. 4 The export sector will aid the economic recovery.

27. Today I'd like to talk to you about economic recovery.

28. Interest-rate cuts have failed to bring about economic recovery.

29. Yet increased defence spending could only injure Britain's economic recovery.

30. 18 The road to economic recovery is full of potholes.

31. 16 Improved consumer confidence is crucial to an economic recovery.

32. 10 Predictions of economic recovery have now lost all credibility.

33. 13 Will the government's policies lead to an economic recovery?

34. 15 Stagnation in home sales is holding back economic recovery.

35. 19 Predictions of economic recovery have now lost all credibility.

36. 7 This is the primary impetus behind the economic recovery.

37. 8 His prescription for economic recovery was not well received.

38. Her position was fortified by election successes and economic recovery.

39. Global trade will be vital to economic recovery from Covid-19

40. 5 The hoped-for economic recovery in Britain did not arrive.

41. Economic recovery can best be brought about by radical policy change.

42. 22 The economic recovery in Britain was mirrored in the US.

43. He spoke glibly about an economic recovery just around the corner.

44. The country's economic recovery has been aided by increased international trade.

45. Blockbuster's bankruptcy is more bad news for the struggling economic recovery.

46. 10 Interest-rate cuts have failed to bring about economic recovery.

47. Fears are growing that a tax increase may stall economic recovery.

48. The benefits that will accrue following economic recovery are self-evident.

49. The road to economic recovery should not be across women’s Backs

50. The higher rates have been a hind-rance to economic recovery.

51. We will see some economic recovery, but it will be very anaemic.

52. 2 The higher rates have been a hind-rance to economic recovery.

53. All he need fear is a general postponement of Britain's economic recovery.

54. The Labor Department figures underscore the shaky state of the economic recovery.

55. 29 The unemployment figures make nonsense of talk of an economic recovery.

56. It is feared that higher interest rates might choke off economic recovery.

57. 24 The country's economic recovery has been aided by increased international trade.

58. The inflexibility of the country's labor market seriously impedes its economic recovery.

59. This 2010 budget, however, relates, above all, to the economic recovery plan.

60. Lyons saw restoration of Australia's exports as the key to economic recovery.

61. These figures kill off any lingering hopes of an early economic recovery.

62. Economists believe that economic recovery will begin to take root next year.

63. 26 These figures kill off any lingering hopes of an early economic recovery.

64. It provided an additional avenue of working for global economic recovery and stability.

65. 24 Unemployment is high and economic recovery is still a long way off .

66. 23 Economists believe that economic recovery will begin to take root next year.

67. 3 These figures kill off any lingering hopes of an early economic recovery.

68. He argued that the economic recovery had been facilitated by his tough stance.

69. Step number one, we have to pass an economic recovery and reinvestment plan.

70. Business say the scheme will delay economic recovery and lead to job losses .

71. 25 The Labor Department figures underscore the shaky state of the economic recovery.

72. A second factor in the sluggishness of the economic recovery is the housing market.

73. The government claims that the fall in unemployment is the herald of economic recovery.

74. However, a full 20 % increase will likely choke off the fragile Chinese economic recovery.

75. 28 City economists pour cold water on the idea that the economic recovery has begun.

76. 21 The Chancellor of the Exchequer says that economic recovery is just around the corner.

77. 19 We must be careful not to do anything that might endanger the economic recovery.

78. In a speech last week, Kohl predicted economic recovery before the end of the year.

79. 27 The government claims that the fall in unemployment is the herald of economic recovery.

80. It is not acceptable that China's currency-dumping is risking the economic recovery in Europe.