Use "doing" in a sentence

1. Just keep doing what you're doing.

2. Angry girl wants to be doing what they're doing.

3. Dad doing?

4. Craftsmanship is doing what you love and doing it right

5. What is worth doing at all is worth doing well. 

6. Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well. 

7. I'm doing commentary.

8. But you keep doing all the evil you are capable of doing.”

9. " Doing that, acting by design, is what we all should be doing.

10. Don't scold him for doing badly at school, he's doing his best.

11. If a job is worth doing it is worth doing well. 

12. 6 Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well. 

13. Acquest Group was founded on the premise of doing well by doing good

14. Those children were doing what all the adults there should have been doing.

15. I'm not interested in doing it the way I'm interested in doing work.

16. Just doing my ablution.

17. What's Emma doing today?

18. A pleasure doing business.

19. Culverton's doing a visit.

20. Hi, how're you doing?

21. In doing we learn.

22. I'm doing my laundry.

23. Hey, how you doing?

24. Doing business as: Affluentials

25. Doing it natural instead.

26. I'm doing my job.

27. He's doing it, Mer.

28. What you doing, Mon?

29. What you been doing?

30. What are they doing?

31. Or whatever she's doing!

32. I regret doing that.

33. By doing we learn.

34. He is doing decently.

35. What's he doing now?

36. What are you doing?

37. We're doing reclaimed walnut.

38. Without doing wrong; without responsibility for doing something bad Servants were required to live Blamelessly.

39. He greatly admired what his friends were doing, and soon he started doing the same.

40. 12 He was more studious, more dedicated to doing good and doing more and leading.

41. 1 There is a trade-off between doing the job accurately and doing it quickly.

42. At the same time that Charles was doing that chair, he was doing this film.

43. Or do we continue doing things just as we have been accustomed to doing them?

44. I talked my family into doing this, and they didn't know what I was doing.

45. In addition to what we are doing now, the Ambassador is doing an additional bit.

46. 9 There is a trade-off between doing the job accurately and doing it quickly.

47. It's like they say in the Internet world: if you're doing the same thing today you were doing six months ago, you're doing the wrong thing.

48. Ackermann, what are you doing?

49. Abbs, what are you doing?

50. Some will know by doing.

51. I love doing the nicknames.

52. Stan, what are you doing?

53. Hey Popeye, business doing well?

54. What was his wife doing?

55. Mommy's doing pretty good, huh?

56. A woman doing great business.

57. Dragoon sb. into doing sth.

58. 4 She is doing biophysics.

59. Allison, how's the sheriff doing?

60. I'm doing everything I can.

61. I'm doing Egypt a favor.

62. Were we doing something embarrassing?

63. That's not what I'm doing.

64. Doing nothing's not an option.

65. What are you doing back?

66. Are You Doing Too Much?

67. They saw you doing what?

68. He is doing the housework.

69. wile sb. into doing sth.

70. Doing is better than saying.

71. Doing Good around the World

72. What were you doing, Pollo?

73. Hi Bob, how you doing?

74. Think twice before doing anything.


76. How you doing, billy goat?

77. I know what you're doing.

78. Are you doing your daughter?

79. What are you doing here?

80. Beguile sb. into doing sth.