Use "demands" in a sentence

1. He demands an audience.

2. It demands absolute professionalism.

3. It's what nature demands.

4. Supplying demands, my friend.

5. We got some demands!

6. The demands of economic restructuring also involve demands for administrative reorganization and greater financial transparency.

7. Negotiators must now work out how to reconcile these demands with American demands for access.

8. She won't modify her demands.

9. The church demands strict loyalty.

10. Fuming, Guanghui demands a divorce.

11. My mission... demands absolute secrecy.

12. It demands strength and vitality.

13. The Queen demands your presence.

14. Their demands might be immoderate.

15. This mission demands absolute secrecy.

16. That is what Wesley demands.

17. The 1607 Parliament rejected the demands.

18. The Lord of Light demands it.

19. 26 Driving today demands lightning reflexes.

20. The new order demands absolute loyalty.

21. The crowd, though, demands his execution.

22. But no one demands such help.

23. His demands were out of bounds.

24. Their demands go beyond all reason.

25. Officials Acceded to the prisoners' demands

26. Play demands order absolute and supreme.

27. He reluctantly yielded to their demands.

28. The Bullshitter ignores these demands altogether

29. Convictional leadership demands courageous truth-telling

30. " This country demands bold, persistent experimentation.

31. 3 All weaponry demands frequent servicing.

32. PHYSICAL DEMANDS AND WORKING CONDITIONS Physical demands include: standing, lifting, carrying, walking, bending, and effectively dealing with inmate Altercations

33. He Acceded to demands for his resignation

34. We agreed to moderate our original demands.

35. Justice requires atonement, and justice demands reform.

36. It demands absolute respect for minority rights.

37. 27 She is radical in her demands.

38. He demands absolute obedience from his men.

39. They backed up their demands with threats.

40. Officials eventually Capitulated to the protesters' demands.

41. – acoustic demands on noise-barriers along railways

42. Gods or not, a debt demands repayment.

43. The only present love demands is love.

44. Deterrence of aggression also demands forward defense.

45. Officials eventually Capitulated to the protesters' demands

46. The demands are actually addressed to Turkey.

47. Justice demands that the punishment be suffered.

48. At such moments, scientific etiquette demands modesty.

49. These reports summarise the demands made on the computer system over time, and indicate how well the system met those demands.

50. Full range of Cabochons will satisfied your demands

51. Bonk demands a good eye, timing, and teamwork

52. Sometimes family demands will require your full attention.

53. We must not give way to their demands.

54. For certain crimes, justice demands the ultimate punishment.

55. It is impossible to satisfy all your demands.

56. We represented our grievances/demands to the boss.

57. The problem of Chambers demands very particular attention.

58. He hated the shrill demands of the children.

59. We are ready to Accede to your demands

60. God damn it, you haven't made any demands.

61. Their demands were still too cocky and unrealistic.

62. Her job demands a high degree of skill.

63. He doesn't seem equal to meeting our demands.

64. The rebels backed up their demands with threats.

65. Yet even you are chaffing at recent demands.

66. She made Jeff edgy with her constant demands.

67. Real news demands reality delivered factually and Comprehensibly

68. We are unable to Accede to your demands

69. She shouldn't always give in to his demands.

70. The curriculum makes great demands on the teacher.

71. He demands no financial recompense for his troubles.

72. The demands are unconscionable and impossible to meet.

73. Last year's tax demands are closing on me.

74. What does Cushy mean? Making few demands; comfortable

75. Should we give in to this terrorist's demands?

76. Disability can make extra demands on financial resources.

77. They have so many demands placed upon them.

78. His demands were getting more and more unreasonable.

79. They believed the student demands to be unjust.

80. Nijinsky was unsparing in his demands for perfection.