Use "do his bit" in a sentence

1. We'll do it bit by bit.

2. As a good marksman, he would do his bit in any fighting.

3. His father began to lose his memory bit by bit, becoming increasingly forgetful.

4. Bit by bit I began to understand what they were trying to do.

5. Must do quite a bit of fishing.

6. The lion bit his trainer.

7. A bit more flour should do the trick.

8. His haircut was a bit naff.

9. His excuse sounded a bit contrived.

10. A bit scared of his finals.

11. Bit still appears as a participle in certain set phrases, like Bit his tongue or Bit her lip

12. Let's do some exercises to warm up a bit.

13. We've still got a fair bit / amount to do.

14. I'm a bit hazy about what to do next.

15. He still likes to do a bit of gardening.

16. Scowling, Chueh - hui bit his lips.

17. His driving was a bit hairy.

18. Now, this could do with a bit more work.

19. "Well," he conceded, "I do sometimes mumble a bit."

20. I might do a bit of gardening this afternoon.

21. PaX works on x86 CPUs that do not have the NX bit, such as 32-bit x86.

22. He's been a bit off his oats since his illness.

23. His wife was a bit stuck-up.

24. 8 I do a bit of teaching here and there.

25. The dog bit deeply into his arm.

26. You look a bit pallid do you feel all right?

27. But do you know the most scary bit for me?

28. How do you do! Above left side in my clavicle, one point aches a little bit.

29. This blouse is a bit of a fiddle to do up.

30. Slosh on a bit of this, and that should do it.

31. His language is a bit vulgar at times.

32. He's a bit too free with his compliments.

33. Now, we know he bit off his fingernail.

34. His nose was bit off in a fight.

35. He's certainly got the bit between his teeth.

36. So he bit his lip until it bled.

37. I have to do a little bit of mental computation here.

38. jolly him along a bit, but he'll do a good job.

39. Julie's having a bit of a do for her fortieth birthday.

40. She looks a bit like his cousin Maureen.

41. Oh, I do love a bit of the agony aunt, don't you?

42. This bacon smells a bit funny - do you think it's gone off?

43. I like to do a bit of gardening in my spare time.

44. He bit his lip nervously, trying not to cry.

45. Maybe do it again, order up a bit of nosh and champagne.

46. I do not go berserk, you addle-minded bit of American tripe.

47. Compared to young people, do you feel a bit behind the times?

48. Another accuses his dad of being a bit stingy.

49. Earl picked up his sandwich and bit into it.

50. His ideas on this subject are a bit foggy.

51. They detect a bit of wistfulness in his voice.

52. Now let's do a little bit of work off to the side.

53. You know, a man could do himself a bit of good there.

54. A bit of give and take would do wonders for their relationship.

55. He dusted every bit of dirt off his furniture.

56. He is still a bit wobbly after his illness.

57. I don't believe his story, It'sounds a bit lame.

58. She was getting a bit sick of his moaning.

59. He's getting a bit Cantankerous in his old age

60. His mother says he's a bit of a fairy.

61. He's getting a bit cantankerous in his old age.

62. The dog bit him and made his hand bleed.

63. The retired private detective sold his archive to Byline Investigates bit-by-bit over the last 18 months

64. They'll do anything to whip up a bit of interest in a book.

65. All they needed to do that more quickly and to do it better was a little bit of capital.

66. One is just asking the experts, a bit like we do with dictionaries.

67. Do not therefore begrudge me this bit of earth that covers my bones.

68. He had unfastened his collar and a good bit of his flannel shirt front.

69. 5 Do you think it's a bit below the belt what they're doing?

70. 22 A bit of give and take would do wonders for their relationship.

71. Do you want to go to a jazz bar in a little bit?

72. We do have a little bit of a reputation in the United States. "

73. Well, he's got the bit between his teeth all right.

74. I'm a bit unsure about what to do next - can you help me?

75. In his mind’s eye, the harness and bit were spiritual.

76. Some of his jokes were a bit near the knuckle.

77. 16 Charles trotted out his little bit of scientific nomenclature.

78. His grandmother's a bit on the dark side, you know.

79. 14 His voice was alert, not the least bit sleepy.

80. Some of his jokes are a bit near the knuckle.