Use "different to" in a sentence

1. Fish looks different to different people.

2. • Access to different organizational models suited to different purposes

3. Constipation means different things to different people

4. The term Bookkeeping means different things to different people:

5. Autocratization tends to take different forms in different regions

6. Due to the different sensitivities of different receptors to the same Allelochemical

7. Each authority has access to different data for different purposes.

8. We have a different background, a different history. Accordingly, we have the right to different futures.

9. Birthmarks have meant different things to different people throughout history

10. - Different layers in standardisation and need to adapt the approach to different needs

11. Sexual Abstinence and outercourse can mean different things to different people

12. Variants may have different capabilities and equipment to fulfill different roles.

13. 3 Accessibly several different versions, oriented to different circle of tasks.

14. Celibacy looks different to

15. Different atmosphere, different levels of oxygenation, different microgravity.

16. Challenges to mix elements from different elements sets with different abstract models.

17. East Timor and Somalia : Two Different Nations , Two Different Reactions to Peacekeepers.

18. 7 Different connotations can be presented in different aesthetic explanations to "dehumanization".

19. 11 Different sublethal concentrations led to different reproduction of Tetranychus viennensis Zacher.

20. The myths and rites will be given different interpretations, different rational applications, different social customs to validate and enforce.

21. Different political affiliations, different careers, different school systems.

22. Different control methods are envisaged to address the different risks identified above

23. Fed on different diets, two identical twins will grow to different heights.

24. Different activities, different Apparatuses.

25. Different Ways to Say Congratulations

26. Different IP block owners have different procedures for you to request these records.

27. The perception occurs from very different angles and leads inevitably to different evaluations.

28. To use a different account:

29. Different generations have tended to position themselves at different points on that continuum.

30. Different Methods : To touch the keys will result in different representation of timbre.

31. Our software is adaptable to different job ad segments and different niche markets.

32. It must be conceded that different judges have different approaches to these cases.

33. Different methods to touch the keys will result in different representation of timbre.

34. It is difficult inter alia to remove content from a peer-to-peer network, since it is on different servers belonging to different individuals in different countries.

35. The group performed it "over and over again because I was just trying to get different shots, different angles, different qualities."

36. Different Chameleons require slightly different heat gradients, but most are very easy to maintain.

37. 26 Different Methods : To touch the keys will result in different representation of timbre.

38. Different levels of education in the emerging class lead to apparently different "civic responsibility".

39. Different places have different Climates.

40. Different workers possess different skills.

41. Different trees bear different fruits.

42. The various heads have a different loft, so as to produce a different trajectory.

43. It also allows the study of different time scales related to different drought conditions.

44. A more sophisticated approach fits different polynomials over different but overlapping terms to maturity.

45. 22 Different methods to touch the keys will result in different representation of timbre.

46. 23 For example, the word infer seems to have different meanings for different speakers.

47. Taking your Bird identification skills to the next level may include using different tools, going to different areas, or becoming involved in different Bird related projects

48. It's different strokes for different folks.

49. Coerce variable to a different class

50. Different countries specialised in different products.

51. Different circumstances involve adopting different tactics.

52. Bureaucratization may relate to different dimensions

53. Brawled: to express different opinions about …

54. Argufies: to express different opinions about …

55. Let's go to a different hospital.

56. No dog is 100% Hyper Allergenic, but most people allergic to dogs react different ways to different breeds.

57. There are two different ways to track store sales conversions that are suited to different types of advertisers.

58. How is relevance to be determined? Different domains of enquiry and action work to different criteria of significance.

59. To complicate matters, however, light of different colors, or wavelengths, is refracted in different degrees.

60. 16 Different institution choices lead to different policy of technology innovation, and diverse innovational features.

61. “Wild chimpanzees use about three dozen different vocalizations to convey about three dozen different meanings.

62. The authorities of the Member States should therefore be allowed to allocate different quantities to different production areas.

63. Different cultures adopted different Chopstick styles

64. Different body Butters have different benefits

65. Different vendors do different Burn in's

66. Different laws obtain in different places.

67. As stated previously, the length of time need to Biodegrade is different for different conditions

68.   Different types of clownfish tend to prefer living with, or hosting, different types of Anemones.

69. It's very different to what I'm used to.

70. Here's another little flower -- different range of ultraviolet frequencies, different filters to match the pollinators.

71. Before Autochrome the photographer had to make three different negatives with three different colour filters

72. High Aerosol amounts are linked to different process in different places and times of year

73. There are nearly 80 holidays that bring Awareness to different topics and causes that affect people in different ways and for different reasons

74. Different Chanteys were designed for different tasks, all of which required different rhythms

75. But anyway, so they have different tastes, different utility functions, and different endowments.

76. These tend to stress cultural differences and the fact that different factors tend to motivate individuals at different times.

77. Speculation assigned Lisa's name to at least four different paintings and her identity to at least ten different people.

78. At present, suppliers still need to face up to the fact that different customers may have different EDI requirements.

79. She felt elated, different, so different, free.

80. Different article requite different way of packing.