Use "differently" in a sentence

1. " Anorexic brains are wired differently, " or " Autistic brains are wired differently. "

2. People today think differently.

3. Each Auction website operates differently

4. Why Differently Abled Is Offensive

5. Osteoarthritis affects each person differently .

6. Jehovah, however, sees things differently.

7. But do they tweet differently?

8. I see things differently now.

9. Each greenhouse gas absorbs heat differently.

10. You've had your hair done differently.

11. Different people might interpret events differently.

12. Can't you think of it differently?

13. Adenocarcinoma in different organs manifests differently

14. Tags: non-fiction, exercise, differently-Abled

15. Boys and girls may behave differently.

16. An ill or sick goat Bleats differently

17. I would have phrased it quite differently.

18. With hindsight, we'd all do things differently.

19. We know the French order things differently.

20. Things could have turned out quite differently.

21. Now that Walter had the strength and presence of mind to be leading differently, the board somehow responded differently too.

22. Different schools of economists define Consumption differently.

23. Arianistical How differently would open a port

24. Various algorithms perform differently in different environments.

25. Today we interpret the word axiom differently.

26. I wouldn't have done anything any differently.

27. Words written alike are often pronounced differently.

28. Our Bras are designed differently, with comfy

29. With hindsight, Poulantzas read the Conjuncture differently

30. Japanese (Famicom) cartridges are shaped slightly differently.

31. Risks are perceived differently by different people.

32. They behave differently when you're not around.

33. Portuguese is pronounced completely differently from Spanish.

34. The Boulevard Company is doing things differently

35. Advertorials work completely differently than regular ads

36. In each language, it is pronounced differently.

37. But specifically, what would you do differently?

38. 9 Different people might interpret events differently.

39. 4 Today we interpret the word axiom differently.

40. Different lawyers may Construe the same law differently

41. Why calling disAbled people “differently Abled” is disempowering

42. That meant sometimes she dressed a little differently.

43. Having a child makes you see things differently.

44. Amid the Covid-19, a differently Abled cracking

45. I was just hoping you'd see things differently.

46. Your whole body has to be structured differently."

47. Well, maybe they do things differently in Africa.

48. The male bird has a differently shaped head.

49. Different lawyers may Construe the same law differently

50. Land and oceans absorb and reradiate heat differently.

51. Children experience trauma differently according to developmental level.

52. In retrospect, I would have handled it differently.

53. Different lawyers may construe the same law differently.

54. Put differently, my thesis is a qualitative study.

55. 9 Our imperfect heart may judge things differently, however.

56. Appraising works slightly differently for different types of items

57. SUPPORTERS of interfaith, however, view the matter quite differently.

58. 10 Children experience trauma differently according to developmental level.

59. Parents still tend to treat boys differently from girls.

60. The Americans look at life differently from the British.

61. In summary, all government departments are administered rather differently.

62. If I was in charge, I'd do things differently.

63. Facebook use affects mood differently to stress and relaxation

64. You weren't kidding about doing things differently, were you?

65. My generation behaves differently from my father's and grandfather's.

66. In your sentence, "Consider" is functioning differently

67. However, multiple device and location bid adjustments behave differently.

68. So we need to think differently about intellectual property.

69. We're gonna have to do things a little differently.

70. Canary Wharf restaurant - at Capeesh we do things differently

71. Well, that's because Red tells it a little differently.

72. Uh, this year, we're handling the arrival a bit differently.

73. 18 Courts in some states treat slander and libel differently.

74. Factors including art and craft affect the lingerie product differently.

75. In certain ways, sex Chromosomes function differently than nonsex Chromosomes.

76. These figures work out differently each time I add them.

77. Ms. Muca sees life much differently following her successful surgery.

78. Should the case of the homosexual union be treated differently?

79. Afeared is the same word as 'afraid', just spelled differently

80. There's a ton of crap I wish I'd done differently.