Use "die to do something" in a sentence

1. You want to sail the Mediterranean, I want to do something brave before I die.

2. ‘I’ve got to die of something.’

3. Unless we do something now, hundreds of plant and animal species will die out.

4. Plant one and watch something die.

5. Adjure somebody to do something to ask or to order somebody to do something

6. Compel (someone) to (do something) To strongly encourage or pressure someone to do something

7. Causatives Exercise 2 Have someone do something / get someone to do something

8. If you Attempt to do something, especially something difficult, you try to do it

9. Do not forget Aleppo, do not forget Syria" and "We die in Aleppo, you die here".

10. If you Condescend to do something, you agree to do something that you do not consider to be good…

11. See also: Aim, to Aim to (do something) To intend, plan, or mean to do something

12. It Behoves (one) to (do something) It is proper or necessary for one to do something; it is one's obligation or duty to do something

13. Bound to do/be something certain or likely to happen, or to do or be something

14. You do not die easy, do you, Mr. Ward?

15. We have to do something.

16. We got to do something.

17. People do not die of colds.

18. See also: Condescend, to Condescend to (do something) To do something that one feels is unworthy or

19. And do not die too quickly.

20. An exercise about Causatives: have someone do something and get someone to do something.

21. See also: Condescend, to Condescend to (do something) To do something that one feels is unworthy or

22. Do men die in the joust?

23. Verb If you Abstain from something, usually something you want to do, you deliberately do not do it.

24. Do you believe in anything enough to die for it?

25. Have / Make someone do something OR Get someone to do something OR Have something done - See Causatives exercises at GrammarBank

26. Cam, I have to do something.

27. So, do I die on this plane?

28. All I can do is die fighting!

29. A DO OR DIE effort is needed.

30. Alacrity: cheerful readiness to do something.

31. Apparently It'should always be do or die.

32. Bribery is the act of giving money (or something else of value) to someone to get them to do something you want them to do, especially something they’re not supposed to do

33. Why do we grow old and die?

34. It was do or die for me.

35. Your only option is to do the opponent to die of laughter!

36. During drought seasons, some treetops die back, but the trees do not die outright.

37. Adjure somebody to do something to ask or to order somebody to do something He Adjured them to tell the truth.

38. At Benchwarmers, there is always something going on, something to do

39. People are always neglecting something they can do in trying to do something they can't do. Edgar Watson Howe 

40. 17 When do things start to die down at the bar?

41. To do something Correctly is to to it accurately: to do it right

42. If you don't live for something, you'll die for nothing.

43. Allow something to do something Don’t Allow your problems to dominate your life

44. Adapt yourself/itself etc (to something) How do these insects Adapt themselves to new environments? 2 [transitive] CHANGE/MAKE something DIFFERENT to change something to make it suitable for a different purpose Adapt something to do something

45. It Behoves (one) to (do something) phrase

46. Cinch: something that is easy to do.

47. I just wanted to do something outrageous.

48. Consider somebody/something to do something The campaign was Considered to have failed

49. Allentown offers something for everyone to do

50. An astrologer tells me to do something.

51. A Commitment obligates you to do something.

52. Bribe somebody to do something He Bribed

53. He hankered to do something of quarrel.

54. I'll die whether I do this or not.

55. To do something badly, or spoil something: The police Bungled the investigation

56. From now on it was do or die.

57. Continue definition: If someone or something Continues to do something, they keep doing it and do not stop

58. And Besides, when I agree to do something, I do it

59. It Behoves somebody to do something meaning, definition, what is it Behoves somebody to do something: used to say that someone should do somet: Learn more.

60. If you die eating cheeseburgers, what do you think happens to me?

61. A fight for love and glory, a case to do or die.

62. Counteract something to do something to reduce or prevent the bad or harmful effects of something synonym counter

63. Aim to To strive or plan to do something

64. Computerize something to provide a computer or computers to do the work of something

65. Do something -- he's choking!

66. How do you feel? Compelled to masturbate or compelled to do something else?

67. 2 Admonish somebody (to do something) to strongly advise someone to do something A warning voice Admonished him not to let this happen.

68. 2 Ashamed to do something unwilling to do something because of shame or embarrassment I'm Ashamed to say that I lied to her

69. Hurry and do something!

70. Always do something unexpected.

71. [with object] it Behoves someone to do something 1 formal It is a duty or responsibility for someone to do something

72. Do something genius-Like.

73. Bid definition: A Bid for something or a Bid to do something is an attempt to obtain it or do it

74. I’m Buggered if SURPRISED spoken not polite used to say that you do not know something, will not do something, or are not able to do something I’m Buggered if I can remember

75. Bid: an effort to do or accomplish something.

76. He got something to do with you Damon?

77. Can we do something to stop the sandstorm?

78. What does Advisable mean? The definition of Advisable is something that is a good idea to do, something that you are meant to do or something that

79. Do something to add a sparkle to your life!

80. They need to do something to bolster their image.