Use "definitely not" in a sentence

1. " definitely not on the schedule. "

2. Well, you're definitely not " running amuck. "

3. This is definitely not my Grandmother's shrimp.

4. Lau: Not any more, definitely no more.

5. This fish most definitely does not have teeth.

6. He most Assuredly [=very definitely] will not win

7. I'm definitely not gonna have my pancakes with-

8. His editorial integrity was definitely not for sale.

9. The bee is happy, and I am definitely not.

10. She was not exactly good-looking, but definitely attractive.

11. 7 She was not exactly good-looking, but definitely attractive.

12. It’s definitely worth a stop, whether or not you’re Acclimatizing

13. Zeinab, whatever else she might be, was definitely not humdrum.

14. Last but not least, it will definitely benefit the citizens.

15. This is definitely not your “one size fits all” Boudoir shoot!

16. 16 She was not exactly good-looking,[] but definitely attractive.

17. I definitely am a cool guy, but not a good guy.

18. 14 Some old people want help; others most definitely do not.

19. Beating was on the agenda, certainly, but buggery very definitely was not.

20. Enduring to the end is definitely not a do-it-yourself project.

21. The first thing to say is that Apterous is definitely not Countdown

22. 9 The girl was definitely not servile in her speech or appearance.

23. This movie, with its violent scenes, is definitely not for the meek.

24. By this point, I was definitely not going to be an employee.

25. Your parents loaning you to Lionel Luthor for medical research... definitely not real.

26. Well, not at first, but she can definitely hold her own out there.

27. Only that the deterioration of the DNA markers was most definitely not natural.

28. If I was him, I definitely would not make a play for her.

29. The Bigeye shows that while tired, the new-vintage trend is definitely not dead

30. This kind of adaptation and acculturation is definitely not unilateral aspect of ethnic groups.

31. It's definitely weird.

32. A tight schedule is definitely not the only reason Chummy quit Call the Midwife

33. Yeah, no, definitely.

34. Fair was definitely not being at the beck and call of her wayward emotions.

35. The poached blubber was definitely Cetacean in origin, but the particular species could not be identified.

36. I thought his reaction to your tiny mistake was Cray Cray—screaming was definitely not necessary.

37. Definitely the hands look way too big, and the ears, like, have not been developed yet.

38. They both wished that Gran would hide her triple portrait: Annigoni was definitely not with it.

39. I will definitely win.

40. A close look at these accounts, however, reveals that they are definitely not examples of metamorphosis.

41. It would be so even if cosmetic surgery were painless, which it most definitely is not.

42. They're definitely half sisters.

43. Definitely planted by Goldwater.

44. The insurance company will definitely not approve this so we'll have to re-admit through emergency.

45. 15 Our kind of travel is definitely not suitable for people who expect to be cosseted.

46. Whether or not it was great evidence or not is another matter but it definitely is evidence that can indicate objective Baselessness

47. For anyone to say that this has been confined to the back burner is definitely not true.

48. 8 Jehovah had definitely not tricked or deceived Jeremiah by using some crafty, underhanded scheme against him.

49. Absolutely, given that when speaking of official language minorities we most definitely must not forget Quebec Anglophones.

50. He looked definitely iffy to me, but not the sort of bad lad who carries out hits.

51. Would definitely call Bellhops again

52. So this air would definitely not support human life, but it's OK to just have a breath.

53. A dog shaking hands is not Astonishing, but a dog calling 911 for its owner definitely is.

54. Curfews and Crackdowns Definitely Will

55. It definitely reeks of terrorism.

56. This case definitely involves Bo!

57. They're definitely overworked and underpaid.

58. Definitely Min Seo Hyun's work.

59. Prophylactic antibiotics are definitely contraindicated.

60. EW: I definitely felt that.

61. The Beltways may not be new to the business, but they definitely bring something unique to the table

62. Yeah, well, this is definitely adversarial.

63. 24 I definitely need a holiday.

64. It is the world's largest defence contractor and definitely not on the brink of going out of business.

65. But that message did not definitely show the way to this survival privilege, except by righteousness in general.

66. Beastly definitely lives up to its name--it's an absolutely Beastly film--and not in a good way

67. Concave are definitely one to watch

68. Bouser is definitely a hidden gem

69. I would definitely recommend using Bonfire!

70. The store is definitely my baby.

71. Bill was definitely rock and roll.

72. Definitely more independent corroboration is necessary.

73. Certainly, definitely, clearly, obviously, probably etc

74. Yes, we Bulgarians are definitely Slavic

75. Definitely a must see to Appredicate …

76. Akinesia paradoxica was never definitely influenced.

77. 22 She's definitely got sex appeal .

78. I'm not sure if Windows is more stable and less Buggier but it definitely is much much smoother

79. 11 It is an uncontrolled shot and one which will definitely not enhance your reputation in the clubhouse!

80. They are most definitely not required to know the composition of every household in their areas before billing.