Use "definitely not" in a sentence

1. " definitely not on the schedule. "

2. Well, you're definitely not " running amuck. "

3. This is definitely not my Grandmother's shrimp.

4. I'm definitely not gonna have my pancakes with-

5. His editorial integrity was definitely not for sale.

6. The bee is happy, and I am definitely not.

7. Zeinab, whatever else she might be, was definitely not humdrum.

8. This is definitely not your “one size fits all” Boudoir shoot!

9. Enduring to the end is definitely not a do-it-yourself project.

10. The first thing to say is that Apterous is definitely not Countdown

11. 9 The girl was definitely not servile in her speech or appearance.

12. This movie, with its violent scenes, is definitely not for the meek.

13. By this point, I was definitely not going to be an employee.

14. Your parents loaning you to Lionel Luthor for medical research... definitely not real.

15. Only that the deterioration of the DNA markers was most definitely not natural.

16. The Bigeye shows that while tired, the new-vintage trend is definitely not dead

17. This kind of adaptation and acculturation is definitely not unilateral aspect of ethnic groups.

18. A tight schedule is definitely not the only reason Chummy quit Call the Midwife

19. Fair was definitely not being at the beck and call of her wayward emotions.

20. I thought his reaction to your tiny mistake was Cray Cray—screaming was definitely not necessary.

21. They both wished that Gran would hide her triple portrait: Annigoni was definitely not with it.

22. A close look at these accounts, however, reveals that they are definitely not examples of metamorphosis.

23. The insurance company will definitely not approve this so we'll have to re-admit through emergency.

24. 15 Our kind of travel is definitely not suitable for people who expect to be cosseted.

25. For anyone to say that this has been confined to the back burner is definitely not true.

26. 8 Jehovah had definitely not tricked or deceived Jeremiah by using some crafty, underhanded scheme against him.

27. So this air would definitely not support human life, but it's OK to just have a breath.

28. It is the world's largest defence contractor and definitely not on the brink of going out of business.

29. 11 It is an uncontrolled shot and one which will definitely not enhance your reputation in the clubhouse!

30. They are most definitely not required to know the composition of every household in their areas before billing.

31. 98 reviews of Bellies Babies & Bosoms "Truth be told, I have definitely not been enjoying my pregnancy

32. Pentti Haikonen (2003) considers classical rule-based computing inadequate for achieving AC: "the brain is definitely not a computer.

33. Axolotls do have specific care requirements, but they are definitely not the most difficult aquatic species to take care of.

34. Anglerfish have got an angle all right, but it's definitely not to win anyone over with their spooky good looks

35. Meat is definitely not a form of "citizenry", but Argentine beef is much more common than Argentinian beef

36. I was trying to distract people from the craziness in which we live; and definitely not point the finger at it.

37. Brokerages that have a relatively large human workforce -- but are definitely not discount brokers -- have a big opportunity waiting to be tapped

38. The only discovery which has definitely not been incorporated in the project is the dreaded tawse once used to beat the wayward.

39. Smashing Brahminical Patriarchy means smashing the inequalities in gender, religion and social fabric and is definitely not a hate-speech against Brahmins.

40. There's a myth out there that Addiction is inescapable or something that's "locked in" for life, but that's definitely not the case

41. Things that are Bawdy are a little inappropriate, intended to be funny, and definitely not the kind of things you want to say in school

42. Here is a disclaimer for you right at the beginning of this article – being called a Condescending person is definitely not a compliment for you.

43. An Ambiguously Brown character is one with a skin tone that's definitely not European, but it's not entirely clear what ethnicity they are supposed to be

44. Our kind of travel is definitely not suitable for people who expect to be Cosseted. [be VERB -ed] Synonyms: pamper, baby, pet, cosher [Irish] More Synonyms of cosset

45. If someone says that they are Buggered if they do something, they mean that they do not want to do it and they will definitely not do it

46. Careen would be roughly described as folk, but drawing on the very different backgrounds in music of an opera performer and a reggae artist its definitely not trad folk

47. Is ‘OK, boomer’ an Ageist slur? These 18 hilarious takes say definitely not Generational warfare is flaring up online, but everyone can agree this bad tweet deserved all of its mocking responses.

48. As for the story, it’s absolutely pointless, doesn’t bring that much insight into the overarching plot or the world, and is most definitely not worthy of a being published as a book.

49. Certainly not ghastly Bartoli with her thin, quivering sound and facial contortions, and definitely not Gilfry with his tight baritone pushed beyond the bounds of vocal beauty for the sake of (near) Audibility

50. There is definitely not only one viewpoint, but the most telling detail in my mind that speaks to the US being much more of an Assimilationist society than a pluralist society is the way immigrant families …

51. The Adventures of Donald McQueen, Bibliographer podcast on demand - In the ancient University town of Noxford (which is definitely not Oxford), Donald McQueen is Professor Emeritus of Bibliography and a Fellow of both Timor Mortis College and Unrewley House

52. ‘The Asphyxiation caused to cattle due to inadvertent consumption of plastics was also showcased.’ ‘Asphyxiation by gas is definitely not to be found among them.’ ‘In large quantities, the gas could cause Asphyxiation.’ ‘In early 2001, he began surfing the Internet for information on strangulation and Asphyxiation.’

53. “abbotabad pakistan hot girls sexy dance pashto song”, the next clip in, is probably not from Abbottabad, where Osama bin Laden was killed; the “hot girl” in the video probably isn’t Pakistani and her gyrations are definitely not to the beat of the Pashto song amateurishly overlaid on the video.

54. Aftercare is definitely not sneaking out in the morning (or the middle of the night) sans goodbye, acting aloof or embarrassed about your romp in the sheets together, not acknowledging that you just banged, or objectifying this person and treating them like a convenient collection of body parts you just got off to

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56. Despite the fact that I wanted to talk more about forensic laboratories, Mr President, I would like to say in conclusion that it is definitely not my ambition to inflate the importance of the European Parliament, but I consider it absolutely unprecedented that no representative of the Council was able to find the time to come here and listen to our views.

57. Definitely not a stock for the risk Averse, Amvescap is one of the most attractive in the British market.: Even so, I wouldn't be Averse to a little greying at the sides, giving me a certain distinguished appearance.: Some will be risk Averse, others close to retirement and unwilling to jeopardise their futures.: They aren't Averse to laughing at our clumsiness, stumbling over vines and