Use "dictates" in a sentence

1. He always follows the dictates of common sense.

2. Entropy dictates crystals won' t retain energy patterns

3. Something could coalesce from the dictates of battlefield skirmishes.

4. Politics dictates that governments must intervene energetically to help.

5. Gradualism dictates the Chinese approach to most policy measures.

6. etiquette dictates that men cannot sit while women are standing.

7. 3 Islamic custom dictates that women should be fully covered.

8. You should check each item off as she dictates the list.

9. Even so, wisdom dictates that you learn to discuss this important subject.

10. Borders expand and contract... by the dictates of military power and ancestral piety.

11. Protocol dictates encrypted progress transmissions are sent to Fleet Command at predetermined waypoints.

12. Military regulation dictates Blousing your pant cuffs at the top of your boots

13. THEREFORE, [there is] now no condemnation (no Adjudging guilty of wrong) for those who are in Christ Jesus, who live [and] walk not after the dictates of the flesh, but after the dictates of …

14. The subsidiarity principle dictates that Community support be allocated where it is most effective.

15. The Alphorns have different pitches as the length of the tube dictates the pitch

16. Although the majority of depositum plates were rectangular, a few followed the dictates of heraldry.

17. The ideology of Classlessness dictates a loose hierarchy compared to the military of other nations

18. The whole peasant outlook precluded them from meekly submitting to the dictates of the market.

19. Money is the root of all evil, dictates the puritanical thought of the Old Age.

20. THEREFORE, [there is] now no condemnation (no Adjudging guilty of wrong) for those who are in Christ Jesus, who live [and] walk not after the dictates of the flesh, but after the dictates of the Spirit

21. Tradition still dictates that only the Serjeant at Arms may enter the Commons chamber armed.

22. As protocol dictates, we'll send word to Fleet as soon as we reach our reporting point.

23. Some decisions are so important that wisdom dictates they be made as soon as reasonably possible.

24. Another factor influencing advisor load, advising approach dictates the amount of attention devoted to each Advisee

25. Human beings are going to resist cultural dictates that are too inconsistent with their innate desires.

26. Local residents operated under a confusing and changing mixture of Mexican rules, American principles, and personal dictates.

27. 28 In two days' time, the calendar dictates that we must profess love to those we hold dear.

28. But at least Hayling was free to follow the dictates of his large and sometimes cumbersome political conscience.

29. But the issue also epitomized the emerging dilemma for Laura, caught between the dictates of commerce and social responsibility.

30. Each Babbler is symbiotically bound to the Gorge, which leaves a genetic imprint that dictates the Babbler's life expectancy;

31. It is the way in which the vertical/horizontal stresses are managed which dictates the structure of different Bridges.

32. We live in the grip of an inexorable law which dictates that money circulates, gyrates, rotates, and circulates again.

33. Lutheran theology dictates that in any discussion of “confession and Absolution,” it is this second word that requires emphasis

34. In addition, Google's privacy policy applies to all Google features and dictates how Google collects, uses and protects user data.

35. Authoritarian leadership is a leadership style in which the leader dictates and controls all decisions in the group and task

36. If a man wearing a fedora enters into a conversation with a lady, custom dictates that he doff his hat.

37. And if realpolitik dictates, India is perfectly capable of cosying up to a dictatorship, such as the Burmese military junta.

38. Since the flowers are the most important aspect of these plants, their bloom time dictates when and how to prune Clematis.

39. Authoritarian personalities defer to the dictates and control of others who offer them the certainty and comfort they cannot provide for themselves

40. Instead of following career milestones society dictates, like Accomplishing more, define success on your own terms and reach new heights of acheivement

41. Brahmanism decreed that anyone doing anything against the dictates of Brahmanism earned bad Karmaphalam and went straight to hell (BG:138-44)

42. And it comes with a wide application window that allows you to make treatments on your schedule, rather than when Buckbrush dictates.

43. S piritual Barrenness dictates that it isn't so much that you are unable to produce or increase in certain areas of your life

44. The protocol established by Satoshi Nakamoto dictates that only 21 million Bitcoins can ever be mined -- about 12 million have been mined so far -- …

45. Concupiscence Insubordination of man's desires to the dictates of reason, and the propensity of human nature to sin as a result of original sin

46. Theater etiquette dictates that after accepting a role, an actor does not quit because the production schedule does not allow time for changes in cast.

47. This does not imply an obligation of answering every call, but rather a readiness, to give Alms according to the dictates of well-regulated charity …

48. A B2b marketing strategy dictates how an organization will be proactive in attracting customers, closing sales and remaining on the road to continued financial success

49. Conscience definition, the inner sense of what is right or wrong in one's conduct or motives, impelling one toward right action: to follow the dictates of Conscience

50. One Batiker told me (and I’m sure this depends on the types of dye used) that the brightness of the sun dictates the intensity of the finished color

51. After living mostly by himself for two years in a cabin by a wooded pond, Thoreau wrote Walden, a memoir that urges resistance to the dictates of society.

52. Since the security requirement dictates that the means of payment (such as credit card or bank check) must be hidden from unauthorized viewers, encrypting the Payment element pays off.

53. Because is a subordinating conjunction, which means that it connects a subordinate clause to an independent clause; good style dictates that there should be no comma between these two clauses

54. One simple example of Bayesian probability in action is rolling a die: Traditional frequency theory dictates that, if you throw the dice six times, you should roll a six once

55. When you see the Cipher written out, the bulk Cipher is the third algorithm listed and it typically includes a modifier that dictates how the bulk Cipher should be run.

