Use "determinant" in a sentence

1. This is a good determinant for overall strategy.

2. We saw the determinant is a1 times determinant b2, b3, c2, c3 minus a2 times something plus a3 times something.

3. Interest rates are a major determinant of currency trends.

4. The free market will remain the key determinant.

5. Hence price is a major determinant of demand.

6. Technology Modern technology is a prime determinant of economic growth.

7. 10 The free market will remain the key determinant.

8. Consumption skills are an important determinant of leisure behaviour.

9. Consumption was affected by permanence income which is determinant.

10. Social class is a major determinant of consumer spending patterns.

11. In humans, melanin is the primary determinant of skin color.

12. Adherence to therapies is a primary determinant of treatment success

13. Well, we're assuming that there's no determinant to this matrix.

14. Of course, the casualty ratio was the major determinant of success.

15. Your maximum Bid is a major determinant of your SERP ranking

16. I cannot take the inverse of a matrix with determinant zero.

17. The price of Internet access is the key determinant of usage.

18. Then I will subtract a2 times the determinant of b1, b3, c1, c3.

19. The major virulence determinant in M. ulcerans is a polyketide-derived macrolide: mycolactone.

20. However wind is a determinant factor for the blown sand and dust storm.

21. It's 1 over the determinant of a, times the adjoint of a.

22. Let me write it as determinant of a2, a3, b2, b3 times i hat minus determinant a1, a3, b1, b3, j hat plus a1, a2, b1, b2, k hat.

23. Biostratigraphy is the principal determinant of such important things as period boundaries

24. Thus income is a major determinant of the demand for a product.

25. A inverse is one over determinant of A times the adjoint matrix.

26. The main determinant of economic success is our ability to control inflation.

27. Adj(AB) is Adjoint of (AB) and det(AB) is determinant of (AB)

28. Mode of administration of pharmaceutical agents is a crucial determinant of their effectiveness.

29. Management studies Marketing is believed to be an important determinant of industrial competitiveness.

30. As a hint, I will take the determinant of another 3 by 3 matrix.

31. It should not be the sole or prime reason or determinant of a decision.

32. If you take a1 and multiply by this one- by- one determinant b2, then you take a2 and you multiply it by this one- by- one determinant b1 but you put a minus sign.

33. An Antigen contains distinct sites on its surface, which is called an epitope or Antigenic determinant

34. Interchanging two rows or two columns affects the determinant by multiplying it by −1.

35. The major determinant of acidosis is the degree of glycolic acid accumulation in the blood.

36. A more thorough analysis of this inhomogeneous differential equation leads to a modified Hill determinant.

37. The location of Cysticerci is determinant for the clinical presentation, as two different diseases occur

38. As a hint, I'll take the determinant of a very similar two by two matrix.

39. Of the three chemical senses, smell is the main determinant of a food item's flavor.

40. First, it gives us an insight into why income is an important determinant of demand.

41. In any event, the presence or absence of specific assessment criteria is not necessarily determinant merit.

42. Large farrowing compartments, increased temperature and weaning age were additional determinant factors for M. hyopneumoniae spread.

43. Explain again, sorry, was the question how a determinant equals the area of a parallelogram? OK.

44. The degree of mineralization is a determinant of bone strength: a study on human Calcanei Bone

45. 3 The sound of the resonating cavity cannot be the only determinant of the harmonic response.

46. Determinant In Japan, determinants were introduced to study elimination of variables in systems of higher-order algebraic equations.

47. For McLuhan, media is a more powerful and explicit determinant than is the more general concept of language.

48. Questions were also raised about the importance of the size of firm as a determinant of industrial performance.

49. Biomarker: [ mahr´ker ] something that identifies or that is used to identify; see also determinant

50. Reaction times corresponding to an actuation time of 0,2 seconds shall be determinant for the test.

51. And then minus 4 -- just keep switching the sign -- times the determinant of its sub matrix.

52. The lack of privacy in working-class homes, for example, was obviously a major determinant of mores.

53. For example, a household’s access to assets is often a good determinant of its vulnerability (Chambers 1989).

54. As our discussion of the corporate form implies, the need for money capital is a critical determinant.

55. It is to be observed that the determinant of A is readily found from the condensation procedure.

56. Another argument against profit sharing is that employee effectiveness is not the only determinant of profit performance.

57. Reaction times corresponding to an actuation time of 0 72 seconds shall be determinant for the test.

58. If you want to compute the area, you will just take the absolute value of the determinant.

59. Fracture stability, which can be tested by dynamic or static radiographic analysis, is a determinant of conservative treatment.

60. He classified the finite-dimensional simple Lie superalgebras, and found the Kac determinant formula for the Virasoro algebra.

61. Geographic overlap is a primary determinant of whether individual predators encounter, and thus learn to avoid, such Aposematic prey

62. In the case of vessels used exclusively for journeys involving overnight accommodation, the number of berths shall be determinant.

63. Self-Congruity may be as much a determinant of brand personality as it is a product of brand personality

64. Geographic overlap is a primary determinant of whether individual predators encounter, and thus learn to avoid, such Aposematic prey

65. The amount of dietary salt consumed is also an important determinant of blood pressure levels and overall cardiovascular risk.

66. The size of the pension fund is a major determinant of the extent to which managed funds are used.

67. Rather, the critical determinant of economic policy has been the hidden or not so hidden hand of political priorities.

68. A brief statement was made on the antigenic determinant in Penicillin, mechanism of Penicillin Hypersensitive reaction and also the reaction type.

69. The polarization of value addition within the service sector appears as the crucial determinant of increased earnings inequality of households.

70. Purchase and consumption behaviour will be as much influenced by social groups as by any other form, of behavioural determinant.

71. For all groups the main determinant of improvement in mean hearing threshold was the otoscopic presence or absence of fluid.

72. As said earlier, the location and area of the Borehole drilling in Nigeria is a huge determinant for Borehole drilling

73. The innervation mode seems to be determinant to explain the two functions of vastus medialis (knee extension and patellar alignment).

74. No one claims that advertising is the only determinant of tobacco consumption or smoking prevalence: to do so would be absurd.

75. The top team A particularly important determinant of successful executive succession is the orientation of the members of the top team.

76. 24 Purchase and consumption behaviour will be as much influenced by social groups as by any other form, of behavioural determinant.

77. Blunt abdominal trauma is most common in the polytraumatized patient and beside neurocranial trauma one major determinant of early death in these patients.

78. Ratio of phosphorylated HSP27 to nonphosphorylated HSP27 Biphasically acts as a determinant of cellular fate in gemcitabine-resistant pancreatic cancer cells

79. Chapter 3 described the web of relationships of pre-colonial societies in which kinship was the prime determinant of obligation and responsibility.

80. There has been a lot of confusion about the importance of obesity in infancy as a determinant of obesity later in life.