Use "dense" in a sentence

1. Pure gold is very dense, while silver is less dense.

2. The supervised approach enabled urban subdivision of dense and less dense housing.

3. Beetroot is nutritionally dense

4. The next category is scattered fibroglandular densities, followed by heterogeneously dense and extremely dense.

5. Dense regular Connective tissue examples

6. Is that Condense is (archaic) Condensed; compact; dense while condensate is (obsolete) made dense; Condensed

7. 19 The air is dense.

8. Bescutcheon Our atmosphere less dense

9. …a dense, compact fibre called Chromatin

10. Darkly dense roar the spreading clouds

11. He had a dense, ponderous style.

12. It smothered him like dense mist.

13. The text was dense and unreadable.

14. Are you guys being willfully dense?

15. Plant chimneys belch out dense smoke.

16. Chickweed often forms extensive, dense patches

17. Color: Very dense, Garnet, Brickish rim

18. The most Cattle-dense county is

19. 24 A dense fog lay around.

20. The sun dispelled the dense fog.

21. Dyewood is a dense Indian hardwood.

22. 8 We entered a dense forest.

23. Bugleweed is a dense, fast-growing groundcover

24. Less dense sedimentary rocks cause the opposite.

25. But whereas the mare basalts are too dense to represent the lunar mantle, the highland rocks are not dense enough.

26. 13 He had a dense, ponderous style.

27. For the dense forest has come down!

28. Are all Latins as dense as you?

29. They hacked away at the dense vegetation.

30. 28 The track led through dense forest.

31. 9 The sun dispelled the dense fog.

32. Hibiscus dense trees, like a green umbrella.

33. Pandas bed down in the dense forest.

34. Nicely chewy and dense without being stiff.

35. Camellias are dense shrubs with brilliant foliage

36. 16 Dyewood is a dense Indian hardwood.

37. 3 Plant chimneys belch out dense smoke.

38. It's also older women with dense tissue.

39. A dense fog enshrouded the mountain peaks.

40. Method for producing dense thin films by electrophoresis

41. And in the middle, it's dense, isn't it?

42. This creature's fur is short, dense and silky.

43. Feeding in open clearings, Banteng depend on dense

44. He led us on,into a dense forest.

45. We slashed our way through the dense forest.

46. She thrust her way through the dense undergrowth.

47. AFB is flexible, like dense household insulation Batts.

48. When Adhesions are dense, or restrict the … Continued

49. The temple lay deep within the dense forest.

50. Traffic slowed down because of the dense fog.

51. Ask your doctor if your mammogram indicates dense tissue. If it does, a digital mammogram may help -- it's more accurate for dense breasts.

52. Almonds are the most nutrient-dense tree nut

53. Aerogels are the world's lightest (least dense) solids

54. True frozen custard is a very dense dessert.

55. 29 They hacked their way through dense jungle.

56. 2 They hacked away at the dense vegetation.

57. The body was found hidden in dense undergrowth.

58. We fought our way through the dense vegetation.

59. A dense, evergreen Bushlet usually not exceeding 8 in

60. From over a hundred yards in a dense forest?

61. 25 We fought our way through the dense vegetation.

62. The path was completely covered by the dense foliage.

63. The road was overhung with a pretty dense canopy.

64. Baikalite is a dense, opaque variety of silica rock.

65. Afterburner can help in environments dense with wireless signals

66. The mitochondria have tubular cristae in a dense matrix.

67. 12 All around her, things were dense with color.

68. 6 The body was found hidden in dense undergrowth.

69. By 1946, the grid is the world's most dense.

70. Parts of the forest are still dense and inaccessible.

71. A narrow track wound steeply up through dense forest.

72. Baikalite is a dense, opaque variery of silica rock

73. Baikalite is a dense, opaque variery of silica rock

74. 15 Traffic slowed down because of the dense fog.

75. 1 This creature's fur is short, dense and silky.

76. 3 Railway lines criss-cross in a dense network.

77. Thick/Heavy/Dense fog has made driving conditions dangerous.

78. Corundum is very compact, dense, and lacks gemstone cleavage

79. Someone who's Beefy has a big, dense, muscular body

80. 5 Railway lines criss-cross in a dense network.