Use "due to the fact that" in a sentence

1. This I took to be due to the fact that she probably hadn't Breakfasted

2. It is also due to the fact that t ere are human intentions and abilities involved.

3. The school's poor exam record is largely due to the fact that it is chronically underfunded.

4. Due to the fact that it is very hygroscopic, it must be stored away from water.

5. This is due to the fact that these materials show Annealing colors when heated with a laser

6. This was due to the fact that none of the entities fulfilled criteria #, #, and # (see analysis below

7. This is probably due to the fact that Adobe Acrobat is relatively new or current in the market

8. This is due to the fact that update DENM cannot be triggered and can no longer be sent.

9. Because definition, for the reason that; due to the fact that: The boy was absent Because he was ill

10. Due to the fact that they did not read English, the prisoners were unaware of what they were signing.

11. That's sometimes due to the fact that insurance companies won't cover it, because the price is so absolutely ridiculous.

12. This is due to the fact that the bacteria normally used to penetrate the cell walls does not affect them.

13. The turning angle per unit of time can be determined due to the fact that the lever length is known.

14. This is in part due to the fact that areas without the DOTS strategy generally provide lower standards of care.

15. Bahamians are technically able to vote in the United Kingdom due to the fact that we are citizens of a Commonwealth nation

16. The population of the city of Anchorage also speak Anglish, due to the fact that the city originated from English-speaking America.

17. This is due to the fact that female offenders had shorter average sentence lengths upon federal admission to institution on warrants of committal.

18. Bruising easily is more often encountered in the elderly population, due to the fact that their small blood vessels are prone to breakage.

19. The camera appears to be more reliable than other Apeman models which could be due to the fact that a 32GB SD Card is provided.

20. The Chameleon is a very popular type of Lizard due to the fact that it has the ability to change colors based on their mood

21. This behaviour is probably due to the fact that the absorption of alcohol by chronic alcoholics with liver cirrhosis is improved because of atrophic gastropathy.

22. Synonyms for Because include as, since, being that, for, considering, due to the fact that, given that, on the grounds that, seeing as and reason being

23. This was partly due to the fact that even though the children believed they were eating less their actual calorie consumption did not decrease with the intervention.

24. Recently, special treatment for the reflection moveout in Azimuthally anisotropic media has been introduced due to the fact that the moveout in such cases is Azimuthally dependent.

25. It seems that most of our soils are susceptible to Crusting due to the fact that they have a range of particle sizes in the surface soil

26. The lack of new activities since 2011 is due to the fact that it has taken time to repair and refurbish the Dobson instruments prior to their relocation.

27. The unprecedented success of capitalism is due to the fact that in its sphere the long-run interests of the individual always coincide with those of other individuals.

28. Brushless drills do away with carbon brushes, running more energy-efficiently and requiring less maintenance, due to the fact that there is no need to replace the brushes

29. Bipolar disorder in adults (and Bipolar disorder in children) can result in many verbal miscommunications due to the fact that people with Bipolar disorder suffer from rapidly changing mood-shifts

30. An example I come across regularly while teaching in Spain is problems with do/make Collocations due to the fact that, in Spanish, the verb ‘hacer’ is used for both.

31. Due to the fact that in Brazing a filler metal is always used and generally the entire joint area is heated at the same time, it is a more robust process

32. Although the Minister’s position is precarious due to the fact that a matter of potential international Bribings is concerned, the audio did not seem likely to threaten his grip on power

33. Functions of Androgens and its Receptors Due to the fact that the disorder is closely correlated to an issue in the reception of Androgens, the importance of Androgens must be understood

34. This is due to the fact that running into the Pit can break line of sight at some angles, due to the doorway being smaller than the width of the room.

35. Vitrification is an advanced cell-freezing technique, which allows a higher survival rate after thawing due to the fact that high concentrations of cryoproctectors are used along with reduced volumes and timings.

36. This was a popular format for mobile video cameras due to the fact that the tape was about half the size as the original Betacam, and required smaller equipment to record onto.

37. This petition is in place to remove Bruce Basom as the referee to the Friend of the Court in Montcalm County due to the fact that he rarely does any actual delegation of

38. “The Natural Hair movement had a big impact on reviving the Afro, specifically due to the fact that the Afro is the most natural reaction for textured hair,” says Dee Carrington, Florida-based

39. Anisotropic State of an optical medium in which the optical properties are not the same in all directions, due to the fact that the refractive index is not the same for all directions.

40. Growing from Bulbils doesn’t involve and special equipment or extra cost — just a lot of patience and planning due to the fact that it takes years for Bulbils to produce mature garlic plants

41. However, the low profit margins generated by the sales departments of dealers may also be due to the fact that they can offset this activity with the profits derived from the after-sales department.

42. Part of this is due to the fact that Judy had a very natural acting style that holds up today, never coming across as “Actressy” as many other well-known actresses of her era

43. Austerity therefore is often unpopular with the citizens of a country due to the fact that factors such as raised taxes or public funding cuts often affect their lifestyle or cost of living in a …

44. Form:The Form requirementsas proposed would be Confusingto consumers, duplicative for employers, and prohibitively expensive due to the fact that there are thousands of health insurance options and policies in the market todayeach of which will requirea Form

45. Bactericidal drugs are preferred for most infections, including intraoral infections, due to the fact that they act largely independent of host factors, which is an important consideration for rapidly progressing infections or when the patient is immunocompromised.