56. 3. While conventional wisdom dictates that economic and military power are the determinants of international power projection, today the role of soft power, as an important adjunct, can hardly be overrated.

57. For example, if I had Addressable specifications to cook a turkey, I could cook it in the oven like the recipe dictates, or I could BBQ, deep-fry, smoke, or microwave it.

58. Apophyllite’s extremely perfect and easy cleavage makes it very fragile and dictates that gem cutters choose an orientation with the table of a faceted stone not perpendicular to the crystal’s long axis

59. ‘Two points was Bridgeable but three was a bridge too far.’ More example sentences ‘Firstly, the second half of the season begins now and logic dictates that the gap is still Bridgeable.’

60. ‘Two points was Bridgeable but three was a bridge too far.’ More example sentences ‘Firstly, the second half of the season begins now and logic dictates that the gap is still Bridgeable.’

61. There even appears to possibly be stronger compliance to medical dictates, which might represent an effort to demonstrate acceptance of medical intervention to the extent that their beliefs permit.”—Department of Pediatrics, M.

62. • An Amanuensis is a secretary employed to take dictation or to copy manuscripts • A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another More crossword answers

63. 23 Living up to one's name poses something of a problem for the Chinese Communist Party, which dictates the laws the NPC will pass, and whose name in Chinese literally means "the public-property party".

64. “The nature of political and economic power in modern industrial society,” it pointed out, “dictates that measures to combat environmental destruction are only acceptable if they do not interfere with the workings of the economy.”

65. According to the dictates of Einsteinian relativity and the baffling laws of quantum theory, equal numbers of particles and their opposites, Antiparticles, should have been created in the Big Bang that set the cosmos in motion.

66. The thing is, self-employed or employed by a company, we've become victims of a work culture that dictates that unless we are physically sick we shouldn't take a day off –unless it's the weekend of course.

67. The plan dictates wood used for oak chips to come directly from the cooperage, and all Bungholes are to be sealed with plastic bung caps or rubber bungs. Remy said all the silicon bungs used to seal …

68. If you add a view to an existing Data Set, the data for that view will begin to be joined as of the date the view was added (but subject to the dictates of the Data Set mode).

69. Although there is no definitive proof that Cracking (cavitating) the spinal joints of your own neck is dangerous or likely to cause significant damage, common sense dictates that doing it numerous times per day is not beneficial either.

70. Meanwhile, the cartels have a huge investment in Bludgeoning governments into following industry dictates and British home secretary Jacqui Smith, “is seriously considering taking on the role of Big Sister, seemingly planning a form of online censorship,” we said in another post

71. Key questions include to what extent, if any, Consociations conflict with the dictates of global justice and the liberal individualist preferences of international human rights institutions, and to what extent consociational power-sharing may be justified to preserve peace and the integrity of political settlements

72. Key questions include to what extent, if any, Consociations conflict with the dictates of global justice and the liberal individualist preferences of international human rights institutions, and to what extent consociational power-sharing may be justified to preserve peace and the integrity of political settlements

73. Chemokines, a large family of cytokines with chemotactic activity, and their cognate receptors are expressed by both cancer and stromal cells. Their altered expression in malignancies dictates leukocyte recruitment and activation, angiogenesis, cancer cell proliferation, and metastasis in all the stages of the disease.

74. The official views of World-wide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community are the teachings of Islam, the dictates of the Holy Qur'an, the sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the teachings of the Promised Messiah (as) and al-Imam al-Mahdi (as) and his successors.

75. Mailto:Boz; Runaway Selection The Streetlight Effect Which Self Free Trade The Problem with Proximate Cause Second Order Anxiety Finding The Line Know Thyself Failure Theory Manage Your Manager The Last Bus Problem The Process Demand Side Problems Worst to First Severability Strength Dictates Weakness Data Downfalls

76. Assign <net_expression> = [drive_strength] [delay] <expression of different signals or constant value> Delay values are useful for specifying delays for gates and are used to model timing behavior in real hardware because the value dictates when the net should be Assigned with the evaluated value.

77. See: (one's) Conscience is clean (one's) Conscience is clear a clean Conscience makes a soft pillow a guilty Conscience needs no accuser be on (one's) Conscience clear Conscience, to have a Conscience does make cowards of us all Conscience money dictates of Conscience eat (away) at (someone's) Conscience have (something) on (one's) Conscience have a

78. Brownback (pictured abve) apparently disapproves of Neff for overseeing a lesbian commitment ceremony four years ago, but now the senator is getting his Comeuppance from the Church: "All churches, regardless of their theological convictions, should be concerned about the chilling effect of such an action on the ability of church members to freely practice their faith according to the dictates of …

79. Beholden to a base that, like a capricious Autocrat, will turn against them at the slightest provocation.: However, the concept of absolutism was so ingrained in Russia that the Russian Constitution of 1906 still described the Tsar as an Autocrat.: Gilbert is a perfect Autocrat, insisting that his words should be delivered, even to an inflection of the voice, as he dictates.

80. Last seen on: The Sun – Two Speed Crossword – Oct 13 2020 Random information on the term “Copyist”: An amanuensis (/əˌmænjuˈɛnsɪs/) is a person employed to write or type what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another, and also refers to a person who signs a document on behalf of another under the latter’s authority.