Use "demonstrations" in a sentence

1. Talk with demonstrations.

2. Talk and demonstrations.

3. Azerbaijani authories encouraged counter demonstrations.

4. Demonstrations require a prior notification.

5. Commentary on the demonstrations

6. The president's decision provoked public demonstrations.

7. The decree was greeted by further demonstrations.

8. Lectures will be interspersed with practical demonstrations.

9. Demonstrations and interviews should be rehearsed.

10. Crisscross the country attending antiwar demonstrations?

11. Officers will be tolerant of peaceful demonstrations.

12. The demonstrations were Crassly handled by the authorities.

13. Some of today's political demonstrations look rather tame.

14. The police may not interfere in lawful demonstrations.

15. The demonstrations in the capital rapidly descended into anarchy.

16. Responsibility for ordering repression of demonstrations, human rights abuses.

17. Political demonstrations and protests are common in Bangkok.

18. The demonstrations were mostly ignored by Vietnamese media.

19. The new military government has banned strikes and demonstrations.

20. The minister does not wish to provoke further demonstrations.

21. Demonstrations, films, and videotapes are shown for your edification.

22. The university had a policy that prohibited indoor demonstrations.

23. The government responded by banning all future demonstrations.

24. I also carried banners and drove loudspeaker cars at demonstrations.

25. 1 The new military government has banned strikes and demonstrations.

26. There was talk of land reform and demonstrations by peasants.

27. DC mayor Activates National Guard ahead of pro-Trump demonstrations

28. The Haganah also organized demonstrations against British immigration quotas.

29. One factor was Soviet apprehension about anti-Soviet demonstrations.

30. All the demonstrations were bloodily suppressed by government forces.

31. A wave of nationalist demonstrations convulsed the country in 19

32. Can teachers be prohibited from encouraging or participating in demonstrations?

33. 23 The police may not interfere in lawful demonstrations.

34. The scientist elucidated his theory by three simple demonstrations.

35. In 1888, he participated in demonstrations against Chinese immigration.

36. Student demonstrations developed an ugly edge of gratuitous violence.

37. The demonstrations were initiated by Canada's Central and Eastern European communities.

38. There were estimates of thousands of people participating in the demonstrations.

39. The government decided against using force to break-up the demonstrations.

40. The terrorist incidents were demonstrations staged for General Grande's benefit.

41. Student demonstrations in campuses grew in intensity following these events.

42. 4 The new military government has banned strikes and demonstrations.

43. Politics does not occur only in voting booths or demonstrations.

44. It is still not clear what events triggered off the demonstrations.

45. Check out Abyssale using informative video demonstrations, actions, triggers & much more

46. 1980 – Students in Gwangju, South Korea begin demonstrations calling for democratic reforms.

47. Italy was the scene of many demonstrations at that time.

48. Three alleged police informers were murdered in the course of the demonstrations.

49. Troops were displaying an obvious reluctance to get involved in quashing demonstrations.

50. Demonstrations were held as a gesture of solidarity with the hunger strikers.

51. As the setting for the demonstrations, show a family having a practice session.

52. There were demonstrations in more than 500 towns and villages after 17 June.

53. The protesters showed their defiance of the official ban on demonstrations.

54. 27 Officials are fearful that the demonstrations will cause new violence.

55. There were reports of demonstrations and lawlessness in some provincial towns.

56. The expos, which included demonstrations, encouraged participants to cross-train in other disciplines.

57. In the south and west, large popular assemblies and mass demonstrations took place.

58. Since 1295, the Crossbow Corps has provided demonstrations of crossbow shooting at festivals.

59. They do not resort to demonstrations and violence against those with whom they disagree.

60. These parts are presented as talks, discussions, or demonstrations, with some audience participation.

61. There will also be dog sled demonstrations and all sorts of kid's activities.

62. A new wave of pro-independence demonstrations began in earnest in late 19

63. Check out Awork using informative video demonstrations, actions, triggers & much more

64. Tiananmen Square had been the rallying point for student demonstrations since 19

65. Wushu / Kung fu Broadsword * Great for everyday practice or demonstrations €35.55 €27.61

66. Protests , of course , there had to be , and there were spontaneous demonstrations .

67. The sales engineer may conduct training sessions or demonstrations to accomplish this.

68. Their patriotic zeal developed into demonstrations originating at Beida in September 19

69. The demonstrations were provoked by the unexplained death of an opposition leader.

70. Never should we underestimate the value of demonstrations, perhaps allowing ourselves to become distracted.

71. Thursday's violence erupted after demonstrations by thousands of Serbs against Kosovo's declaration of independence.

72. There will be grand tastings, seminars and culinary demonstrations for the novice to the connoisseur.

73. Two demonstrations in support of multiparty democracy had been held on Dec. 10 and Dec.

74. Demonstrations have been held at the primate centre run by the University of California-Davis.

75. At the time of's reveal, it had only four live badges as demonstrations.

76. Over the summer months, Bibba is broadcasting a series of live apiary demonstrations

77. And if that doesn't work, the Aliterate malcontents resort to book burning demonstrations

78. 9 Four days of non-stop demonstrations have emboldened the anti-government protesters.

79. There are demonstrations and even riots in the streets because of racial injustice.

80. By June 1988, large demonstrations of students and sympathisers were a daily sight.