46. High-density lipoprotein, or HDL, is known as the "healthy" or "good" type of Cholesterol due to the fact that it scavenges and removes the "bad" type of Cholesterol (low-density

47. Airhead A word mainly used a woman who is a total ditz, and get by soley due to the fact that they're hot. Airheads are usually full of themself, obsesed with clothing & makeup, and are just plain dumb

48. This South Shore beach is one of Garden Isle’s most popular Beaches, largely due to the fact that Kiahuna presents an ideal spot for swimmers, beginner surfers, boogie boarders and, on occasion when the weather conditions are right, snorkelers

49. The ESC has become aware of the major effort which the draft directive will entail for air freight carriers, due to the fact that the aeroplanes used for this purpose are relatively older and mainly use airports during night hours.

50. An operator such as EDF, whose revenues are absolutely secure due to the fact that it operates a monopoly, is 100 % publicly owned and is not quoted on the stock exchange, is able to penetrate other markets on a completely unreciprocal basis.

51. In the field of chemistry, an azeotrope is a mixture of liquids that have a constant boiling point due to the fact that the vapor has the same composition as the liquid mixture. At certain pressures an Azeotropic mixture will act like a pure refrigerant.

52. The sound of the oboe and the bassoon is related due to the fact that they are both double-reed instruments. Played together they sound very powerful: the acerbic quality of the oboe is toned down somewhat while the bassoon sound becomes more clearly defined.

53. For a twopulse bridge converter with external commutation on the d.c. side the limitations for operation are evaluated. They are due to the fact that at the a.c. side an a.c. voltage source with a series connected impedance is used instead of an alternating current source as often discussed.

54. At that time both the UK and Irish governments began to recommend standardisation of pig breeds: the Large White Ulster fell out of favour due to a demand for leaner bacon and particularly due to the fact that the breed's thin skin made it unsuitable for live export.

55. The Blushy Silk Pillow Case is smooth and silky (as it should be!) and has innate defrizzing properties which greatly reduces instances of getting bedhead, dryness, and snags that may lead to split ends! And due to the fact that it's entirely made of silk, it does not sap your hair from the moisture it produces throughout the night.

56. When it comes to infectious diseases, one of the cons of a Collectivist society, according to a 2013 study by Cashdan & Steele, is that pathogen prevalence tends to be higher, possibly due to the fact that families in Collectivist cultures are more likely to take care of friends and family when they are ill, thus contracting the illness themselves.

57. Five environmental effects categories (changes in slope; loss of topsoil; loss of organic matter; damage to and/or removal of vegetation; and introduction of non native invasive plant species) have the potential to result in minor adverse effects due to the fact that the reversibility of the effect would not be immediate, but rather be reversed over a measure of time.

58. Because conj conjunction: Connects words, clauses, and sentences--for example, "and," "but," "Because," "in order that." (due to the fact that) perché cong congiunzione: Particella o espressione che unisce due frasi e ne determina il rapporto semantico: e, ma, perché, quando : I was late Because I forgot to set my alarm clock.

59. Hunting Fly Agarics in North America A Guide to the Mushroom and Its Look-alikes Note: Throughout this guide, I will tend to refer to the mushroom in question as the fly agaric, rather than as Amanita muscaria.This is due to the fact that North American fly Agarics are coming to be considered a distinct species from the Eurasian Amanita muscaria

60. Due to the fact that Facebook has chosen to use software that will allow the theft of my personal information, I do declare the following: on this day, 2nd December 2014, in response to the new Facebook guidelines and under articles L.111, 112 and 113 of the code of intellectual property, I Felicia (Sweet Felicia, Felicia Bassgal, Feliciatone and Sweet Felicia and the Honeytones) declare that

61. Lately there have been a lot of Biopics about famous musicians, mainly due to the fact that the (unavoidable?) drug/alcohol-abuse is a simple way to create drama and that all the recording sessions/concerts are an easy foil to let the soundtrack shine.Another popular sub-genre, based-on-truth movies about athletes, can count as these, and are a good source of Manly Tears.

62. (b) The z-axis translation (Figure 2) is the movement with the smallest oscillatory amplitudes [A.sub.[mu]] and with one of the highest damping factors [[xi].sub.[mu]]--the latter aspect due to the fact that the rigidity on the z-axis is the highest, as this movement is related to the adaptation to the masticatory forces and thus to the necessary stability of each tooth in the Alveole of their

63. + 15 In turn she said to them: “This is what Jehovah the God of Israel has said,+ ‘Say to the man that has sent YOU men to me: 16 “This is what Jehovah has said, ‘Here I am bringing calamity+ upon this place and upon its inhabitants,+ even all the words+ of the book that the king of Judah has read;+ 17 due to the fact that they have left me and have gone making sacrificial smoke to other gods+ in order to offend me with all the work of their hands,+ and my rage has been set afire against this place and will not be extinguished.’”’